List of Vanessa combos for vf5fs

Discussion in 'Vanessa' started by Solidus51, Jun 7, 2012.

  1. Solidus51

    Solidus51 New Member

    Hi guys I'm new to Vanessa and I'm looking for an up to date combo guide for Vanessa in vf5fs Thanks
  2. Solidus51

    Solidus51 New Member

    Wow 18 views and no help at all [​IMG]
  3. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    I just saw this, I guess I will have to do this if too. Here are some simple ones (not max damage) off the top of my head (haven`t played Vanessa at all for the past 3 months... technically since February of last year) [​IMG]

    [4][P] CH
    Wall hit [6][6][K]+[G] wall splat combo here

    [3][P]+[K]/BT [P]+[K]?/[P]+[K][P] CH
    [2][P]+[K] [4][P]+[K] [6][P][K][K]
    [2][P]+[K] [4][P]+[K] [6][P][3][K]
    [2][P]+[K] [4][P]+[K] [P][P][K]
    [2][P]+[K] [4][P]+[K] [P][K]
    [2][P]+[K] [4][P]+[K] [K][K]
    [2][P]+[K] [6][P][K][K] Taka

    [6_][P] [6][P][K][K]
    [6_][P] [6][P][3][K]

    [4][P]+[K] (counter)
    [P] [6][P][K][K]

    [4][6][P]+[K] (sabaki)
    [P] [6][P][K][K]

    [P] [6][P][K][K]

    [2][P] [K][K]
    [2][P] [4][P]+[K] [K][K]

    [1][P]+[K] CH
    [2][P] [K][K]


    Downed attack

    Lazy Stance [P]+[K] sabaki success

    Side crumple
    [2][P]+[K] [4][P]+[K] [6][P][K][K]

    OS (don@t remember much at all right now)

    [P][3][P] ch/[4][4][K]+[G]/[3][P]/IS (intruder stance) [P] CH
    Just do [2][K][P][P]/[2][K][P][K]

    [P] [6][P][P][K]
    [P] [2][P]+[K] [3][K][K]

    [P] [2][P]+[K] [3][K][K]
    [K][P][6] IS[K] [3][K][K]

    [6][6][K] CH

    [6][P][P][K] or something

    [P] [6][P][P][K]

    I`m missing a few launchers, and explanations, and such but I am pressed for time. Have fun with these, for now. Hopefully I can get my PSN account to recognize my credit card soon so I can do as must research as possible (while not sandbagging).
  4. Van_fan

    Van_fan Member

  5. deliciousjay

    deliciousjay New Member

    Yeah that video is great, some of the parts in japanese though i (obviously) dont understand though.
  6. Van_fan

    Van_fan Member

    There really isn't anything in-depth with the Japanese. Just follow the notations and you'll be fine. The only crucial bits that are in Japanese are the moves that are displayed in Kanji or whether combos are open stance or closed stance, but if you watch the videos closely you'll be able to catch all of that.
  7. Solidus51

    Solidus51 New Member

    Its still hard to tell what it means specially to beginners
  8. themightyikari

    themightyikari New Member

    Thanks for the slick video !! I will be in the lab tonight
  9. Fede

    Fede New Member

    Dose anyone have Wall splat combos they do in DS?

    BLACKLAC Well-Known Member

    DS: High wall splat, 4P+K, 2P+K, 6P3K, KK.

    OS: High wall splat, 1K+G, 66P, P, 2P+K, 3KK.
  11. Ribx

    Ribx Well-Known Member

    I could try translating his blog, but I'm a very slow translator, and I'm quite positive someone else would do that much better (I used to translate patch notes for SF4).

    I could understand his combo video perfectly well, though =|

    He listed Open/Closed/Both stances, and also which characters it worked on.

    For the most part, that was it.

    Anyway, I sent him a message asking for the original Combo Video text. It's easier for me to translate it that way. I can copy paste the kanji on the dictionary faster than I count strokes and look for radicals, ahah.

    I'll work on it in my free time.
  12. Sithlord

    Sithlord Well-Known Member

  13. iamthedave

    iamthedave Member

    What different ways can you trigger a wall combo in OS? The only option she seems to have is 66P. 1P seems to cause a tiny stagger and doesn't give the room for the follow up 66K+G or other splattiness.
  14. Ribx

    Ribx Well-Known Member

    It's based on damage. Moves upwards of a certain damage (was it 21 and above? Not sure if it changed), cause wall staggers when the opponent's foot faulters and they almost fall then get back up.

    Being that way, check her command list for moves above that damage treshold, and you got your wall combo starters.

    I also listed a few wall combo starters with the wall to your sides in the combo thread for both stances.
  15. iamthedave

    iamthedave Member

    Is there anything out of 41236 P (2) out of OS? It looks like an opening for a small combo of some variety.
  16. Chinsilver

    Chinsilver Well-Known Member

    For 41236 it there are 2 variations, fastest input which gives no combo opportunity (i think) and maximum charge tap down which leads to a stomach crumple.

    For now ive found a few combos that work after the stomach crumple:

    1. 2p>6ppk
    2. 2p>3kpk
    3. 2p>3kk
    4. 2p>66kk

    however, most of these work on lightweights and superlightweights so for them to work on heavier characters just skip 2p and go straight for the combo ender.

    Not sure about Taka, most wont work on him but you can try it out.
    They are also not foot specific if you're not great at watching out for that.

    Hope this helps.
  17. iamthedave

    iamthedave Member

    No I meant the low-hitting version where you hold 2 at max charge. Though the same combos might still work.

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