Little Anti-Lei Fei thing

Discussion in 'Lei' started by GaijinPunch, Jun 22, 2003.

  1. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I learned this from pure coincidence and laziness. Not sure if it's been brought up here before.

    A favorite amongst Lei Fei's (my friends anyway) is instead of the classic/Ver. C
    IN->[2][K][K][2][P]+[K]+[G][P][P]+[K][9][K]+[G] (which is nice guaranteed damage), a less-damage-but-frame-advantage setup is desired. That would be:
    IN->[2][K][P][P] -> which takes you to the IN stance again, and the two punches ARE guaranteed if the [2][K] hits. The result - not near as much damage, but the potential damage depending on what YOU do is much greater.

    Now, the tricky part. You've got two options if the
    [2][K] hits you. Anticpating the first string, you'd definitely want to struggle out of it, as you *MIGHT* be able to block the oncoming kick - if not, you're toast. If you do struggle out of it, and he comes w/ the 2nd string, the two punches definitely hit, you're at a frame disadvantage, and Lei is in the IN stance. Here's what you can do
    1: Attack (the punch might be reversed, or you can kick)
    2: Ddoge - this is likely what he's anticipating. YOu dodge (too early in most cases) and you get a [K]+[G] which knocks you down, and you're in the same situation (again) minus a lot of life.
    3: Throw - not recommended unless he gets out of the IN stance and tries to throw you.

    Now, how do you get out of this? Instead of struggling after the [2][K] hits you, just don't struggle. If he goes with the "[P][P] setup" instead of the gauranteed damage (which is hard to struggle out of anyway) it'll just knock you down.

    I really pissed off a friend of mine w/ this the other day. He tried it like 3 times - a move he used to slaughter me with.
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [ QUOTE ]
    GaijinPunch said:

    Now, how do you get out of this? Instead of struggling after the [2][K] hits you, just don't struggle. If he goes with the "[P][P] setup" instead of the gauranteed damage (which is hard to struggle out of anyway) it'll just knock you down.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The idea of not struggling sounds risky to me. I just checked the frame stats and it appears that Lei's IN [P] (18fr) is actually slower than IN [K] (15fr), but that's according to Ver.A data. So, if you can struggle in time to block the [K] then you should be able to block the [P], no? Well, I tried it in training mode and I could not struggle to block the [P] at all, yet blocking the [K] was easy. So either the IN [P] was made faster in Ver.B or something strange is happening here.

    In any case, it's a great flow for Lei users to pick up.
  3. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    That is a weird thing... indeed.... and nice to know if you play as leifei...... but sucks if you don't play as leifei...

  4. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Well, I have no doubt that IN [P] is slower than IN [K] -- but I'm not talking about IN [P]. IN[2][K] goes to that other stance (not DS, not IN, but the other - forgot the name). It's effectively the same as doing [2][P]+[K]+[G][P][P] which takes you back to IN.

    It's not risky if you know it's coming. I see more and more people going for the set up for the potential rock the house damage as opposed to the guaranteed average (for Lei Fei) damage (which is still quite high).
  5. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    I think you are talking about Lei's "Defeat Stance" [P][P]. The first punch is 10f, and its almost impossible to block it after [IN] [2][K].
  6. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Sounds about right --- even if you block the IN[2][K] you really have to get something off pretty quick. A low sweep will usually not work. I know Lion's [2][K]+[G] won't, and likely Aoi's, Vanessa, etc.
  7. Cupcake_Desu

    Cupcake_Desu Well-Known Member

    one thing i hate with lei fei is his flying punch where he zooms across the screen and punchs you. And alot people abuse this move as it still screw s u even when blocking. But i have found a way to stop this. Just use a reversal or inashi for middle attacks and it eats the punch eveytime.
  8. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Interesting i didnt know that u could reversal that move.
  9. MrUmenokouji

    MrUmenokouji Well-Known Member

    But wouldn't he have to be CHARGING the flying fist or whatever it is called? I mean, I've never seen it coming, when it's simply brought out regularly. Unlike a lot of Lei's moves which you can recognize a mile away (getting out of the way of them's another story), the lunging punch doesn't have a lot of telltale reversal signs on it.
  10. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Like a charge attacks, it can be charged or uncharged. Uncharged is very hard to reverse, as it's hard to see coming. If it's a full charged one, you can easily reverse it with:
    Aoi, Pai, Jacky, Kage, Vanessa, Akira. I actually caught this with Shun's [4][P]+[K] not too long ago.

    I wouldn't recommend trying a sabaki. All reversals in the game have the same execution and recovery time. Sabaki's, however, are different, so you'd need to know the window like the back of your hand to pull it off.

    The most common is to dodge it, and then either throw or punish, depending on how charged up the attack was and how far away he lands.
  11. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Or simply stay in neutral if you are in DS with Vanessa, kindah humiliating /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif It will make them think twice before going for this move again. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  12. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    You'll find that about once a match. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif If it's fully charged... it's about the easiest reversal in the game, so I usually go for the guaranteed damage.
  13. Cupcake_Desu

    Cupcake_Desu Well-Known Member

    you can see it coming even if its uncharged as he goes into some kind of low stance with his back turned, ive come across this move alot of times so most of the time i can tell when its coming at me.
  14. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    If you're quick enough to see it coming, uncharged, and reverse/inashi it -- then there are much better uses for you in this world...

    In other words... you can't. When it's uncharged, it can come out of any stance, if you go into it first.
    COmmand would be:
    [2][P]+[K]+[G][P]+[K] of course it doesn't go near as far...

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