LIVE GATHERING Fight Yosuke on Live (This Friday)

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Chanchai, Nov 22, 2007.

  1. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    When: Friday November 23rd, 2007 @ 10:30pm PST (1:30am EST)

    What: An online VF Gathering with special guest: Yosuke. While Yosuke is the special guest, this should be approached as a community event where more VFDCers get to play one another and meet.

    Who is Yosuke: Yosuke is arguably the top player in North America. He's from Japan and has competed in some of the top Virtua Fighter tournaments there during the VF4:FT days. He placed 3rd at Evo World this year, behind Itazan (his good friend) and Ohnuki (one of his rivals from the VF4:FT days)--both from Japan. This online gathering is meant to be fun and a good chance to meet other players, but also to play Yosuke since he doesn't usually have online access to Live.

    It should be noted that he will probably miss combos and setups involving Jacky's Iaigeri because Yosuke is used to visually frame-checking that attack (it's like a Just Frame in Tekken)... It's insane frame-checking a just-frame visually, but he does... But anyways, I will say that while he'll probably miss these online because of how VF works around lag for that attack, in real life he never misses this attack and it's scary... But it's not a big deal, his fundamentals are ridiculous and so many can learn a lot from playing him.

    He also loves KOF '98, but admits he isn't all that at the game when compared to the Japanese level of play.

    How: Post here and organize. I need your gamertag (even if I have it already, post it) and I need constant communication here so we can settle on a communication medium for all of us on the night of the event. Live is too 1-to-1 to coordinate it on that.

    We need a place to chat as a group when the event happens. For overall accessibility and portability, I am considering doing gmail chat (if you have a gmail account, you should be able to participate) or IRC. IRC is awesome, but the only problem I have with it is that it can take awhile for new users to get the hang of. I love the shoutbox, but it's too limited.

    I recommend adding to your GoogleTalk buddy list. If you have a gmail account, you can use GoogleTalk which is located at:

    You do not need to download the client to use GoogleTalk. I am planning on using GoogleTalk because it's relatively safe (as opposed to getting virus-loaded zip files sent to everyone on MSN Messenger), and it is accessible (IRC is awesome, but it's a pain telling everyone how to use IRC).

    What is this really: An extension of a Portland VF Gathering, featuring Yosuke. We will have one dedicated online station which will feature Yosuke and some players from Portland.

    <u>Roster - Format: Name (Live GamerTag)</u>
    Chanchai (Saint Chanchai)
    Yosuke (will probably be using Saint Chanchai or Versis Live)
    Denkai (Black Bauer CTU)
    LA Akira (L A Akira)
    SweepTheLeg (Sweep VFDC)
    Frankdadank (Frankdadank1)
    BLACK L A C (BLACK L A C ???)
    Solfizz (Solfizz)
    Neo Beast (DarkCatalyst)
    YuuKun (yuukunUK)
    Dessico (Dessico)
    Chibiaya (Chibiaya)
  2. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

    Re: Fight Yosuke on Live (Friday November 23rd, 2007)

    Awesome idea Chanchai, I'll be e-there. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    Tag: Sweep VFDC
  3. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: Fight Yosuke on Live (Friday November 23rd, 20

    Do you think we should keep the communication on g-mail? I'm using a work computer there, so I will probably use gmail chat for hopefully secure reasons. If you have a gmail account (even a fake one you're using just for this), post it up so I can add you.

    My gmail account is:

    Here's a link to GoogleTalk which has Group Chat:

    I am using the offline client right now.

    I'll test its group chat features today, so please jump in and see if that works out. If not, we'll at least have time to find something better tonight.

  4. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

    Re: Fight Yosuke on Live (Friday November 23rd, 20

    I have a gmail account and use the chat feature regularly for work -- it has always been very satisfactory. I think it'll work great.
  5. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: Fight Yosuke on Live (Friday November 23rd, 20

    would you be able to login on GoogleTalk? I'm going to run a group chat on it randomly throughout the day (I'll leave it on all day) to test it out.

    Thanks man!

    Also, spread the word ^_^ This is an ONLINE GATHERING /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

  6. Frankdadank

    Frankdadank Member

    Re: Fight Yosuke on Live (Friday November 23rd, 20

    I should be there for this. well online anyway.

    Frankdadank (GT Frankdadank1)

    BLACKLAC Well-Known Member

    Re: Fight Yosuke on Live (Friday November 23rd, 20

    I want in

    would be good experience

  8. Neobeast

    Neobeast Well-Known Member

    Re: Fight Yosuke on Live (Friday November 23rd, 20

    I'll try to make it.

    BTW, is Yosuke going to be a Live regular or is this a one-shot deal?
  9. solfizz

    solfizz Well-Known Member

    Re: Fight Yosuke on Live (Friday November 23rd, 20

    Most likely I'll be able to attend. I use gmail chat: You can reach me at

    My LIVE tag is also solfizz

    This is great stuff Chanchai!
  10. YuuKun

    YuuKun Well-Known Member

    Re: Fight Yosuke on Live (Friday November 23rd, 20

    i would love to do this as well, although i can't access my gmail account when my xbox is accessing my broadband line. possible to communicate via 360's email box? if so, add me in.

    gamertag: yuukunUK
  11. Dessico

    Dessico Active Member

    Re: Fight Yosuke on Live (Friday November 23rd, 20

    I'll try and make it as well. I'll have to set up a new gmail account tonight.

    GamerTag: Dessico
  12. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: Fight Yosuke on Live (Friday November 23rd, 20

    Yosuke might get himself a 360 with an X-Box Live Gold account in February or so. At the moment, he has access to a 360 (his current dorm), but no online access for that 360.

    That said, there's no telling where he's really going to be in February... so no idea what his connection will be like.
  13. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    Re: Fight Yosuke on Live (Friday November 23rd, 20

    awesome! ill be there... or try to be
  14. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Re: Fight Yosuke on Live (Friday November 23rd, 20

    Is Yosuke "arguably" the best player living in NA? Who would be arguing? He has beaten me hundreds to like maybe ten and I am decent for NA (not that that says much). Yosuke is scary.
  15. Dovieandi

    Dovieandi Active Member

    Re: Fight Yosuke on Live (Friday November 23rd, 20

    I'd really like to get the chance to play some VFDC guys. Gmail account is
  16. Dovieandi

    Dovieandi Active Member

    Re: Fight Yosuke on Live (Friday November 23rd, 20

    So... what's up? This happening?
  17. Dessico

    Dessico Active Member

    Re: Fight Yosuke on Live (Friday November 23rd, 20

    Alright, if it is happening, I went ahead and set up my gmail account,
  18. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: Fight Yosuke on Live (Friday November 23rd, 20

    google chatroom is open, just send an invite to

    you can use a web launcher at

    Yosuke's battling denkai a bit at the moment in some fun casual matches. I plan to set him up with Dessico soon.
  19. Shidosha

    Shidosha Well-Known Member

    Ur Not Shidosha
    Re: Fight Yosuke on Live (Friday November 23rd, 20

    im interested in this...
  20. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: Fight Yosuke on Live (Friday November 23rd, 20

    Up next will either be konjou akira, LA Akira, or dovieandi

    dessico vs. yosuke was fun though.

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