Long Combos

Discussion in 'Pai' started by nanashi, Jun 19, 2012.

  1. nanashi

    nanashi Active Member

    What are the longest combos you use?
    So far I haven't found anything great and mostly rely on 4 or 5 hit strings such as:

    [6] [P]+ [G], [6] [K], [P], [2] [K]
    [1] [P], [P] [P] [K] [K]
  2. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    my xbox is off and staying off for the near future so I can't help with damages or weight class at the moment.

    so here are some videos! more to come as I (or others) find them.

    This one starts with "normal" floats and instead of finishing them the player elects to up the damage by counting on an opponent's tech roll. interesting stuff though.

    if you love backturned shenanigans you might enjoy this combo video based on the BT [7][K]

    mostly standard combos here with some Hakkeshou flash at the end
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  3. nanashi

    nanashi Active Member

    Awesome thanks man! I try to use that 79pt/8 hit one whenever I can now lol

    I also came up with another "combo" though it's hard to get the first two hits locked in, at least for me:

    [4] [4] [P], [9] [K], [K], [P] [P] [K] [K] ~7 hits/75pts dmg

    it contains some of that backwards shenanigans

    Also my original post contains a mistake, it's supposed to be a forward [P] + [K] at the beginning, not a throw.
  4. Darrius_Cole

    Darrius_Cole Well-Known Member

    Darrius Cole HD
    I don't think that what you are posting are combos.

    A "combo" means that once the first attack lands all the later attacks are guaranteed to connect if you do them fast enough.
  5. nanashi

    nanashi Active Member

    These two are guaranteed after 1st hit connects, the last one I posted isn't until the second hit connects but I said it was iffy.
  6. GoTigers9999

    GoTigers9999 Well-Known Member

    I've been able to do up to 108 dmg 9 hit juggles but sadly they can be easily teched... I wish some of her bigger combos were guaranteed like Goh's etc..
  7. Allan_Paris

    Allan_Paris New Member

    These are some juggles that I found with Pai. They were all done on normal hit (with the exception of Pai's [​IMG] [3] P) , that's what the damage is based off of. Of course the damage will scale up with all of them on Counter Hit. To me that's where she gets good damage in.

    I am a DOA player and I know this game works with weight classes as well. However, I do not know exactly what they are in VF. So excuse me if I have the two characters labeled under the wrong category. I was too tired to do Light Weight, I was up lat with this. I will up date this post later today with those juggles.

    I am also putting together some wall juggles, I haven't spent too much time with them. But I have a good start for some. I just have to flush them out more.

    *Note: Any juggle that starts with Punch (P,) or Kick (K,) and then followed by a string. I Guard Canceled to do it, I believe that's what's it called in VF. In DOA it's called "Free" Canceling. Sorry that I didn't list it in the juggles. I am still learning the terminology for this game.

    Kage (Mid Weight)

    1P(Launcher): PPP7K(or 4K)*Dash forward, 9KK 65 Damage

    P,6KPk 64 Damage

    P,6KP2K 60 Damage

    P,2P,(raising from crouching)P+KP 60 Damage

    K(Launcher): 6KPK 58 Damage

    6KP2K 54 Damage

    PP4PK 54 Damage

    [​IMG][3] P(CH Launch): P,46K,6K+G,9KK 86 Damage

    K,PP4PK 76 Damage

    K,PPKK 75 Damage

    PPP7K(or 4K)*Dash forward, 9KK 75 Damage

    66KP: P,3KPP 73 Damage

    PP4PK 70 Damage

    3K+G(Launcher): 3PPPK 64 Damage

    3PPP2K 60 Damage

    3P(Charged K): PPP7K(or 4K)*Dash forward, 9KK 83 Damage

    P,6KPK 82 Damage

    P,6KP2K 78 Damage

    Wolf and Jeffery (Heavy Weight)

    46P+K(Crumple): 6KPK 58 Damage

    PP4PK 57 Damage

    PPKK 56 Damage

    1P(Launcher): PPP7K(or 4K)*Dash forward, 9KK 65 Damage

    6KPK 58 Damage

    P,PPKK 56 Damage

    6KP2K 54 Damage

    K(Launcher): 9KK 45 Damage

    3P(Charged K): PPP7K(or 4K)*Dash forward, 9KK 83 Damage

    P,6KPK 82 Damage

    P,6KP2K 78 Damage

    P,PP4PK 75 Damage

    66KP: PP4PK 70 Damage

    [​IMG][3] P(CH Launch): PPP7K(or 4K)*Dash forward, 9KK 75 Damage

    P,2P,(raising from crouching)P+KP 70 Damage

    PPPK 69 Damage

    3K+G(Launcher): 3PPPK 64 Damage

    3PPP2K 60 Damage
  8. BogusMeatFactory

    BogusMeatFactory Well-Known Member

    My combos tend to be variations of the same juggle, since I am new. I tend to do 3p,p,6p (Launched) 6k+g, 2p, WS P+K, p

    and then of course I do other launchers like k and 3K+G and the like, following up with that juggle combo. It works well, but if you go too slow into the juggle they can get out of it, but if you are on the ball it is guaranteed.
  9. Shinzu921

    Shinzu921 Active Member

    Nice videos, God Eater, thanks.
  10. Sithlord

    Sithlord Well-Known Member

    My Pai combos:

    BobbyVF likes this.
  11. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    The video is great but how many of those combos are character or weight class specific. I prefer to use combos that are universal combos for the most part even though I will play around with the combos that are specific once in a while.

    Great work sithlord by the way
  12. Sithlord

    Sithlord Well-Known Member

    Most are light weight. Most of my combos are just for show, and potential into the character, the game's system, and some other stuff. =)
  13. AzureWanderings

    AzureWanderings Active Member

    Hey guys. Here's a video that I uploaded recently. I feel kinda embarrassed posting this here because I finished it shortly after sithlord's video which was amazing and more thorough. But I figured it might be useful for newer players like myself or at least spark some ideas.

  14. Sithlord

    Sithlord Well-Known Member

    @AzureWanderings: You should never feel embarrassed for posting up your work. If you're work is intended for newer players (or just people new to the character) then just put a lil' note in the video or in the video's description on youube. This way, viewers know your intentions and your target audience.

    Combo videos are not competitions...or at least, not to me.

    Combo @1:09 was great. You had several ideas I hadn't thought of. =)
  15. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    nothing to be embarassed about here. those combos were great.
    BobbyVF likes this.
  16. AzureWanderings

    AzureWanderings Active Member

    Thanks for the compliments guys. =D I tried my best to make it not look so repetitive.

    @Sithlord: Yeah @1:09 being able to get that kind of damage off a low is nice. I agree, combo videos aren't competitions unless you specifically submit them as an entry for one. I'm just happy to know I had something different to bring to the table.

    @2:01 is one of my other favorites since I kinda found it on accident. It works on Jeffrey as well but closed stance is required against both characters. The damage is much better than the universal 9KK that you have to settle for on everyone else.

    Exploring side stun combos was probably the most fun part about the project overall.
  17. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    pai have cool combos options for example 2_3P+K,P,6KP4K dash,3P(K charge) if opponent get recovery after 3P u have the chance to succeed with the K(charge) even opponent guard after recovery(staggering with guard)and reset new combo..cool option..
  18. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    some nice combos:
    test against blaze

    1. [2_][3][P][+][K] -> [4][6][K][+][G] -> [2_][4][P] -> [3][K][P][P]
    2. [3][K][+][G] ->[2][P][+][K] -> [P] -> [P][+][K] -> WS [P][+][K][P]
    3. [3][K][+][G] ->[2_][4][P] -> [P] -> [P][+][K] -> WS [P][+][K][P]
    4. [3][K][+][G] -> WS [P][+][K] -> backturn [P] ->[3][K][P][P]

    test against sarah(should work against light weights but not tested against them yet)

    1. [3][K][+][G] -> [2][3][3][P][+][K] -> [P] -> [P][+][K] -> WS [P][+][K][P]

    test against jean

    1. [3][3][P][+][G] -> backturn [K] ->[3][P][P][6][P] -> [9][K][K]

    CH Sideturn [4][6][6][P][+][K]
    test against lion (should work against all light weights but not tested yet against them) .

    [4][6][6][P][+][K] -> [4][6][K][+][G] -> [2_][3][P][+][K] -> [P] -> WS [P][+][K][P] 105 damage

    amazing combo against Vanessa (only)
    [6][6][K][P] -> [2_][3][P][+][K] -> [P] -> [P][+][K] -> WS [P][+][K][P] with CH 104 Damage
    normal hit 94 Damage
  19. Vencabot

    Vencabot Well-Known Member

    The videos in this thread blew my mind. There's so much to learn... I'm so fixated on learning basics that I'm nowhere near opening up to playing with combos, but it looks like there's a whole world of damage to open up once you get into them. Incredible.

    Thanks, Azure and Sithlord, for the awesome and inspirational videos. Also, you know, to those Japanese dudes, whoever they are. That back-turned cartwheel is definitely something that I want to try more.

  20. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Really enjoyed the video one of the things I enjoy most about pai is her overall creativity with her combos
    Pai~Chun likes this.

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