Looking for a sparring partner? Post in here.

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by IkariWarriorKH, Jan 16, 2008.

  1. I admit I'm not the greatest at the game. And playing online can be disheartening, especially with the amount of trash talking that goes on, the cable pullers, and the people who give you negative rep for winning against them.

    I'd personally just like to find some people who like to play just for the enjoyment of the game itself, without all the damn garbage.

    If anyone feels like playing some friendly matches sometime, hit me up on live, my tag is IkariKH. Just let me know who you are/that you're from here so I don't think you're some random looney trying to get on my friends list.

    Anyway, thanks for your time and take care. Best of luck to all in their matches.
  2. KowtowRobinson

    KowtowRobinson Well-Known Member

    I'll play some with you if you want, GT is KowtowRobinson. Send me a request whenever.
  3. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I am always up for a friendly match as long as the other person has some idea how to use their character. I don't mind playing against noobs to help them in their training but I am alway up for good match regardless of the character.
  4. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    If I am online I am happy to play with anytime. Look me up

    GT: Mecha Shiva X
  5. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Recently Me, Dabadseed and Yesmaster1 had a good ass Texas Hold'em game going for atleast 3 hours and it looks like it will officially be the relaxing game of choice. There's nothing better than going over notes,Chatting and commenting on other VFDC'er giving props on their skills while taking Yesmaster1's money. Basically since VF5 has no lobby like the DOA4 system its a good way to relax after a long hard day of defending your rank. Soon im going to set a poker tournament for all of us VFDC'er that have the Xbox live arcade Texas Hold'em game (Assuming you got it when it was a free download.). Send me a invite of just post here if you interested in playing some poker from time to time. It felt playing poker against Dabadseed and Yesmaster1 while Cracking jokes and having fun.

    Hope to see you at the round Table someday. ALL IN!!!!!
  6. AG1022

    AG1022 Member

    Yo what's up everyone, some of you might recognize my name for XBL, I finally signed up here, just wondering if anyone is up for any games, just trying to work on different aspects of my game with my main characters, mainly patience, seeing as anyone who is above average and a good turtle seem to wreck me everytime. Uh, maybe this is a pretty silly thread, if so sorry in advance, but hit me up anyone who is interested, always love fighting new people with unique style.
  7. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Welcome to VFDC.

    It'd be helpful if you mentioned where you were located, so that people with a good connection to you may actually consider replying. Better yet, introduce yourself in one of the region Gamer Tag threads closest to your area.

    You can find quick links to the Gamer Tag threads in the header of this forum.
  8. AG1022

    AG1022 Member

    Glad to be here, thanks, I'll do just that, thanks for the advice.
  9. (AG1022) I'll def play with you, when i get my xbox back.....The last set of games we play were mad fun. You have alot of potential.
  10. Zslash

    Zslash Member

    Im down, see you this evening
  11. mlp715

    mlp715 Well-Known Member

    i will definetly be up 4 a match or 2 im not that good but i have some skill im 1stdan online not that it means much im basically looking 2 improve i use shun
  12. HSJM

    HSJM New Member

    ill play a couple of matches with you.im pretty new though ive only had the game about a week...but i used to play number 2 all the time on saturn.
  13. AG1022

    AG1022 Member

    Sorry to everyone, been off and on VFonline recently, but I'm def. on tonight for anyone who is up for some friendly matches and all styles and fighters welcome, (Technical and Open-Endend, Turtles and Pitbulls, Dogs and Cats whatever)
  14. HSJM

    HSJM New Member

    im pretty new
    i could use a good training partner

    and im on quite a bit
  15. pleportamee

    pleportamee Well-Known Member

    My GT is Pleportamee...hit me up.
  16. ethan1341

    ethan1341 Member

    new to the game

    gamertag askeetskeet thanks post if u do and il sign on
  17. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    y0, There's a new starter thread and numerous other threads where you could have posted this...

    Anyways, what stuff you need help with? I can try and help, add me and i'll message you.
  18. stormdragon72

    stormdragon72 Member

    Ditto i love a good match practice makes perfect i think ima decent player now great but ok look me up
  19. EeHoN_WIN

    EeHoN_WIN Member

    Does anyone mind kickin my ass until I get better with this guy, lol. It's becoming frustrating, esp. being that I don't really have anyone to practice with. Most live players that Ive encountered will only rematch me if I win, but if they're the victor, they often disconnect from me. So if anyone has the patience... holla at me. XBL gt: Ol SKEWL
  20. alibaba00

    alibaba00 New Member

    I'm new to the game, lookin to to get better, so whoever wants to play and teach me some things its cool, GT: Alibaba00

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