Looking for sparring partner.

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Sorel, Apr 3, 2012.

  1. Sorel

    Sorel Member

    My internet connection is fairly bad at the moment so I think it would only be playable with someone from North America.

    I think I'm looking for someone who has read the system page and had a few days of practice in quest mode, Expert difficuly.
    I played for a few months, 2 years ago, primarily with Sarah.
    I had time to forget nearly everything, and I'm now playing Pai, so I'm basically starting again from scratch.

    I'm starting this thread in hopes that someone from NA is interested in getting some basics in anticipation for VF5:FS.

    ...Also because I'm too cowardly to fight the guys who have been playing for years.

    My XBL name is on the left.
  2. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Not sure what you mean by fairly bad connection, you might want to try directly reaching out to some of the recent players to see if you have a good connection.

    Best of luck.
  3. Sorel

    Sorel Member

    In other fighting games, I can't participate in lobbies because I get disconnected if there's more than one other player there.
    Another problem that is more relevant here is that SC5 supposedly has a great network code, almost flawless, yet for me, it's average, what you would expect from any game.

    ...But well, since it seems that nearly everyone here is from the UK, I agree that I should at least try it with people.
  4. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    There are a decent amount of EU players on here. A lot of the USA players are spread out across the country, with concentrated pockets of strong local players. If you stick with players near your location you might be alright, but upgrading your internet is always the easiest thing. (not always cheap though)
  5. Plume

    Plume Well-Known Member

    Just in case that someone finds this thread later and thinks of adding me, for the moment I pretty much gave up. One person added me from this thread and the connection is okay enough with him, but I joined two other random people and the lag was terrible even though it displayed full bars.
    I do plan on switching ISP soon enough, but for now there's just no point. It's worse than I expected when I started this thread.
  6. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Are you playing by wired broadband connection? Making sure no one is downloading something in the background? I am interested in this since I will be running online events for VF5FS. Thanks
  7. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Sounds like you have to open you nat on the router.
  8. Plume

    Plume Well-Known Member

    I doubt the following info will be of any use, but still...

    I'm using wired and nobody else has access to the connection.

    I know of two possible reasons for my problems.
    1) The ISP might be very bad for me because it's an indie ISP located in another province, and whenever I do stuff through internet, it thinks that I am located in that province. So it seems everything I do has to go through there first.
    Additionally it's a DSL line, and I have read somewhere that the further you are from the ISP, the slower the connection will get... And that it's less apparent with cable modems.

    2)It's possible that the ISP is fine, and that the problem comes from my modem, which I bought from them.
    They didn't offer to let me test with another modem for free.
    I might still opt for buying a second-hand modem, but it still wouldn't be as smooth as a cable connection, which usually costs almost the same thing for the same speed.

    NAT, ports, DMZ, I tried everything of the sort. It's not something typical like that. It's either my weird modem or my weird ISP, and I pretty much know what my options are from here. I just need to get off my butt and decide how much I want to pay.
  9. VF2011

    VF2011 Well-Known Member

    Plume, who is your isp?

    I use teksavvy which is a pretty small isp in Canada and their speeds are very good. Regardless of your isp you're still using either Bell or Rogers cables which are good.

    Problem is that since they control all the cables they also keep everyone's upload speeds at 1 mb max which sucks and can also mess up your connection.

    Also, if for some reason you're being registered as being in another province that can cause slow down. Contact your isp and get them to clear that up.
  10. Plume

    Plume Well-Known Member

    Interesting, Teksavvy is my ISP as well.
    I asked about the province thing and they seemed to think that it's normal... Everything displays my location as Toronto, and that's where the ISP is located. Are you outside Ontario?

    After writing my post above, I was ready to call another ISP (Acanac) because they seem to offer cable internet where I live, but it's closed during weekends so I need to wait.

    I took a quick look at DSL modems on internet.
    It seems that buying a used modem is risky because the modem's MAC address could be blacklisted or something else.
    I could opt to buy a new modem, but 75-85$ is kind of much.

    So at the moment I'm pretty much set on switching, unless monday when I call they tell me that I can't get cable or there's some other problem.
  11. VF2011

    VF2011 Well-Known Member

    I'm in Toronto so for me that would be normal.

    What speed is your plan?

    And do a test on speedtest.net

    let me know what your upload/download speed is and your ping. You can have the best speeds in the world, but if your ping is high you will always get lag in games.

    You get lag in other games as well I guess?
  12. Plume

    Plume Well-Known Member

    My plan is DSL 6, download 4.33 and upload 0.63. Ping 42.
    That's with the default location test, in Ontario.
    The scores are worse if I manually test against a location that is closer to me, because packets travel to Toronto first no matter what. (Ding ding ding, alert, alert.)

    That's why I'm not too thrilled to pay for a new modem. It's risky. I think my modem is indeed broken, but I'd say the ISP is to blame as well, at least for Quebec customers. I can see how it can be more worth it in Toronto.
  13. VF2011

    VF2011 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, the problem is that your signal is going to toronto before it goes somewhere else. Try a speed test so some place in new york and see what happens.

    To toronto your speeds and ping are fine, but check what happens when you actually connect to somewhere else.
  14. Plume

    Plume Well-Known Member

    Well now we are pretty much saying the same thing. [​IMG]
    Anyway I will see Monday if I can switch to that other ISP.
  15. Kobi

    Kobi 'Noh' One Bronze Supporter

    Waverusher Kobi
    I'm curious to see what our connection would be like. I'm from Calgary.
  16. Plume

    Plume Well-Known Member

    I have nothing to lose from doing that, heh. I have added you on xbox.
  17. Tryston

    Tryston Well-Known Member

    hey if your in need of another sparing partner, ill be glad to help. im in need of some practice myself!
  18. Plume

    Plume Well-Known Member

    To be honest I was going to say no, at least until I get my new internet... But according to wikipedia, "MD" stands for Maryland, and again according to wikipedia, that would be in the north east of the States? That's very much nearby, so maybe it would be playable!
  19. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Check for sparring partners here.

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