looking to buy a modded VSHG

Discussion in 'Store' started by don25, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. don25

    don25 New Member

    hello everyone on VFDC. I just imported VF5 Live Arena for my JP Xbox 360 and am looking to see if anyone is selling a modded Virtua Stick High Grade that works with the Xbox 360 and PS3 via switch button and can be used with the xbox live microphone headset.

    If anyone has one for sell and is a reputable joystick maker please PM me on a price quote. Thank you.
  2. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I could do with one of these, I don't care if the headset works on it though.... My mics broken.

    I'm not sure if anyone on this site is doing them at the moment.
  3. BigBen

    BigBen New Member

    Yes. Me too...I would buy it at high price!
    Message me and we can work out a good deal.
  4. Shiznittles

    Shiznittles Well-Known Member

    Well, I have two (unfortunately they are not for sale). I bought them back in the day for the PS3 and had them modded by 001 [/size](member here) for 360 compatibility.

    He did a great job and if you are looking to buy one you might go ahead and get one from Play-asia.com here:

    Virtua Stick High Grade

    Have 001 [/size]mod it if he is still up for it. I would clear all this with him though so you don't waste your time or money buying a VSHG you can't use.

    His mod is PS3/XBox360 compatible and allows use of the 360 headset. It's a real joy to play with. I have had it since VF came out for the PS3 and had no problems during its entire run and during my playing on VF since it hit the 360.

    I know that may not be exactly what you were asking for but it's a start at least.

    Good luck.


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