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Love... embarrassing but true

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Collette, Mar 11, 2003.

  1. Collette

    Collette Active Member

    No information here, just that this was gonna be my bio and when I cut it to the 250 limit I felt like someone might enjoy reading the full version. Thanks for hosting this forum Junky.
    I am 31 years old. This means I kinda missed the whole Street Fighter 2 rage. But I can spot a Street Fighter mentality in one VF fight... you know, how their blocking and high/low game is so %^*ing HOT and their evading and advance plotting in 3d is kind of wonky. I work in the video game industry, and when people ask me "Do you play a lot of video games?", I say "Well, my mom sure thought so... but since I got into the industry, I realize that I was pretty chill as a kid".
    I tend to play few games... but I play the Crap Out Of Them. I'm more Depth than Breadth, get me? When people ask what my favorite type of game is I say "I don't like any type of game... I only like games that aren't like other games."
    Obviously, when I saw VF in an arcade in Chico, I immediately recognized that this was something NEW. I played it. After about two months, I beat it. With Sarah. I fell in love with her the day I watched low poly Akira fall, and although we've had our differences (Why are you dressed like such a whore?... VF3... shudder), we are still in love.
    My company has the UFC license right now, and a high-level exec once asked me what it would take to make a UFC game as good as VF4. I thought about it all night, and sent him a long email the next day... I didn't say "you can't", 'cuz I tried to think of what Suzuki would say. In the email, I tried to explain to him how it's all about the love. Being In Love with your fighter. Never wanting to stray. Being loved in return, being rewarded for your fidelity. It's not about loving the game. It's about finding a game that loves you back.
    Yu Suzuki doesn't know me, but he loves me. And he keeps proving it.
    See you on the field.
  2. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

  3. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Hey your from LA area, you should come to our gatherings sometime. We got pretty good sized competetion around here, around 12+.

    some evo LA info

    maybe we can get some new blood into our mix.
  4. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    UMM, cool. I like VF
  5. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    A good ufc game should not be ANYTHING like VF...best advice...get all the top level fighters and ask them how to best simulate the being in the ring experince.
  6. Collette

    Collette Active Member

    My gang is about 10 strong, but I don't know how many asses I can herd out the door on any given day.
    Right now I'm pretty focused on this party I'm throwing on the 28th or 29th to celebrate VF4E + Soul Calibur 2 + Guilty Gear X.... why don't you email me at omysillygirl@hotmail.com and I'll give you some more details... ? It would be a good place to start talking about joining forces.
  7. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Actually a better place to start talking about gatherings is the jamboree thread on this site. You should call the thread LA console meets or something like that, well anything signifying location and im sure it will take off from there. Our guys are pretty supportive and we can probably work out a really good event.

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