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Martial arts styles

Discussion in 'General' started by TeaMeo, Aug 22, 2003.

  1. TeaMeo

    TeaMeo New Member

    Jus wonderin if n e one else besides me actually practices the same martial arts as the vf character they use. I practice shaolin 5 animal kung fu and im also the sickest lei fei player in new york, if n e one doubts i'll be happy to settle it in the vfevo ring..../
  2. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    I used to do Choi Kwang Do, ever heard of that?

    Most of the arts in VF apart from Judo and Kickboxing/Muay Thai are very obscure so there wouldn't be many schools that could teach you. Pai and Lau's arts don't even exist.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Actually Tiger style kung fu and Swallow style do exist. I don't know how well they're represented in VF though.
  4. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    I practice a big conglomerate of martial arts, my recent focus is on vale-tudo and scaring kungfusmurf into sparring me /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gifP
  5. Kapu

    Kapu Well-Known Member

    I'm practising bjj([2_]) and elements of vale-tudo.
  6. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    Muay Thai is brutal but I was in it for about 6 months. Studied boxing too but that isn't in there. /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  7. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    nice! :=) What is the primairy focus?
  8. Two_Bit_Mage

    Two_Bit_Mage Well-Known Member

    I used to take aikido...and I was thinking of taking up some chuk kai taiji mantis, as soon as I hit 1st dan in kendo
  9. Kapu

    Kapu Well-Known Member

    now i'm concentrating rather on bjj but in future i'll try to start in VT fights. too bad that here in poland these sports are in very early phase(first bjj school was opened 5 years ago...). how about you?
  10. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Western style boxing. Learned it watching television. Getting in scraps as a kid though I learned sometimes it was a good idea to utilize my environment to bring a snappy conclusion to the fight I didn't want. Lockers & the other guy's head or a sink & the other guy's head. One night there was a big fight in Louie's (the several participants were practicing varied arts you could generally classify as Drunken Western Style Boxing with a smidgen of Mid South Wrestling) I had to break up where this guy Sparky used the formica counter and the other guy's head. This seemed pretty effective. There has been an occasion or two when hopelessly outnumbered (and running my ass off) that I considered eye gouging..."just grab the first head you can fred & get a fucking eye"...thankfully I hadn't watched so much television as a child that my track skills weren't viable. Woulda been a kickass souvenir though.
  11. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    When I was in my younger my father taught me Combat Judo (He was a instructor after he returned from Vietnam) and some very basic Karate. In my teens I studied a couple years here in NC at a school for Vo Lam Kung Fu. I haven't studied anything in a very long time, but I still do Tai Chi ever so often. I got older and lazier. /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
  12. _Jab_King_

    _Jab_King_ Member

    Im practising "Wun Hop Kuen Do" ( Dacascos Kung Fu ). This should be very popular in the US. I have just passed the trials fo my yellow belt
  13. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Somebody told me once people who practices Martial arts by will have high probablities of having self security issues. Now this thread obviously started by a tard has attacted just aboute every tard on vfdc, I'd say he's right.
  14. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    If you're gonna insult people talking about the martial styles they have taken part in, observed, or still practice, then at least use coherent sentences to bring your statements to clarity. It's funny that you have to bring up self-security issues, when you had to respond to a thread which you obviously have no interest in to try and elevate yourself (within your mind at least) above it's participants. Go troll somewhere else, Shang.
  15. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    Don't talk to him or he'll start posting pictures of guys with the word OWNED on them, and then he'll say it's us. Pretty typical on this "species". Let him talk. The more you answer, the worst he'll talk.

    BTW, I practised Ju-Jitsu (I saw a guy practising BJJ, and trust me, it's much worst than japanese ju-jitsu..BJJ has no theory at all..), and I also practise Tai Chi Chuan. I'm practising Jeet Kune Do too, bought a book about: basics for building up your own martial art. It COULD just be a commercial book, but almost no one bought it, it's portuguese, and in Portugal no one cares about martial arts. Except Judo and Karaté (frustrating..).

    Stay cool /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  16. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    The school I will be starting is a pretty even mix of bjj and thai boxing.
  17. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    If you think BJJ has no theory, your out of your mind, it works completely on body mechanics and physics, deals more with the ground grappling aspect than Japanese Jujistue which deals with more standing stuff.
  18. StoneColdSerb

    StoneColdSerb Well-Known Member


    Thanks shadowdean and replicant for once again inducing some much needed sense, knowledge and perspective in yet another martial arts thread!
    I'm sure we'd get along great if we ever met in person, laughing at fools who clearly don't know shit about MA.

    BJJ has no theory? People who train MA have security issues? Oh dear!

    (B)JJ, Thai and Western Boxing is what we train at Cardiff Submission Fighting.
    MMA all the way!

  19. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Didn't BJJ beat out every other martial art in UFC? Basically it seems that if you can't defend against the ground game, you're screwed. Once a BJJ practitioner gets you on the ground, it's over if you don't know what to do.

    I think that studying BJJ for the ground tactics is viable. Then you can just tack on your favorite martial art. I was watching some videos of San Shou, and I think I want to try that. Chinese Kickboxing is crazy stuff, and I think they teach you ground technique as well.
  20. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    uh..the Ju-Jitsu I practise has the exact same ground game. My master practised both, and he tolds us that the only difference between both arts is theory. By theory I mean: In JJJ (japanese ju-jitsu) we follow many samurai stuff, as it was the martial art created by samurais when they had no weapon to defend themselves. We use weapons in JJJ too. We have a lot of ground game, every move included in Judo is in JJJ too. Same shit happens with BJJ. But what I meant is: in BJJ they don't talk about philosofical stuff. They don't hit you hard in the stomach, they don't teach you how to put your finger/arm in place if it's deslocated, they don't teach you they "way" of the samurai. That's the theory, and that's the biggest difference. Martial Arts were created with the intent of evolving ki, and later on as a self-defense art. Theory comes first, always first. Without practise theory is nothing, without effort there's no practise, and without theory there's no effort to make.

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