Media, Events and IRC sections opened

Discussion in 'Site News, Questions and Feedback' started by Myke, Jan 30, 2002.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    <font color=orange>Media</font color=orange>

    Under the current arrangement with our host, VFDC is unable to host movies or other large media. To be honest, there's probably no need for it now since many other sites are already doing an excellent job at serving everyone's media needs. So rather than getting rid of the Media section, it's purpose now is to house links to all the prominent media sites/mirrors. I will try my best to keep this updated and informative. Suggestions are always welcomed.

    <font color=orange>Events</font color=orange>

    Taken directly from the Virtua Fighter Archive, this section is a collection of all major Virtua Fighter events that were reported online, dating as far back as the VF2 series when the online community existed on the Usenet group. And naturally, this section will continue to document and archive any future VF4 events. I'll be adding all the events/gathering reports from the previous VFDC shortly.

    <font color=orange>IRC</font color=orange>

    Here's one for those who can't shut up /versus/images/icons/smile.gif Instead of turning the forums into a chat board full of posts with one-liners, why not try hopping on IRC instead? Replies are virtually instant, so no need to visit your unanswered post after a few days and feel all sad and left out. Nothing beats finding out why you asked a stupid question in real time! Check out the IRC section for details on how to get to #vfhome. The section will be spruced up shortly with a collection of funny quotes dating back to a few years ago, and some other randon stuff.

    Still to come
    <ul type="square">[*]About Us section
    [*]Links section
  2. LAU Abuser

    LAU Abuser Well-Known Member

    <font color=orange>Media

    Under the current arrangement with our host, VFDC is unable to host movies or other large media. To be honest, there's probably no need for it now since many other sites are already doing an excellent job at serving everyone's media needs. So rather than getting rid of the Media section, it's purpose now is to house links to all the prominent media sites/mirrors. I will try my best to keep this updated and informative. Suggestions are always welcomed.</font color=orange>

    Dear Myke,
    I personally feel that the media can better serve us all if you could:

    1. Label all movies i.e. Kage def Akira (3-2)

    2. Who plays Kage n who plays Akira.

    3. Categorize movies according to Country, Date, Level of play (Emperor matches and 10 Dan matches).

    4. Most earlier movies porovided by Daioh and company got obsolete and can't be viewed. It would be nice to keep them in VFDC's library.

    5. People with PS2 VF4 can donate them to the <font color=red>Media Section</font color=red> and all of us can view the Ver C.

    6. Comments on the movies can be better relayed to by i.e. S/No.5 Kage Def Aoi (3-1): The moves of Aoi are blah blah....

    7. More anoymous users will sign up if you could limit the access of movies in the <font color=red>Media Section</font color=red> to the general public as appetizers to the whole library of movies here in VFDC.

    8. A 'search bar' can oso be available i.e. [BLANK] Vs [BLANK]. Users can insert [Lau] Vs [Pai] and a lists of movies related will appear.

    Best Regards.
  3. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I think the Media section is fine as it is. The other sites have that info (for the most part). IMO, one of Myke's major good points is that he knows his own scope, and I'm guessing that if he set his ambitions to label every single movie that came out, he would eventually be discouraged from really maintaining this site as well as he has been. Thus, I think if he put so much effort in the media section himself, it would stunt the growth of this site.

    There are other alternatives to having Myke always updating the media section though/versus/images/icons/wink.gif It all depends on what's allowed, wanted, and necessary.

  4. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Reading is FUN-damental!

    Are you missing basic reading skills? Myke's post just SAID that he IS NOT HOSTING ANY MOVIES. Asking him to rename all the movies and put up a search engine for them is like asking the pope to fix your parking tickets. Myke has nothing to do with how movies are organized, named, etc.

    Now if you want to ask someone who DOES have some control over a small part of this stuff:

    1. Feixaq has already done this. I have listed the combatants in all of the movies where it isn't already part of the movie's name, e.g. the daioh movies. This is in
    I don't list who wins because it's more interesting to watch and see.

    2. No.

    3. No. Learn to read the opening screens if you want to know who's emperor (hint: the dude with over 80% win rate and 4000 games is an emperor).
    Besides, none of the TBZone movies have dan/kyuu/emperor because they don't have As for country.. can't you tell? See the previous sentence.

    4. No. Myke said he won't be hosting movies. How can you quote what myke said in bright orange without even taking the time to read it? All the old daioh movies are on feixaq and

    5.Do you want people with PS2 VF4 do donate their copies of the game? Their PS2's? Did you mean movies? Gah, there are movies from Ruliweb, gamespot, and IGN of PS2 VF4. Go read the media section for more info.

    6. No.

    7. No. READ.

    8. This would be nice, but I don't have the html skills to do it. Feixaq maybe does. Try asking him.
  5. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Re: Reading is FUN-damental!

    8. This would be nice, but I don't have the html skills to do it. Feixaq maybe does. Try asking him.

    LAU Abuser: I *could* create a search feature, but that would require me to convert my media page to .asp/.jsp and run a backend database. This would in turn allow me to create a sortable/searchable interface. I've actually done something similar in the past, but... I really don't have the time or incentive to implement this on VF4fx -- my work hours are fairly long, and I'd rather be playing VF4 or snowboarding or whatever in my free time than to do extra coding work. And really, there are descriptions of most movies on VF4fx [media] already, is it really that difficult to go through the list?
  6. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Most people have done a good job with their replies to you (Lau Abuser), so I'll be brief.

    The majority of your points are already covered by FeixaQ and CreeD's servers. For me to reproduce their efforts here would be a waste of my time. As far as searching goes, it's not that difficult to use the search feature of your browser or editor to search on keywords. While it's not the prettiest solution, it still works.
  7. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Huge update to Events section

    I'm talking "Version B Akira QCB+P - walk into screen - Deep Body Check" Huge!

    Check it out!

    Thanks go out to Mr. Bungle for the hook up.
  8. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    Hey Myke thanks for updating the events thingy. Being the big loser I am there is nothing I enjoy reading online more than a good tourney or gathering report:)

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