Minor forum issues.

Discussion in 'Site News, Questions and Feedback' started by EmX, Jan 20, 2008.

  1. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Why is the forum so flaky? Forums that run different software rarely have as many problems, but if it's a back-end sorta deal I understand.

    Again, I think the site is unnavigable in its current state. The fewer subforums the better, because the way it is now is more like a library than an inviting and intuitive discussion venue. The very way it's designed is suggestive of an insular and self-absorbed style of posting, and people take things too personally or at least appear to do so. It's kinda weird and it puts a lot of people off from actually posting, methinks.

    An idea I had was to maybe just archive VFDC as it is now so people can come back and quote relevant posts and put up some new board software, and redo it so that info is easier to find and getting things in the right subforum isn't a source of e-anxiety for new posters. Reset things, make them more elegant, and have them just work so that more people will post and ask relevant questions about the game.

    Anyway, whatchayall think?
  2. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    I'm with you man, this site is a pain at first, but man, it took sometime to get use to. I'm a big fan of the IPB forum format, is clean, slick and very "easy" on the eyes. Sub-Forums have to be tone the "F" down. there is a better way to organise this mess. It took me a while to know WTF most of you guys were saying. There is NO sticky on what the lingo is (46 P+K example) No sticky for frame data(That I know of) Search works when it feels like it, or doesn't work at ALL(I have to result to Google sometimes to find shit in this site). Bottom line, I've been lurking this site for years, and just realise theres a Wiki...Not EASY to navigate, plain and simple.
  3. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Please post a link to a forum that you like so the structure can be seen.
  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    What's the IPB forum format?

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Sub-Forums have to be tone the "F" down. there is a better way to organise this mess.</div></div>
    Apart from character subforums and a Joystick subforum, what needs toning down exactly? Are you suggesting we merge all character subforums into one? If you are, how is that not a greater mess?

    What is a better way to organise "this mess" anyway?

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">It took me a while to know WTF most of you guys were saying. There is NO sticky on what the lingo is (46 P+K example)</div></div>

    The thread <span style='font-size: 14pt'>Virtua Fighter Notation (updated 22.08.2006)</span> has been a sticky in the Dojo forum since the days of VF4 explaining this mysterious numeric notation. It has even been brought up in numerous threads, and documented in the <span style='font-size: 14pt'>VF5 Systems FAQ</span>.

    To me, these are obvious places to present this information.

    So are you suggesting it's not stickied in the right place? Which forum is more appropriate than the Dojo? Which forum would you most likely be using the notations in? (Hint: starts with "D" and ends with "ojo")

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">No sticky for frame data(That I know of)</div></div>
    Why do you need a sticky for that when <span style='font-size: 14pt'>Command Lists</span> link is staring you in the face in the left side Site Menu at all times? Where else would one expect to find frame data but in the Command Lists? We've had frame data in VFDC command lists since forever. How much more obvious does it need to be?

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Search works when it feels like it, or doesn't work at ALL(I have to result to Google sometimes to find shit in this site).</div></div>
    I will admit the search function isn't intuitive to use, but if you spend 10 seconds reading the search tips link on the actual Search page, and change the default search range to something greater than 1 week, you may actually find it more useful.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Bottom line, I've been lurking this site for years, and just realise theres a Wiki...</div></div>
    The wiki hasn't been around for years, but I must ask you if the link for <span style='font-size: 14pt'>Virtua Fighter 5</span> in the left-side Site Menu never once piqued your curiosity? Never?

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Not EASY to navigate, plain and simple. </div></div>
    I honestly don't know how to make it any more obvious or easier. I'm open to ideas!?

    Maybe a tutorial (and/or video?) on how to get the most out of the site?
  5. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member


    insertcredit.com (not content-wise but structurally)

    selectbutton.net (again, the content is not my thing anymore)

    shoryuken.com (more games and people to cover than VFDC ever will but has a comparable number of forums...humm also active moderation makes it so that when the drama/vitriol gets out of hand people face consequences)
  6. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Myke, whats with the attitude? Look, IMO, I think the command list should be part of the individual character thread as a sticky, then being in the Mainpage of the forum. The VF5 lingo, as I put it, should not be in Dojo, as you put it. First of, is not separated form the other threads, and second, is very easy to miss due to not having Bold letters that would make it stick out from the other threads.

    It should be in the New starter thread. If your new to VF, Your going to be new to the slangs as well. So being in that thread makes sense, because you don't practice "slang". Theres a thread in New Starter asking for directions(New to VF, where should I go) I never seen this in ANY other forum, asking for directions , Thats why the glossary should be there as well. I have other ideas, but no point in saying them, if I'm going to recive attitude like that.
  7. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Minor EmX issues.

    Not sure what I'm seeing other than forums with dark backgrounds and light type, single columns rather than three, and no content volume compared to VFDC (besides Shoryuken).

    I like subforums. Here's why: Virtua Fighter is an intricate game with many facets. VFDC does a wonderful job of making those facets easy to identify in case I want to examine one without having to scroll though the others. If want want to learn how to play Akira, I can go to Dojo->Akira. There in is a list of threads about Akira. Organized. No need to worry about having to wade through a bunch of Jacky posts. Elegant.

    In regards to people facing consequences due to active moderation - it happens all the time on VFDC. It happens to you, for instance. You post colorful stuff and it becomes available for people to read. Or, you make a post about your XBL reputation that's in the same vein as an existing thread called "Xbox Live Reputation," and your thread gets merged into it. Active moderation involving your own threads. Active moderation that you want so desperately on VFDC. Your thoughts when it happens are here.

    The way you went on and on as a mod, and the way you go on now, trying to re-hash the same arguments you verbosely stated in the mod sub-forum - this site just seems so wrong to you in so many ways. It's like you're having a bad relation with a girlfriend and you're all up-in-arms about "fixing" her. You might take a load off your mind if you just break it off and don't look back. Plenty of other forums on the internet that might suit your fancy better.

    Hell, follow the lead of other disgruntled VFDCers like Shou and PhoenixDth. They didn't like it here, so they left. Go make your own VF forum and organize it exactly how you like. Feel the warmth of satisfaction from a job well done. And, hey, if your VF forum kicks ass, people will flock to it in droves. Total win-win for you.

    Be a real man. Leave VFDC without a ban.

    Good luck in your endeavors.
  8. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    ShinobiFist, if me giving you "attitude" is what it takes to get some valuable suggestions out of you, then maybe I need to give you more attitude from now on? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    In all honest, the things you pointed out I felt had already been addressed in logical places.


    I like the idea of:
    <ul>[*]having pointers to Notation and Glossary in the New Starter forum[*]having points to individual command lists within each character subforum[/list]
    so thank you!
  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    The site instability of recent has been due to server overloads, and not the forum software. Each time it "breaks down" I do a little "something" to make it not break again the same way.

    The example sites/forums you provided are all irrelevant to this game and community IMO. From what I gathered, they deal with single, broad topic. As Plague points out, Virtua Fighter cannot be covered this way, and requires a finer resolution.

    The exception was SRK, and even that has character subforums for each game it covers along with major forums more-or-less aligning with what's already on VFDC (match making, media, online, general, console/tech, tourneys, results, etc).

    I've already gone to lengths explaining my reasoning behind the current forum structure with you, so I don't feel like doing it again. Anyway, didn't you concede that your gripes with the number of forums/subforums here were largely due to, and I quote:

    Oh my! Facebook and email! Are there even enough hours in the day? Right then, you poor soul, let's rearrange the place just to accommodate your browsing routine.

    I still don't get why you feel the site is "unnavigable" though. Please give specifics? Pretty much every forum, sub-forum and resource on here is one-click away. You make it sound like one must brave a labyrynth full of death-traps and dead-ends to get around the joint.

    While I'm always open to feedback and suggestions from users on VFDC, I'm kind of done with rehashing old topics with you. You did pose the question to everyone else, so I'll allow whoever cares enough to reply.

    For now, I'm bored of your wishy-washy, non-specific, wannabe-pedagogical and hypocritical presence online. On one hand you make it sound like you want serious discussion, yet on the other you post nothing but rubbish. When you're ready to pick a foreground and stick with it, let us know?

    Prime example in this one-two combo:

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The very way it's designed is suggestive of an insular and self-absorbed style of posting, </div></div>
    Kinda like you soap-boxing in the "EmX, just ask me?" thread? Yeah, you're totally right, and you've just exposed yet another fundamental flaw in my ways. I should have deleted the General forum long ago. My bad!

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">and people take things too personally or at least appear to do so.</div></div>
    Yeah, seriously man! LQQK!!!!@#! This is just the internet, and this is just a video game! Who cares about forums anyway? Get a life! "lol"

  10. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Re: Minor EmX issues.

    No, I'm not going to leave. Again, why do you focus on the surface aspects of what I'm pointing out? Think about it a little more and get back to me on that. I write the way I write because I have learned that level of vocabulary not just through reading the thesaurus. If you presume otherwise that says more about you than it does about me. Why does it always have to be personal with you as well? I don't have the patience for people like you. You make absurd presumptions about people's character and history on the internet and people think you're some kind of sage. In reality you appear (not that I would know for sure) to be a highly evolved D&D nerd, expecting everyone to learn his way or no other way. Read the fucking manual or get out is not really that friendly, Talis. The fact that you tried to diagnose me with a mental illness through the internet and then turn around and not give my ideas a fair shake on an almost regular basis has me wondering about what kind of character you really are.

    LA likes to put on a big event and attract people to them with the offer of hospitality and good times. The problem is that very few of you are worthy of anyone's time as players, and on some level I wonder if you guys realize that. LA VF have a reputation for being one of the laziest fighting game scenes in the US, even though you ought to be the best by a long shot. That is what I find frustrating about most of you. The potential is there but you get caught up in e-penis flamewars and internet ego battles instead of producing real results in game. Joey, Spotlite, and Mike 90210 seem pretty cool, but the rest of y'all seemed questionable even in 2004. Sillywilly pulling a knife on Shou could've landed him in prison for a long while, but Shou let it drop because he knew you guys weren't always clear in the noggin. I'm not going to play that game with you guys, and frankly if there is even a hint that something like that is going down I'll be bringing serious backup to your events. I am not kidding in the least here, Talis. Let me make this clear again: any more threats, e-diagnoses, or childish attempts at divining my character through the internet and I will just put you on ignore and be done with it. I would strongly recommend we just go our separate paths if you honestly think you have me pegged as a person.
  11. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Re: Minor EmX issues.

    VF doesn't require much. When Shou pointed out some very basic aspects of the system I did my own research and figured it out pretty well. This was 2003. The rest of the time I spent putting the theory into practice. I'm now a rather formidable player, if I do say so myself. Learning by provocation (not necessarily prodding) and doing the nitty gritty by asking specific and well-thought out questions on a forum oriented toward this type of learning seems far preferable to the D&D 2.0 approach we've got going on now. In practice this means removing redundant forums, not necessarily the character-specific ones and keeping the side bars of the site clutter-free. Get rid of all of it, honestly, because it's a redundant and gaudy nightmare when the forum software and people's PCs already have ways of covering these bases more simply. It makes it that much harder to focus on the relevant info when there are dipshits puking their brains out on the shoutbox constantly, there's a calendar to the left telling me what day it is (my computer, clock, and cell phone do this already, thanks, etc. etc. etc.) You wonder why people think VF players are all elitist, intolerant dipshits when you can barely even notice the obvious redundancies in the design of your own site.

    Tim had the same problem with the STL crew. He'd hand them a mook in Japanese (a language that takes a serious commitment to even learn decently) and expect them to sort out what the hell it meant. That was idiotic and a waste of everyone's time. And yet he resented the fact that they thought he was an idiot and constantly ego tripping about VF. Again, it seems VF attracts people with a sort of "overly complex linux" mentality about things. I prefer Ubuntu, honestly.
  12. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Re: Minor EmX issues.

    Myke, VF is not an end in itself nor is it a game you can make a living at like Chess or Go. It's also a video game, not a board game, nor does it have a very broad appeal outside of an exclusive circlejerk of "hardcore" gamers. Regarding it as something to be truly passionate about in life is folly and if that's really all you've got going outside of your 9-5 I pity you.
  13. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Minor EmX issues.

    Your adoration of Shou, his life, teachings and otherwise is sweet. Clearly he is deserving of nothing but praise in your eyes.

    Here's a thought: I'm sure his site doesn't generate 170* posts per day to clutter up your precious single forum approach. You may even have extra time for facebook and email! So why don't you just go there and be done with VFDC? Clearly VFDC fails by all your standards.

    Speaking of standards:

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Read the fucking manual or get out is not really that friendly, Talis.</div></div>
    Oh, the irony. Wasn't this precisely the kind of moderation you proposed we all follow? You couldn't and still can't accept the fact that we disagreed with your proposals and gave you reasons why. So please, spare us with your "didn't give my ideas a fair shake" bullshit act. Cry me a fucking river!

    As for the "knife-pulling" incident, I don't know why you insist on bringing that up time and time again.

    I was actually there when it happened. Were you? I was standing by Willy's side when it occurred. I'm not sure what people think when they read "knife pulling", or what you're wanting them to think, but let me describe the scene:

    It's Evo and we're at the university. There are tonnes of people around, Shou and I were talking. Willie comes over and joins in, and Shou shortly leaves afterwards. As Shou is leaving and roughly 6ft away, Willie gets Shou's attention, in a somewhat joking manner, showing his pen knife which was attached to his keys. I can't remember what was said, but I recall both Shou and I laughing as he continued to walk away. The end.

    I don't approve of nor advocate what Willie did, but it's not like he pulled aside up close and personal and actually pulled the knife on him. Willie is one of the coolest people I've had the pleasure of meeting, and while I can't understand why he did such a thing, I'll hazard a guess and say it has something to do with Shou and his "choice" words about SoCal people. Hmm, what's that called again? Consequences?

    The point is that shit's long been under the bridge now. Shou's even been back to Socal since, without incident, but you don't mention that. So yeah, I don't know what your intentions are behind bringing this up time and time again. Unless it somehow helps you justify your own insecurities projected as hate toward another scene.

    Now there's a keeper!

    <span style='font-size: 8pt'>* average taken over the last 30 days</span>
  14. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Minor EmX issues.

    Just respoding to your edit:

    Do you have anything new to add here? Because the last time you brought this up, I responded to you with reasons. To jog your memory:

    which you followed with, well, pretty much nothing other than to say "The arcade version doesn't exist outside of Japan." Of course, this was incorrect, and I listed the places outside of Japan that do have an arcade version, not to mention the fact that Westerners living in, or likely visiting, Japan would appreciate this organised information. After that you came back with your "It's just too many tabs to keep track of ... I'll stop my bellyaching now" line.

    You want to readdress the topic of not giving one's ideas a fair shake? And I knew you stopping your bellyaching was too good to be true. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    And now (below) you're just grasping at straws....

    Many people think the shoutbox is a good feature. And besides, I've seen you puke on there more times than I care to remember.

    You think that's all the calendar does? It tracks events that people create/post as well. Try hovering over a linked date? Or does your cell phone keep track of that too? My bad at thinking that a calendar thumbnail of upcoming events might be a useful reminder for some people.

    Actually, I don't wonder that at all. What I do wonder, though, is why a site like wannafight.us forces you to register in order to read the forums? Want to talk about elitist? Or should I say wannatalkaboutelit.us?

    So if the sidebars are getting your panties in that much of a bunch, why don't you just disable them entirely? My Stuff -> My Preferences -> Turn off the left/right column -> yes.

    Thanks for your concern, but I don't need your pity. I have plenty going outside my 9-5, but I take a strong exception to you writing off one's passion toward a hobby.

    You don't get to tell people what they can be passionate about. You don't get to tell people what value they assign to VF, how to play, what skill level they should be at, or how they derive their enjoyment from it. Doing so, as you've done, portrays you as an arrogant and hypocritical grump who hasn't had anything new to say or contribute since anyone can remember.

    You so desperately want to change things around here, but at the same time you tell us that caring is an act of folly. You're a riddle wrapped up in an enigma, buried in a mountain of shit. Your foreground stinks.
  15. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Re: Minor EmX issues.

    Right, rage more about nothing and hear what you want to hear

    I'll just keep posting.
  16. seven5suited

    seven5suited Well-Known Member

    Re: Minor EmX issues.

    I find 0 fault with this site, its intentions, and how it pursues them. Myke, I don't get why you keep feeding this guy's need for attention, or feel you need to justify your site, it's hardware, or its software. I've been in this since VF1 and finding the text faq in usenet. Everyone seems happy here except for a loud minority. EMX, you are all that's wrong with the internet and the contrived "subcultures" in our society that it created.

    You asked for our opinions in the shoutbox, so here's mine: You're annoying. Your need to communicate with us so academically and philosophically on a site about a video game, while belittling the game itself, strikes me as compensation for lack of attention/friends/success in your offline life. Zappa and Neitzche would laugh at you and/or kick your ass.

    You're baiting Myke into wasting his time talking sense at your nonsense, and, being only human, he is intermittently giving in. Myke's providing a free service for the VF community, and you are providing a free service for your own ego. Knowing nothing else about either of you, I'll side with Myke every time, and I don't get why anyone entertains your taunts.

    The site going down is no reflection of anything except for the fact that shit happens. Machines go down and if you want upgrades and improvements, go donate time or money to make it happen.
  17. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Re: Minor EmX issues.

    Yeah I'm sure they would. I haven't been reading Nietzsche for the past 5 years sporadically or listening to Frank Zappa's music non-stop since I was 10, so I obviously could not have gotten the message by now.

    Find me an appropriate avatar and sig and I will change it to that, since you obviously know better.

    I'm not "baiting" Myke or wasting his time, this is just how I feel. Again, why do you insist on moving the goalposts and attacking my character? You don't know who I am.

    Again just because what I'm saying is "ethically" contradictory does not necessarily make it nonsense. The law of non-contradiction is a logical standard.
  18. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Re: Minor EmX issues.

    I think this is a good idea. Any concerns about setting up a way for people to donate money towards server costs?
  19. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Re: Minor EmX issues.

    I could get behind donating a thing or two to Myke /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  20. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

    Re: Minor EmX issues.

    EmX you seem (to me) to embody the resentiment that Nietzsche detested so ardently. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

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