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Mortal Kombat 9

Discussion in 'General' started by Mackfactor, Apr 20, 2011.

  1. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    What u guys think so far of it?

    i so far like this game.
    was easy to pick up at the same time, it shows promise to dive into it a lil deeper... i heard a hard time learning BBCS (maybe illtry it again after the new patch; i hear the netcode is fixxed), although i wanted to get into it. MK9 it has a G button (which i really like about this game), maybe down the rd, Fuzzy G will be possible. LAG sucks, but perhaps with updates it will get better. it feels like they tried to add elements of other fighting games into this one, for the most part i think it works. I dont like the XRAY but thats just my opinion, i bet alot of ppl do, i just find it takes too long. its feels to me more of a 3d fighter than a 2d one. i think his game will attract alot of players from different fighting communities... BUT THE LAG IS disgusting!
    Whats ur impressions so far on this game.
  2. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    I think it's excellent so far, and will continue to be if NRS stays on top of it with patches, too. If you want to play me, just send message.
  3. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

  4. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    For right now its one of the best 2d fighter out.
  5. Outfoxd

    Outfoxd Well-Known Member

    Haven't played anyone or online yet, but I'm having fun just tearing through story mode. I wasn't expecting to enjoy this game after writing MK off for so long.
  6. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    I'm digging it so far. Story mode was a lot of fun. I haven't really dabbled with Challenge that much, but I'm already getting text messages from friends about how brutal it can be hahaha I'll test the waters this weekend.

    At the moment I'm having a hard time figuring out who to main, so right now it's a toss up between Night Wolf, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Jade, Mileena with Liu Kang ahead of the pack. If I can find a way to link Liu's Xray into a decently long combo then he will get my vote hands down. I really like Liu's style a lot.

    Normally I stay away from games with tag modes or any sort of doubles / versus type of play, but MK is so simple and fun I think for the first time I'll give it a try.

    Anyways I'll add my more on the game after I play some versus, but it will be a while before I play versus. Until I get strings and combos memorized for at least 2-3 chars I'll probably avoid versus. And when I do bite I'll probably play with peeps on my friends list to begin with. I've been reading a lot of feedback that the online is not great and people are rage quitting left and right. Anyone who has played online can confirm this? Is the lag really that bad?

    Oh last thing, I know it's a little early, but is there a tier list yet? Where can I go other than www.testyourmight.com to get MK info? I'm really enjoying the game and would like to stay on top of it.
  7. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

  8. Outfoxd

    Outfoxd Well-Known Member


    Is that the MK VFDC equivalent?

    Also, so far I think I like Kano. But doing Cyrax's story mode made me think he's kinda cool too.

    As I've never really played Mortal Kombat, this is all uncharted water for me.
  9. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I'm holding out on buying this until Gernburgs posts his opinions about the game.
  10. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    I'm up in the air with this game right now. The overall system seems decent, but it has some issues. I haven't played much VS (and no online so far), so I can't really speak to that end. But I've noticed something weird with the inputs. Sometimes special moves will come out during canned combos when they shouldn't. The easiest example of this is with Nightwolf. Go into practice, input 1, 1, D, F+1. Jab, jab, tomahawk uppercut. Now do the same sequence but leave out the last "1". The same thing will come out. The problem there is if you wanted to use a move at the end of that combo that used the same command but a different button. For example: 1,1,D,B,4. That should be jab jab lightning, but it comes out as the bow. What kind of crap is that?

    But here's the real rub: The AI. Now, I wouldn't normally hold a fighting game's AI against it too much, but in the case of MK, its exceptionally frustrating AND you're forced to play against it WAY too much. The story mode is about 6 hours long and then theres the 300 challenge matches (required to unlock certain things). The story mode (and most modes, in fact) use MK's classic "scaling difficulty" option. That means that you can choose any difficulty when you start, but the difficulty level will change after every fight. If you win, it goes up, if you lose, it goes down. I really hate this system. If I wanted to play on expert, I would have chosen it. Maybe I put it on beginner because I don't want a challenge, I just want to blow through the arcade mode. Shouldn't that choice be left up to the player?

    Anyway, the problem with the AI is that it hasn't changed since MK 2. Its a purely reactionary AI. If you're not attacking, they're not attacking. If you are attacking, they're blocking and countering, or simply doing something that takes priority over your move. Frustrating is an understatement. You'll feel at some point like the computer is deciding if you're going to win or not, and your level of skill has nothing to do with it.

    And here's the real problem with AI like that: it teaches you how to play the game wrong. If you jump, they'll anti air. Lesson learned: don't jump. If you use a projectile, they'll teleport behind you for a free shot. Lesson: don't use projectiles. If you use a special move, they'll block it and punish. Lesson: don't use specials if they can be blocked. And if you try for a simple combo, they'll usually just throw out the first punch and get you into their combo. Lesson: don't use combos. Add all those up and you've learned: Don't jump, don't use projectiles, don't use specials, don't use combos. So you start throwing the computer over and over and over.

    And don't even get me started on all the dumb handicaps they give you (on top of being human) during story mode and challenge tower.

    Honestly, its 2011, what excuse does Ed Boon and his team of goons have for using an AI system from a game thats nearly 20 years old (mk2)? It really hurts the game, imo. It almost becomes unplayable in single-player.

    Having said that, i'm holding out my judgment on this game until I've had a chance to really play some VS online. The AI sucks, thats for sure, but this game was made for people vs people, right? So we'll see...
  11. Hyunster

    Hyunster Well-Known Member

    This is the tier list according to the official strategy guide. Mind you though, the said guide has received many bad reviews, and may become obsolete as the game gets a number of patches.


    Shang Tsung
    Kung Lao


    Liu Kang




    Quan Chi
    Cyber-Sub Zero
  12. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    yeah the guide is shit cause of the simple fact:


    yeah...wtf indeed

    another proof is that noob is listed as low tier lol, noob is like "broken" (for now).

    anyways, the game is excellent. thumbs up for me. combo system is so fuckign addictive, so much space for creativity. the game is good folks, give it a chance (more than 5 minutes please -_-). its ok to like MK again,

    my mains are: Reptile (since mk2!) jax (sionce mk2!) and kung lao.

    ps. best story mode on any fighting game, bar none
    pss. playing vs cappo online for me was totally lagless, as if he was right next to me.
    psss. sound system is soooooo nice. just put a nice set of headphones. it sounds so good.
    pssss. the krypt will scare you....trust me...you WILL jump. you'll see what i mean soon [​IMG]
  13. Outfoxd

    Outfoxd Well-Known Member

    I spent quite a few matches throwing the living hell out of the computer. The AI is definitely a holdover.
  14. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    The game has a 3d feel to it thus far, on it's upclose game and classic MK when at range.

    I'll say that it definitely feels different in comparison to UMK3 which is also a big favorite of mine, but different in a great way.

    The game's flow feels like 3d games like Tekken and VF up close. Some blocked moves, you can push the guessing game of mid/low or throw like Tekken and VF, as you would at small disadvantages. So if you block a special that's not safe, but not guaranteed punishable you can pressure your opponent with a quick low poke, they'd have to block low for, except blocking low can also be thrown(just crouching WITHOUT blocking makes throws whiff), so you can just opt to throw.

    Or your opponent could pressure with a leaping strike that jumps over lows, such a hop kick type of move. But that would lose to fast high strikes and get you comboed.

    Me and Lucky, when we play the flow of the match up close is on some serious choice layers with it's poking game. Also we use breakers on each other's combos like crazy, that we have to adjust our own combos on the fly by using more projectiles in them and sacrificing damage, or just going with it to bait the breaker out so it can't be used again(while you yourself dodge moves so they don't build it back).

    But then....

    When you're not point blank, the game returns to the classic MK, of dodging, baiting, and intercepting special moves.

    Game is gold, at the moment I think it's a lot better than Marvel 3, because it's not exclusively restricted to set play, there's actually a guessing game component with real consequence.
  15. Outfoxd

    Outfoxd Well-Known Member

    Slide, you guys on 360? Guess I'm gonna have to buy a second copy so you guys can beat on me till I understand things. ><
  16. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    I swear man, yall play every fighting game that comes out lol. Good to see yall are having fun with it.
  17. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    I use a lot of breakers and EX moves because I think it's more meter efficient then using an X-ray in a combo (unless it will kill). Using X-ray at the end of a combo only tacks on like 5% - 10% damage and you will save yourself from more damage than that by using a breaker. X-rays also take your full meter for that tiny bit of damage so I stopped doing that pretty early on. You can also X-ray early in a combo to prevent your opponent from using a breaker if they have enough meter, but this also only seems useful if it will end the round.

    Other than that the only time X-ray is worth the meter is if you can land it outside of a combo unscaled. Reptile seems to have one of the best X-Ray's in the game for this because it goes through projectiles. He can just get 3 meters and hold it like a SF4 ultra and use it to swing matchups in his favor. Other chars X-rays aren't so great because of this and will probably use most of their meter on breakers and EX moves instead.

    I've messed with a few chars but none of them seem as strong as Reptile. I tried to run Sindel, Sheeva and Noob a bit and couldn't find damage nearly as high as what reptile can already do. Their options don't seem nearly as strong as well. Reptile seems to also have too many ways to use his meter.

    An example of the choice strings Slide was talking about is with reptile I can do his string: LP RP RP which is high, high, mid

    if it hits I can confirm into slime ball move which he can combo on.

    If blocked and I think the mid will hit (he can do a low attack from the same chain) I can just do slime ball anyway because it's safe. And combo if it connects.

    If I think the entire string will be blocked I can cancel the last hit into his special moves which are a mid attack (EX launches) or low slide (knocks down).

    If I want to stay safe I could just do LP RP RP LP since it knocks them away.
  18. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I pretty much agree with everything you said here Slide...

    The overall gameplay, fighting engine and the combo system really combine to make a fighting game that's A LOT of fun. I've been having a blast just messing around in practice mode with Reptile and Cyrax (some Shang Tsung too), but I've just scratched the surface as I haven't even tried any tag-team practice or combos (which there's going to be a HUGE amount of, based on the number of character combinations -- and they're NOT going to be 99.9% generic like MVC3's mid aerial-combo character switches, each combination of characters, and the combos they can pull off together, is going to be more open.)

    I wasn't expecting much from this game, just because MK hasn't had a good showing for several years, but this game is really fun. I also haven't been online yet, but I'm positive there will be a following for this game IF the netcode is up to snuff (again, I haven't tried to jump online yet)...

    The characters I've messed around with are all very cool and I'm very pleasantly surprised by the high quality of the fighting engine and the game as a whole. It's definitely going to play a lot more like VF/Tekken than Street Fighter (at least at close range as Slide alluded to in his post), I think the pace of the game feels more 3D than 2D, but it seems to work out really well.

    Also, the graphics are very good and the animation is pretty cool. You can just tell the developers poured their hearts out to make this game a worthy competitor in the modern fighting game genre. I think a lot of people are going to be very surprised and pleased when they get their hands on this title. It has some good depth and mind-games, mixed with great graphics and the token gore of the MK series.

    I'm very pleasantly surprised with this game. I think FG fans owe it to themselves to at least give this game a try, it's better than you think. I 100% agree that this game is better than MVC3; any day of the week. I'm really excited to see how this game and the community start to evolve.

    Also, they have spoken about some type of patchless update system in the game where they don't need to patch the game to make adjustments to the balance (which they are definitely trying to perfect and was central to the game design). Even better though, when you want to play, your system will quickly update with the latest balance settings so you can use them in practice mode! So you can still play single player modes with the latest updates... Very cool IMO.
  19. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    i played couple of matches online.

    I got disconnected like 40 percent of my games... And i dont think they or me were rage quitting. I played Kaminaryi TIM who i usually get a decent 2 bar connection.. we stopped playing after 2 games cus the lag was disgusting. To me its just as bad as when TEKKEN 6 came out before the patch to fix lag... but with more disconnects.
  20. FrakimusGrime

    FrakimusGrime Well-Known Member

    Im having a blast playing the game even though half my online matches had bad lag. Choosing to use Reptile. His Invisibility has some nice setup uses due to it making Reptile less predictable with what attacks are coming next.. Especially with Xray moves

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