Move properties depending on DP

Discussion in 'Shun' started by quaelgeist, Jun 17, 2012.

  1. quaelgeist

    quaelgeist Member


    It might be old news for veteran Shun players, but yesterday i realized that some moves´ properties change depending on how blitzed our favourite Drunken Master already is.

    This thread is intended to collect the relevant data concerning these moves.

    The first two i found (i still have to work out the exact DP numbers, i think i will find the time for this either this evening or tomorrow).

    [4][6][P][P][P] The frame data changes depending on DP. In the twenties the last hit is 0 on hit and block. In the thirties it is +1 on hit and block.

    [1] or [7] [P]+[K]+[G]:[P] turns into a launcher on counterhit at 10+ DP (i think) So far i got combos with [2][3][6][P][P], [P][P][4][P][P] off it.
  2. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    I think some of this might be of use here.

    [1][K]K:, and all attacks similar will not knock down Taka on normal hit until at 23 drinks.
    [K] and [K][K] (including stance shifts) will not knock down on normal hit until at 14 drinks.

    etc. I hope the quotation is clear enough.
  3. rattlejaw

    rattlejaw Active Member

    The other big one is that [3][P] launches (pretty damn high, at that) on counter at ... I think it's 23 drinks.
  4. quaelgeist

    quaelgeist Member

    thanks. I will try that out in training mode. Gotta compile all this useful information, it could be pretty useful.
  5. Ladon

    Ladon Well-Known Member

    Another move is [1][P], at 7 drinks it knocks down on CH consistently. It'll knock down at lesser drinks, but it may require a big CH (beating a move that does over ~30 damage), but I'm not sure. Further testing required on that front. And yeah rattlejaw, 23 drinks is the number for [3][P]. The floater knocks down high but FAR, so I would continue the combo with [2][3][6][P][P] to close the distance and get good damage before finishing with a weight-appropriate finisher (except on Taka. Thanks for the info Sebo, Taka is a pain for Shun to deal with).
  6. rattlejaw

    rattlejaw Active Member

    To be honest, though, I'm not sure I really see the new Shun getting that drunk in the first place. [2][1][4][K][K] is a really good argument for getting sober.

    That's not to say this stuff isn't good to know, of course. The more knowledge, the better, and the anti-Taka stuff is particularly handy, because fuck Taka, that's why.
    Neonomide likes this.
  7. quaelgeist

    quaelgeist Member

    Ok, apparently i cannot edit my original post, so...

    0 - 8 DP: hit-2, block-6
    9-26DP: hit-1, block-1
    27-35DP: hit0, block0
    36-40DP: hit+1, block+1
    tested on Lau

    [1] or [7] [P][K][G]:[P]
    minor counterhit: (blue) 0-40 DP: +5 frames, no launch

    major counterhit: (yellow)
    0-13DP: +8 frames, no launch
    14-40DP: launch, possible to combo with [2][3][6][P][P], [P][P][4][P][P] (Tested on Lau and Eileen, counterhitting their [P][P][P])
    Taka: sometimes +9 frames on major ch (maybe didn´t connect at first active frame during testing?), very limited combo potential. The rest is the same.
    Neonomide likes this.

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