Moves, time frames, etc.

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Pinkgirl, Oct 21, 2001.

  1. Pinkgirl

    Pinkgirl Well-Known Member

    1) Does anyone know when the Japanese VF4 magazine with all the tips, combos and time frames will be out? Is there even going to be one in the first place? Singapore players: you think Kinokuniya will carry stock?

    2) When playing against offensive players, how do you know which move will "win"? E.g. You try to use Jacky's f + k but some other move entered by your opponent *at the same time* hits you first...

    3) What happened to the throw system? Now it seems that after blocking throws have much less priority. You get attacked if you try to throw your opponent. Throws can be easily broken with a punch. Why is this so? Since the system has changed (throws now take up more time frames than before) will throws be of use anymore?

    Sorry if might seem like stupid questions to a lot of you, but I need some answers...

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  2. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    A) No one knows yet...our best bet is the blue book..which will come out 2001 Autumn In Japan

    B) Without the existence of the frame can only rely on experience...Jacky's Knee is slow in execution..thus opponent only need to use a move that has a faster execution time.

    Note : I just found a better way to answer ur second question. Credit goes to Hrio for writing it.

    "What one should know is how the game is made.
    1.The use of throws and middle level attacks; When you see the opp standing, grab him. If he is crouching, throw a middle level attack.
    (Low level attacks can be used instead of throws. Of course, it is not true, since throws come out instantaneously whereas low level attacks don't.)

    2.Flow of the game; one has to know whether it is his turn to attack or not. At the beginning of each round, two are even. But, when your move is defended, it is the opp's turn to attack you, not your turn to attack him. Conversely, when you defend, the opp's move, it is your turn to attack him. (Sometimes, you are in a case where it is guaranteed that you can grab him, etc.) At this point, one can learn how to defend well after your move is defended. (Since you know the opp will attack you, you should try to defend.) The word "defend" used here is not necessarily just to press G, but it includes d G, b E, and throw escapes as well. (of course there are more.)

    C) I find the throws to be just as useful as ever. If not, I find it even easier to throw then b4. Throws can be interuppted by a Punch because Throws in VF4 are no longer instant unlike prior VF games. However, I would wager that throws can still be used effectively if a player knows when to use it..when not to use it. U have to remember...after blocking some moves, U cannot start ur attack with a throw...Vanessa in her Muay thai stance is a good example I find. Check out Myke's n Spotlite's views and explainations on Vanessa which was posted this morning. One of Myke's views paints a clear picture as to why sometimes u shouldn't THROW her even though U have blocked her moves.

    No it's not stupid questions at all. Keep em coming. I am sure many others out there would like to know the answer for themselves as well.

    <font color=red>~~~ 'exam time=lotsa maggie me, very broke, no real food, no sleep, no sex!/versus/images/icons/mad.gif~~~'<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by SummErs on 10/21/01 10:49 AM (server time).</FONT></P>
  3. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Hi Pinkgirl, this is just guessing on my part since I haven't even had the chance to play VF4 final yet, but I'm betting that the range of the throw is improved over VF3. So many times you don't have to be in VF3 range to the opponent to get the throw in. This *might* compensate for the slower execution time, but I can't say for sure.
  4. Electro_Jacky

    Electro_Jacky Well-Known Member

    You are correct ice-9, as long as your character is around about jab range your throw shall connect.

  5. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    3) What happened to the throw system? Now it seems that after blocking throws have much less priority. You get attacked if you try to throw your opponent. Throws can be easily broken with a punch. Why is this so? Since the system has changed (throws now take up more time frames than before) will throws be of use anymore?

    I think there's a paradigm shift in the game mechanics here vs. older versions of VF. If punches are interrupting your minor counter throw attempts then what you should do is dodge the punch and attack from the side. (You could also try a low attack, but I'm sure that would be less damage vs. almost any possible MC dodge --> float combo.) Dodge --> attack may be the best response to ultra-aggressive opponents after they have an attack that used to be throw counterable in VF2/3 blocked.

    The down side to this of course is that old fogies like me would probably be entering in a throw escape after something like my Jacky's knee was blocked. If you tried to dodge --> attack in this situation, Jacky would throw you out of the dodge AFAIK. This is another level of yomi... very good IMO as it offers more flexibility in play styles.

    P-girl, keep the questions coming! =) Without hard data like frame stats, this is all trial and error... feels like VF1 and 2 days.... :-D

    "VF is the resonance AND the wonder." GodEater
  6. Pinkgirl

    Pinkgirl Well-Known Member

    Thanx for all the replies; I can't wait for the book to be out... And hmm, I wonder if Wolf's dodge-throw can be escaped?

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  7. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    I wonder if Wolf's dodge-throw can be escaped?

    I read somewhere that you can escape Wolf's dodge-throw by pressing b+P+G... but I'm not sure if that's the full answer... still need to experiment on this.

  8. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Definitely reversable~
    Cause I did it b4~!!!!!!

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