My copy of Virtua Fighter 4 EVO (US) Finally!

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by KungPao, Aug 13, 2003.

  1. KungPao

    KungPao Active Member

    Well, I just got back from electronics boutique =) Grabbed Twisted metal: Black and v4: evo =)

    When I got up there they didnt have it yet! He was like, we will get the shipment at 12,,, so I thought I'd have to wait until tomorrow (argh) but I sat there and waited like 2 hours and walked around the whole town to circuit city, toys r us, best buy....nobody had it, and best buy even said they wouldnt get it till the 16th! Whew, I also grabbed a bruce lee biography called " a warriors journey", anyway, I just wanted to share my enthusiasm! The game only cost me 20.99!!! Ive been buying games for at least a decade and that had to be the best deal ever!

    Anyway, I cant wait to work on my new lei fei techniques! Anyone else using Lei Fei on Evo, have some new tips for the bokutai stance? I'm about to go check it out for 30 minutes, good luck on finding a copy guys!
  2. Lightning

    Lightning Member

    I couldn't find a copy everywhere i tried Blockbuster said they'd have it by the 15th, Wal-mart doesn't have it in and i don't have any Best Buys or electronic boutiques near me. /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif Did Evo come out where u live or is it just taking long in Canada.
  3. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    I just got mine 2 hours ago. It was 2 pm at EB. They said that it wouldn't arrive till 3. So I decided to hang out, and just when I turned around there it was on the shelf. I grabbed it immediately and paid for it. Then someone called that the shipment would be delayed till tom.
  4. Event_Horizon

    Event_Horizon Well-Known Member

    I got mine, for some reason its hard getting used to it- just seems so different. Anyways, Kung Pao, I've tried a little Lei and found one thing I kind of like. From Bokutai do [K] or [6][P] which will turn you back to opponent from there you can do one of his two new BT moves. Can either do [P]+[K] (goes to Koko) or [K]+[G] (goes to Hai Shiki). I prefer the [K][G] because you have a lot more options in Hai shiki. Nothing big, I thought it was kind of cool but I haven't got to use it very much- been playing with Pai.
    Having a hard time deciding on Pai, Aoi, or Lei. Aoi pisses me off, for some reason I can't do [2][P] from Tenchi stance, wouldn't think that move would be that hard to do. I still haven't gotten it, anyone know what's with that move? Does the punch only come out if you dodge someone and are in hitting range?
  5. martialfanatic

    martialfanatic Well-Known Member

    I've been to 4 different stores (5 really...2 different gamestops) in the past two days looking for this damned game /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif . Gamestop keeps pulling my leg, saying "it was shipped today and should get here later, but we're selling tomorrow...would you like to reserve a copy?". Toys R Us had nada, and two local gaming shops each say it comes out later; one doesn't know when, and the other says next thursday.

    What is the deal here? Last week, online sources (including Gamestop's site) said it would be released on the 12th. I mean, I can wait however long it takes, but when all of the stores I go to are inconsistent with this release I can't help but get angry. What's going on /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif ?
  6. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Usually the date is when the game ships.. so if it shipped on the 12th, it should be out everywhere by the 13th. My friends at different game stores all called me today saying they got it. Might try calling up the stores again and check it out.

  7. martialfanatic

    martialfanatic Well-Known Member

    I hope you're right. I'm just mad because each store has a different story and/or release date. To be perfectly honest, I'm tempted to order it off of electronics boutique's website, but I don't want to pay the extra $5 for shipping.

    And I guess calling the stores would've been a much wiser idea than ripping and running all over South Los Angeles /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif.
  8. Event_Horizon

    Event_Horizon Well-Known Member

    I was pretty damn surprised when Gamestop said they won't be getting it until Thursday. Usually even Gamestop gets the game a day after the ship date. So I went to EB and got it
  9. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    My local Gamestop had it today. They told me I got the last unreserved copy. /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif I think most retail stores should be getting it by the end of this week though.
  10. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I recall the days when I used to buy games in America. Of course, before the internet you just had to call the stores. I think all the game stores in my neighborhood knew and hated my voice, calling all the time asking if "XXXX" was in yet.

    Hehe. Memories.

    One thing I will give our Japanese counterparts. If a game is coming out that day, ALL shops have it by midday. If it's delayed, you'll know several days in advance, if not weeks.
  11. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Japan is also only like the size of a few US states...

  12. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Japan- The size of California with almost half America's population.

    It really sucks that you cannot use your characters at other people's houses. Ridiculous. It took about two minutes to realize that this really sucks, and somehow the game is still released this way. Is it to keep players from artificially inflating their ranks? That is still a stupid reason. Having a character become High King through ill-gotten gains just makes you look stupid when you get summarily spanked. I am a little pissed.
  13. Event_Horizon

    Event_Horizon Well-Known Member

    Yea, I extremely annoyed by this. How could they giveth and then taketh away!?
  14. KungPao

    KungPao Active Member

    sorry to hear about your luck guys, in a point of view from someone that just played for 2 hours after a year of vf4 at least once every other day if not everyday,

    this game makes your sessions alot smoother... it adds alot of dynamics to the fighting, especially the speed of motion..., the graphics....They look more like cartoons because of the antialiasing but.... the frame rate increase is definitely worth it, per example: I learned 5 new midair combos in the first 30minutes, mostly because of the changes in noticing how fast they fall and such, the feel of the game is just flawless now....and to reply about the new lei fei BT moves OMFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I love that one where he goes into koko shiki!!!!!!!! Also, with bukotai stance there seems to be a way to do a spin into a back turned kick that looks like a reversed thrust kick =? it really helps alot though, not to mention bokutai only enhancing defeat miss stance with its ducking execution

    and the last thing i noticed was the new -> P+K where he does a foot stomp jab, very loud and effective at getting some leg room, anyway I'm about to go on a rampage and take over tokyo's arcades =)

    One more thing, the artificial intelligence in this game so far is kind of strange...the cpu likes to duck and block alot, like a turtle... However, it has helped me to find new ways to break a crouch guard (already this game is working out player vs player conditional training) its alittle annoying at first yes, but its teaching you better then the linear way of vf4 kumite mode.

    Well, hope you guys find a copy! no excuses ok! its only 20.99!!
  15. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    Imagine this, you get outta class at 12 and you leave to pick up your reserved and payed for copy of VF4 evo. You hear some L.A. excuse as towards why it isn't in yet. You proceed to go to 7 more stores that are pretty good about getting games when they are supposed to and get more L.A. excuse (LA=lame ass). Finally you give up and go to chill with friends only to find Jimmy (Madagascar) has gotten a copy!! You talk to him and you go to check it out only to find that you have gone to one of 2 places that actually got it when they were supposed to and you got the last of 4 copies (suxs for Dandy J who went with me). I think SoA is sitting there with thumbs inserted promtly up their ass with such an ignorant mistake (don't know what mistake is but assume shipping problem). Just glad to have my COPY!! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  16. i'm in las vegas it cost 49.99 and with that i would rather get SC2 since i have vf4
  17. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    Sorry, but VF4c ran at a perfect 60fps.
  18. Lightning

    Lightning Member

    Stop it u guys you're gonna make me cry. /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif The closest date i've heard for Evo in my area is the 15th.
  19. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    My EB got it later than all others stores, the EB shitments come from a different location, and are shipped with a different service, so they take like an extra hour or so, or that' the story I was tolled from in front of the counter /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif.

    I decided to walk to Media Play as a last ditch effort /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif.

    I asked a Media Play employee if they had "VIRTUA Fighter 4 Evolution,".....

    He said, "you mean Virtual Fighter right, it's not Virtua?"

    I just walked away in the direction of PS2 games in the store, and what do ya know, Media Play had gotten like 20 copies or so of Evo already on the shelf (right next to normal VF4 /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif), so for 19.99 I bought it.

    If you are looking for Evo now, your best bet is to go to a video game specialty store, like EB,Mediaplay,etc.

    Don't count on K-mart,Target and all those stores, as they take shipments on weekends sometimes, which postpones your Evo play.
  20. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    I got mine today! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    And when I told my friend how much it cost, he got one too! He's never played before but he wants to learn. He's tired of the general Capcom fighters. I'm hoping I can convert him. heh heh /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

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