My two cents about the evo struggle challenges.

Discussion in 'Console' started by Drift, Jan 25, 2004.

  1. Drift

    Drift Well-Known Member

    Okay, I've been working on completing the challenges with all characters (thanks to Izha for inspiriation) and I had an epiphany. The struggle challenges are EASY. VERY EASY. Even with pad. You simply have to understand what they are trying to teach you. I did a search to see if anyone else had found what I did, but I only found people who had beaten it without any concrete advice. If this has been said before, forgive me.

    First is Brad's challenge. This is just standard struggling. Easiest of all.

    Second is Lau. This is a special recovery type. I tried many different methods and fell upon a surprisingly easy method. You absolutely, positively should not struggle until you see yourself getting up and your hand just leaves the ground. Then, do a mad struggle and 1,2,3 recovery. Second hardest to do.

    Third is Wolf. This is stumble recovery. At first, I thought Lau's was the hardest to do, but after my previous discovery Wolf has taken that honor. You should start to struggle hard immediately after getting hit. Don't wait to see the stick icon or you're toast. (at least in my experience)

    Lastly is Akira. My friends, I have found a way where you will never get hit by that damn sglplm again. When you are tripped, you will see that the stick icon flashes red very briefly b/f you hit the ground and takes some time to flash red again. These are your clues. Just b/f you hit the ground do a quick standard struggle and stop. You will see yourself rise very, very quickly. Then, do a standard struggle again just b/f it flashes and presto. You have eliminated that option. I can do this now just using my thumb on the D-pad and alternating P and K. It really is that easy.

    After I learned these methods I did those challenges with all characters and got 5 in row almost every single time. Wolf was most troublesome and Lau pissed me off some when I would get 4 and then get smacked, but all in all, struggling out of these is very simple once you get some practice. If someone knows of an easier way to do Wolf's challenge, please share.

    I hope this helps some of the people here who have yet to complete these missions. I am almost disgusted at how easy Akira's is now. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    Well I'm off to finish my last challenges. QTE and EQTE here I come.
  2. Siyko

    Siyko Well-Known Member

    I have only tried the akira one (with lion) and it works very very well! Usually i just let loose on teh stick to try to stagger as fast as possible (which almost never works), but now i am struggling out of it at least 50% of the time - my timing is off. Very nice info!
  3. Devil7om

    Devil7om Well-Known Member

    you can always have one person button mashing and one thumbing the d-pad. It must be pretty funny to watch though.
  4. Siyko

    Siyko Well-Known Member

    sad to say the akira is not with fastest possible timing... i can go through challenge fine but still eat the sgpalm in matches and free training /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  5. Aoi_Mei

    Aoi_Mei Well-Known Member

    Wolf stagger was 10 times easier than Lau´s when I noticed this...
    You made big mistake when you started struggling immediately being hit, since you will fail 99% sure.
    You just have wait a little while after being staggered (a surprisingly long while, I´d say), then struggle just before Wolf begans his second attack.
    I was able to recover so quickly with this method I made lot of accident evades and sometimes I did hit Wolf before his HCB[P], I had this problem of letting go of the [G] while struggling.
    With Sarah, I always recovered so quickly that Wolf´s HCB[P] didnt even reach me while guarding /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif! I had to dash back to wall to close distance and solve the problem.
    Entering [G] correctly is really important in this. If you start struggling before [G] is held down you fail.

    Akira was definitely easy, as you said. But it is enough if you just enter [G] without hurry, just when the stagger mark appears and smash buttons as fast as you can.

    btw..D++, with D-pad, when you hold [G], [P]+[G](L1) and [K]+[G](R2) shoulder buttons will come [P] and [K], if you use default buttons, you can enter commands really fast with this way and make struggling probably easier than with a stick.
  6. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Advice to those practicing struggle challenges... don't /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

    Instead go to training mode and set them up yourselves in order to achieve fastest timing. This is how I practice Akira's since the provided exercise is obviously too slow.
  7. Drift

    Drift Well-Known Member

    Well, yes. Much to my dismay, Akira's challenge isn't very 'realistic' in terms of actual matches. I learned this the hard way during the recent CIB3 when Bu_Jassoom's Akira smacked me around while I tried to struggle on my dinky pad.

    Izha, thanks for the advice on Wolf. I'll give that a try. And yeah, I used R1 and R2 to do the struggle challenges. I set R1 to P+G for the QTE one and it really helped. (I know it's cheating /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif )

    Jerky, free training is certainly the way to go when training for actual matches. I was posting for those of us who were/are trying to complete the challenges on all characters (for wallpapers). After I did a few characters', I learned these easy methods and thought I would share them.

    Now, all I need to finish is Akira's Combo #6 in Tactics against Aoi. That Knee into m-dblplm on pad is one tuff mutha. After some practice, I can now get the knee fairly consistently on flat ground, but in the middle of a combo is something else altogether. That's all I need to finish up Tut,Tac&Adv, and Challenges with e'rebody. Then, it will be on to getting Champion for everybody. Wish me luck /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    Edit: I just beat that Akira combo tactic only minutes after this post. Hehe. Guess it was meant to be. Now, can anyone do yoho -> FP -> Knee -> m-dblplm on pad in a match. That I'd like to see.
  8. Aoi_Mei

    Aoi_Mei Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    DriftPlusPlus said:
    Now, can anyone do yoho -> FP -> Knee -> m-dblplm on pad in a match. That I'd like to see.[/i]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have couple of replays where I do it in matches, and I use it regularly...not always successfully but mostly.

    What do you mean that using shoulder buttons is cheating? I dont get why many here try to play pad like stick since it isn´t one and wont became one no matter how they use it.
    If I want to play like with a stick I´ll get one, but I like pad, and I proudly use shoulder buttons since they´re essential part of my (Akira)game and definitely not cheating. Performing commands shouldn´t be the difficult part in the game so why make it hard? I wouldn´t be this good if had to use all my time on practising how to do this and that without shoulders.
  9. Drift

    Drift Well-Known Member

    Izha, I agree. Shoulders aren't cheating anymore than switching to a stick for easier inputs is cheating. People switch to stick b/c they're not good enough to play with a pad. That's cheating. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif The game allows you to set whatever button configuration you want. Hell, it's even standard config. It's not like you have to unlock the ability to do so. Still, there are some stickaphiles who think that since they don't use multi-input settings, no one should. Well, we paddies say that since you all don't have the skill to play on pad, you haven't earned the right to tell us what's right or wrong.

    Ok, all joking aside (and back on topic), your advice on Wolf was very helpful. I recommend it to all.

    Off topic again...I personally only use the L2 shoulder in standard setting (P+K+G) and only b/c my fingers are too big to press Square, Triangle, and Circle at the same time consistently. (I play with my right-hand fingers perched over the pad Tekken-style) If the pad was a little bigger, I probably wouldn't use any shoulders. Even if I do switch to stick (and I probably will) multi-input shoulders will be ok by me...........As for that combo I mentioned, after playing through quest a little with Akira (on my path to Champions for all), I saw that it isn't all that hard to do in a match. It's certainly not as easy as Kage's 'difficult' float followups. Then again, I'm quickly learning Kage is for losers like me. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif j/k
  10. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    People switch to stick b/c they're not good enough to play with a pad.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's certainly an argument I've never heard before. Imo, people switch to sticks, or use sticks in general, because that's the design of the game in the arcade. For myself and many others, VF (1 through Evo) has first and foremost been (and still is) an arcade game. Having a home port is nice, no doubt, but the game was born on sticks and is played more effectively, imo, on sticks. There are some excellent pad players, I admit, however the majority of skilled players are stick-centric.

    VF becomes truly enjoyable when it's about the gameplay and the setups, and not about the controls.

    <font color="yellow">.cheers.</font>
  11. Drift

    Drift Well-Known Member

    Llanfair, I was joking. Hence, the smiley and the 'all joking aside' remark.
  12. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Aha. My bad. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    <font color="yellow">.cheers.</font>

    EUROTRASH Well-Known Member

    God damn me!

    I can't do any of them consistently. Since I'm much faster in my right hand I cheated and did most of them like that, spinning the stick as fast as I could. That was damn hard but I finally managed all of them except the wolf one. And this one's supposed to be easy? wtf... Yes, I try to time it with when the stick turns red (not doing anything except sometimes holding guard before). I also tried pressing guard first of all right after the stick turns red and then running the stick around.

    Whats the god damn thing that everybody knows but doesn't tell me? /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif Confused as shit, I really feel handicapped here. I probbably missed some important thing like ... hmm are you supposed to have the stick connected to the ps2 maybe? joking... have to joke cus im so depressed about this lol.

    I'm not a total noob with the stick in my eyes, but maybe I am I don't know. To give any1 who will try to help me any pointers I can atleast do akiras tactics advice without trouble from both 1P and 2P... doesn't make me one bit better at stagger recovery though /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif

    How many circles (I'm assuming thats how to struggle out of stagger) would you people guess are required to manage the one against wolf? at my probably way too slow speed I do about three from when the stick turns red to when I get hit again. and how important is pressing the buttons fast? and must guard definitely be held before starting recovering or is it really only important that it's held down in the end?

    Maybe I'm missing something very basic here... like I prolly miss one or two directional inputs in the whole circle, but as I've understood it the game counts the number of inputs and not caring if I do a totally complete circle or not. I understand that hitting all gives me more inputs but that aint worth slowing down for. In free training ya can see how many frames each imput is held, so what would you say is the required average frame count per direction to struggle effectively, and how fast button pressing?

    Also I sometimes rise fast seem to block but it doesnt count. It doesnt seem related to how properly / fast I try to do it, it just happens randomly it seems. I realise that I will rise too slow to get hit if I dont struggle at all but I'm not talking about that. I also tried backdashing so it was against the wall, just seems to make it harder but dont really know about that.

    I need help agains lau and all of them really but wolf is most important now since only that one is left... but later i wanna manage all in free training /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    *edit* by the way, what does the 1,2,3 part of "Then, do a mad struggle and 1,2,3 recovery" mean?

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