
Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Ryadus, Jun 25, 2005.

  1. Ryadus

    Ryadus Well-Known Member

    Can you remember the thread 'Who's the best Brad player?' that I started years ago? There were those videos of yours in which you played against Ohsu's Brad and Chibita. I used the Search and found them but the link for them was dead so could you put fresher link so that I can watch and download them. This ain't really a media request, ain't this? I just wanna see the videos again and download them.
    I put this message here because this is where I put the earlier thread.
  2. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Ryadus; I have those vids. Go to #vfse on quakenet and I'll send them to you.

  3. Ryadus

    Ryadus Well-Known Member

    I think I visited there, but the only thing I found was Swedish page made by Lau. Was it wrong page or do I have to go somewhere there? Can you give me more precise instructions?
  4. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Oki now you have me confused. I didn't mean for you to visit Oggys page ( but to use mirc ( and hit me up on irc (I go by the same name in the irc channel). You could also visit #vfhome on efnet and probably get the files you search from someone there.

    NEoChu from finland came visiting yesterday and I just saw that he was finnish and started sending him the files thinking it was you heh.

  5. Ryadus

    Ryadus Well-Known Member

    I'll go to Sorry for that confusion but I'm pretty newbie on this internet stuff. I have never used any kind of quakenets or likes before. I'll register in or be there as Ryadus.
  6. Ryadus

    Ryadus Well-Known Member

    I really AM a newbie and maybe a dummy too on internet stuff. I couldn't register either of the sites and I am too impatient to try again so could it be easier if you sent them to me by e-mail? My e-mail address is...
    Is this possible? I'd really appreciate it and I'm sorry for bothering you this much, but I just haven't spent enough time on internet, yet.
  7. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ryadus said:

    I really AM a newbie and maybe a dummy too on internet stuff. I couldn't register either of the sites and I am too impatient to try again so could it be easier if you sent them to me by e-mail? My e-mail address is *DELETED*
    Is this possible? I'd really appreciate it and I'm sorry for bothering you this much, but I just haven't spent enough time on internet, yet.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    <font color="red">
    *signs you up for various porn spams*</font>

    *email edited out*
  8. Ryadus

    Ryadus Well-Known Member

    For sure when you moron provoke them. If so I'll change my e-mail and destroy the previous one. However, thanks for saying that. Now I ain't gonna do that again but please think before you start provoking others.
  9. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ryadus said:

    For sure when you moron provoke them. If so I'll change my e-mail and destroy the previous one. However, thanks for saying that. Now I ain't gonna do that again but please think before you start provoking others.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    lol, was that flame bait? Dont be so sensative, its just a joke .
  10. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Vith, well he did say he's not that familiar to the internet so you can't exactly expect him to be rofling at your joke /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    Anyway, Ryadus, did you manage to get the videos? If not, I'll upload them tonight.
  11. Ryadus

    Ryadus Well-Known Member

    Sorry but I just can't take that sort of things as jokes.
    And Myke, yes, I got the videos. Kiwe send them to me. I'll send you a private message so read them carefully.

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