need help practicing combos

Discussion in 'Jacky' started by jongoo, May 23, 2012.

  1. jongoo

    jongoo Active Member

    Hey guys, I need help with combos. Specifically, I'm trying to pull of Jacky's 33K->6P->6KG->7K+G consistently but in the span of about an hour, I only pulled it off a few times.

    At first I thought one move at a time but that never worked. Then I thought of the inputs as one big string (well, the 6P-> 6KG part, throwin in a G after 6P) and that seemed to help. It seems to help to hit G after 6P to keep the canned string from coming out though I wonder if that's necessary. Also, is it important to land 6P as soon as possible or is the timing more lenient?

    Any tips would be much appreciated. I suspect it may be just a matter of spending lots of time practicing but I'm hoping there might be a trick I'm missing that'll speed up my learning.

    Also, I have a Jacky combo list I printed from here long time ago when I first tried getting good (and giving up) and there's a chart with all the characters for each combo, two slots for each character. I see c's and n's. I figured c means closed stance but n? Also what is the significance of the notation being in the left or right slot? Excuse my noobness.
  2. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Hey Jongoo!
    About C's and N's, C means counterhit, which is when your launcher interrupts opponent. Normal hit is just.. normal, opponent doesnt block. You can set your CPU dummy to receive the hit as either counter hit or normal from the settings.
    the stance is marked by two separate columns for each character, one for closed, one for open stance. Check the legend. I tried to tell Myke its not entirely intuitive, but *shrug*.

    As for hints to performing Iaigeri in combos; well, Im afraid I dont have much. The trick is indeed entirely related to timing of pressing the G button.

    Whats problematic, is that when you do iaigeri as part of the combo, you buffer the [6_][K] press which means that the timing can actually vary and the kick will still come out. This means that the interval between K and G presses is also variable. This is why I personally can do iaigeri relatively easily on its own, but have trouble doing it in combos.

    Id recommend practising only one iaigeri combo at a time, until the timing is down to muscle memory, then move to a different iaigeri combo. Getting the timing to muscle memory is pretty much the only way.

    Also, I personally always do single punches as [P]~[G]. It doesnt take anything away, and makes aircombos much easier and simpler due to no chance of accidental string. When you get used to it, theres no reason not to do it, even when its not needed.
  3. jongoo

    jongoo Active Member

    Thanks Manjimaru. Ah, that makes sense with the charts. Well, I'll keep practicing, one iaigeri combo at a time.
  4. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    For iageri I find it's much easier to tap [P] too, so you're tapping [K] [P] [G] in a triplet rhythm. It's a bit hard to explain but it really helps with the timing. I remember Seidon posted a video of a Japanese player doing it this way, hopefully someone can dig it up if not I might make one.

    As for the timing when it's buffered Manji, I don't think it varies as you can buffer the [G] too. Timing for the button presses is dead on in the method I use so I guess you're just getting the impression the timing is different.
  5. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    No you cant, Im pretty sure. The G needs to be pressed when the leg is fully extended, and for that the kick has to come out first..
  6. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    i wonder if your're doing the high jab, which looks like a regular P, and not 6P, which is a mid punch. the proper input is to hold forward, which is written like 6_P. the difference between P and 6_P is the jab goes out much farther. But you said you did it already a few times.

    I would say try it on the lighter characters first (i.e. girls), set the training dummy for counter hit, and just work your way through. also dont be afraid to settle for 33k, 6_P, 6PK in a real match.
  7. jongoo

    jongoo Active Member

    Uh, yeah I meant hold forward, then P. The further extending jab. Didn't even realize my notation would mean mid punch even though I do it all the time haha. Well, now I know..."6_P".

    Anyways, thanks for the tips guys! Damn, can't wait for this family trip to end so I can get back at training.
  8. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Buffer [6] for the [K] after executing [P]. You need to learn the window in which you can execute this move so that you have the timing for when to tap [G] to cancel out of it. You'll get it eventually, but it's just repetition.

    Also, this is very important for combos: return your stick to neutral after inputs. If you have a habit of rolling inputs you'll have a difficult time - Perfect example is when trying to perform [3]+[K]+[G] after iaigeri. Do not roll your stick from [6] to [3]. Instead try tapping this input with [K]+[G]. Clean execution matters.

    Good luck!
  9. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    First off you not going to get this combo in a hour or day for that matter. If you cannot perform the Iageri kick period then you are trying to run before crawling. I suggest you practice doing the kick consistanly. Then after you get the timing right practice doing it after a standing [P]. No launcher or nothihng.. just practice doing [P] then iageri.. Get that down.. then you move on to the launch.
  10. avok23

    avok23 Active Member

    AH! this was me two weeks ago
    so i did
    [3][3][K][6_][P][G] //this does the punch as well as buffer [6_]
    Then i do the [K] [G] cancel [4][K]+[G]

    for some reason spin heel never bounced for me so flip misses all the time

    I tried to speed up iaigeri by speeding up the [6_][P][G](Cancels)[K] input since [P] recovers fast but when i do that i have a mental block and cant hit the [G] for the Iaigeri. Working on it.

    If someone can do this combo with input display on so i can adjust my timing accordingly i might gift you my 2nd soul.
  11. Plume

    Plume Well-Known Member

    Put over 9000 levels of effort in practicing kick cancel combos.
    -Improve your odds of winning a match by 5 percent.

    Put over 9000 levels of effort working on anything else.
    -Improve your odds of winning a match by 300-500 percent.

    Of course my numbers become wrong once you've been playing for a year or whatever, but there's no sense in grinding your heads on the brick wall like that when there is so much more to work on.
  12. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Try it on a light weight close footed.. see what you get then.
  13. avok23

    avok23 Active Member

    I found a trick to improve my execution of this combo

    Practice [6_][P][G][K] [G]. If you enter the first [G] immediately after the [P] then enter the [K] fast enough (or just after :p recovers) you get a 2 hit combo 34 damage. You dot need to cancel the last kick just for practice but you should for muscle memory.

    [6_][P] is the same as [P]
  14. avok23

    avok23 Active Member

    I'd rather do the [3][3][K][6_][P][4][K]+[G][7][K]

    Some one in this community keeps writing [7][K] as [7][K]+[G]
    Terrible habit
  15. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Moves like that execute 1 frame faster if you input it as K+G instead of just K
  16. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    not a habit.. its a frame quicker.. read the notes...just like the[9]+[K]. That combo does'nt work on everybody.
  17. avok23

    avok23 Active Member

    That is a bug. Cos i just realized the move will miss Aoi without that.
  18. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    if it is a bug then it has been around since VF2.

    (hint: it is not a bug)
  19. avok23

    avok23 Active Member

    That is a bug. Cos i just realized the move will miss Aoi without that.
  20. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    if it is a bug then it has been around since VF2.

    (hint: it is not a bug)

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