Need help understanding frame data

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Fortean, Dec 24, 2007.

  1. Fortean

    Fortean Member

    Hi, people. I've been trying to wrap my head around the frame tables that are provided on However, it's all in some incomprehensible moon-language. Through the magic of the internet, I've found the translation for most of the sections, but can anyone tell me what the following column headers mean?

    発, 持, 全, 避, and 備考.

    Also, if anyone knows a link to an English equivilent of this sort of character specific frame information, that'd be even better.
  2. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    click on or hover over "virtua fighter 5" on the left side of the page. go to the character of your choice and go to his or her command list.

    on the command list page there is a link to a frames guide aswell.
  3. Fortean

    Fortean Member

    That's just what I needed, Fulaani, thanks! I wasted too much of my evening trying to translate the stuff on the other site.

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