need some serious advice

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by mlp715, Jun 28, 2008.

  1. mlp715

    mlp715 Well-Known Member

    i've been playin vf5 now for almost a year and some how i got all the achievements for the game but when i go online and play i suck!!! i play quest mode on hard/expert when i want to trian and i do fine but as soon as i get confident and go online i get my ass kicked and its getting frustrating!!! i use shun and im comfortable with him what moves or technics should i learn too step my game up PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!
  2. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    Get to know people on here, make friends, play them and ask for advice. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  3. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    lol, all of us who havent human comp have been there. One hint is that humans dont stagger recover/throw escape like lvl expert. Mostly tho, time and games. U want 2 get into marathon player matches against people better than u. I like to find people who i can beat about 1/4 to 2/5 the time and hopefully after an hour my win % has gone up. If u want add me as freind and we could play shun v shun, since i only have about 30 games offline and 0 with shun online it should be ok. I feel ur pain. Its taken me a month but i m 7th dan and rising. i use lei. oh yeah, player matches r where u get better. 1 last thing--u wouldnt be as frustrated if u could see rank. a lot of the peeps n player matches r STRONG. u'll get it, dont worry, again i've been there and understand 1000% ; )
  4. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    evade after being blocked helps too
  5. mlp715

    mlp715 Well-Known Member

    thanx i will send an invite 1st chance i get
  6. mlp715

    mlp715 Well-Known Member

    its hard to make friends here whenever i play online with someone from the forum they dont accept my friend request because im not at thier level so i befriend people at my level the matches r fun but im not getting better or atleast i dont think i am
  7. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    Well shoot me a friend invite. We can get some games in.
  8. mlp715

    mlp715 Well-Known Member

    i tried to send an invite but your list was full. if anything i usually do player matches after 430 almost everyday we can session then if we run into eachother
  9. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    You get better by playing people better than you and figuring out what they are doing ^^
  10. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Nah, evading when it will work is better... unless you enjoy being thrown all day.
  11. Vanilla_Tears

    Vanilla_Tears Well-Known Member

    I don't think this is always true. You need to naturally progress through levels of skill.
    If I wanna learn basketball, playing one on one with Kobey is not the fastest way there.

    Competing against my level, then advancing to the next level until i'm up to Kobey's level. Then play Kobey to further advance.

    Playing Kobey right off the bat will only result in me never having the ball. Works the same in VF. Play elite right away with the thought of getting better only results in you getting obliterated.

    Just my thought.
  12. DarkGift

    DarkGift Well-Known Member

    first of all it's Kobe.
    and 2nd the idea is picking up on those things that your better opponent does to beat you, andd seeing the things that can beat you.

    honestly, if you suck, playing people at your level wont really be any good for you.. cuz they will suck too and you guys will prob be playing a spamming marathon or something.. and its also not "PLAY THE MOST ELITE VF PLAYER EVER", it's play someone better than you, who you can learn from..

    just my thought

    and for mlp715, post in the NYCVF thread to find some players.. NYC has some of the more skilled players in NA and are usually willing to help people who are willing to take the help
  13. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    kobey, lol. I bet Shack would think thats funny. Feck--i was saying to evade after his attacks r blocked. Also, another easy one to being better is go to the dojo and set the cpu to counter hit mid punch and duck into it--this gives stagger, now practice recovery. no reason to eat all that damage, right?
  14. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Doesn't matter if you meant Evade after he blocks an attack or Evade after his attack is blocked... it's still bad advice.
  15. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    not really bad advice, EVERY good player online does it. I didn't say do it every time no matter what.
  16. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I'm pretty sure the good players don't just evade cause their attack was blocked... oh online, damn.
  17. Duckguin

    Duckguin Active Member

    Dude, mlp715... I was just going to post in the Good Games thread since I had fun against your Shun like 20 minutes ago. Add me and you can hit me up for a match next time I'm on.

    I'm not the best source of advice, but just try to mix up the attacks a bit more. After a couple rounds I got the feeling that most attacks would be mid or high, or there'd be a one of a couple strings (don't know the names of 'em). So I go low, or keep my distance and come in with some of Pai's long range kicks.

    Yeah, I'm in the same boat. What'd be really great is to have some face-to-face human competition. Like a, "Dude, seriously... I'll catch you every time because of blah blah blah" would be great. I can imagine how people in that kind of environment would learn faster than staring at the screen wondering wtf just happened.

    Hrmm, mind games then? I get my ass handed to me every time I play a ranking match, but in the player matches I'm not a total embarrasment. I figured the "serious" players were busy ranking up, and everyone else was cowering in the player matches... heh.
  18. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Frankly M guy you were playing better while you were playing me but then you just
    gave up and let me play around with your dead body. You said you didn't want to play in shakedown because people would be too good. Playing in Shakedown is
    EXACTLY what you should do to see how strats work.

    My 2 cents.
  19. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    damn what is it with one of goh's circular throws? why is the titty punch so powerful? Use TEs or its seksual harassment!

    ...I will say this, dont overwhelm yourself trying to learn all the f-u-n-damentals , but I do think learning to evade is a good place to start
  20. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I'm guessing there's quite a lot of players that have a fairly high rank but don't bother with ranked all that much. Player matches is the best place to be online.

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