Need specific content from old wiki back

Discussion in 'Site News, Questions and Feedback' started by Iwazaru, Dec 30, 2021.

  1. Iwazaru

    Iwazaru Active Member

    Dear admins, could you help me with accessing certain things from now unaccessable /wiki.old part of site?
    It's about vf4, but it's not presented on /vf4 pages.
  2. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Maybe someone with better knowledge can help you here, but I think there are only command lists and the old forum section for VF4...I don't think there was a wiki section made for VF4?
  3. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    what kind of VF4 content are you looking for?
  4. Iwazaru

    Iwazaru Active Member

    At least around 2014 (judging from my browser bookmarks - yes i visited this site as guest long before i finally made an account), there was that /wiki.old section that used same engine for both VF5 and VF4 areas.

    And while command lists and "strategy documents" are now accessable via website (commands - on main part of site, documents - on "legacy" /vf4 and /vf3 sections - btw thank you much for keeping them, appreciated!), there is one specific thing that was lost when abeforementioned /wiki.old stopped being available (i dont know when exactly)...'s VF4/EVO/FT stage comparison pictures!

    And considering that Sega deleted all those old VF website about 5 years ago (and, of course, webarchiveorg is extremely bad at saving stuff like that, as usual), there is no any other place to find them elsewhere.

    Yes i'm very much "nuts" for stages appreciation and love early/old 3d and game development history, so it bothers very much to loose those sets of images that show how stages were different in each vf4 big version. And those pics were official ones, not just usermade screenshots, with perfect viewpoint even if small pixel size... so i'd like to preserve them very much and not to loose in endless time abyss. Just like VF5 section on current website has VF5/R/FS comparison pics as well, i treasure that as well.

    It was here
    You can even take a look via webarchive, but ofc it did not save needed pictures.
    While other stuff like documents is on vf4 subsite just fine, i guess.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2022
  5. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

  6. Iwazaru

    Iwazaru Active Member

    First thread (which is kinda sweet, thanks) only has original VF4 content, and second thread (wow, it's made by me, haha) has an answer linking to first thread, well...

    So yeah, my only hope is either if admins can find those old pages from their old backups, or someone else was kind enough to save all those pictures (vf4 -> evo -> ft).

    Hurts so much fearing all of it can be lost forever and not preserverd. And disappointingly webarchiveorg didn't save most pictures either. Also stupid sega wiped all old websites for 5US reboot. :cry:

    Anf of course i now hate myself for not being wise enough and save them all 7 years ago (i couldn't predict they will be gone).
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2022
  7. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    :(Yea, in my line of work we have a saying:

    Blessed are the pessimists for they hath made backups......

    did you check sites like the wayback:

    I heard, If you dig deep, there are more thorough sites than wayback, and I hear for the right price anything that was once on the Internet can be retrieved. But I know nothing about this, and have no specific information. Its a rumor I heard once.:cautious:

    also there's sites like:
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2022
  8. Iwazaru

    Iwazaru Active Member

    Of course, i was ranting just above how it doesnt save needed images in cases when its needed. From wiki.old it didnt save any stage pic, and from japanese vf subsites it only has ft pics, but nothing else.

    Thanks for trying to help though. Appreciated.
  9. HighSense

    HighSense New Member

    Iwazaru likes this.
  10. Iwazaru

    Iwazaru Active Member

    Nice, thank you. I was wondering why i cant find evo part on virtuafighterjp, so guess it was hosted on am2 site instead, i see. Btw i now go and re-save from your second link, cause AFAIK imgur adds additional compression.


    In this case, here are the ones from 4FT section of virtua fighter jp:

    Now we need to find originals for VF4, and if we do not, then at least we have abeforementioned "wallpapers" instead.

    After which i would highly ask admins to somehow "cement" content into website so it doesn't disappear again (in a way that would be most comfortable for all, of course).
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2022
  11. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Just to speed up the inquiry...I will tag @Myke and retreat!
    Myke likes this.
  12. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

  13. Iwazaru

    Iwazaru Active Member

    Yeah, would be good to add images, in the end (when we finish with vf4 vanilla ones situation), into that subsite. If technically possible (?).
  14. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I still have the original wiki content archived so should be able to dig these up. Give me a bit of time and I'll reply back to this thread when ready.
    beanboy, Iwazaru and akai like this.
  15. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

  16. Iwazaru

    Iwazaru Active Member

    Nice, thanks for providing "originals". Will it just be here, or later find solution to have somewhere on website?
  17. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Definitely intend to re-integrate all the old vf4/vf3 content back into this site. It's just a question of finding the time, or volunteers to help!
    Iwazaru likes this.

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