Need to expand combo list for Lion

Discussion in 'Lion' started by Pizhew, Dec 19, 2002.

  1. Pizhew

    Pizhew Member

    This is a call out to all Lion players here.
    Submit your flashy/damaging combos as I'm getting tired of seeing the combos my uncle and I use all the time.
    Unite! share all knowledge! Answer my call! I am summoning you all! Help a fellow Lion Player who needs to hold High King and Emperor with two player files.
    I look foward to hearing from you all. Any and ALL contributions will be greatfully accepted.
  2. Deadpixel

    Deadpixel Member

    There are so many possibilities...... But here are some that I use most often

    1. [4][4][K], buffer [P]+[K], [4][6][K]+[G]

    or alternatively,

    2. [4][4][K], buffer [P]+[K], [4][6][P]+[K][P][P]

    3. [8][8]or[2][2][P]+[K]+[G], [P][P][P], [8][P]
    The third hit (after the [P][P][P] series), as you can see, is his downer which, from my experience, always hit, but I think the opponent can rollout-recover after the [P][P][P] series......

    4. [4_][P]+[K](charge), [4][4][K], buffer [P]+[K], [4][6][K]+[G]
    This is the most powerful combo I've ever done with Lion...... You can also try to tack on some extra damage with the downer at the end, but isn't guaranteed...... Most often opponents can rollout at the end...... In any case, it is a hard combo to do because the combo starter, the sorta "wind-up" poke, is easily predictable, for it takes time to come out, especially when it's charged up...... But if it hits, you're in for some major pain-giving......

    5. [P]+[K], [6][P], [6][6][K][K]
    The second kick in the two-kick series sometimes do not hit; it depends on the weight of your opponent and whether he is close to the wall or not......

    6. [2_][6][P], [8][P]+[K], [3][P]

    or alternatively,

    7. [2_][6][P], [P][P][P], [3][P]
    The first move in both 6 and 7 must be a counter-hit for it to float the opponent.

    8. [2_][6][P]+[G], [6][6][K][K]
    I think a lot of Lion players use this...... The first move, obviously, is a throw...... The two-kick series hits as a bounce combo....... Thinking about this one, I honostly think it's the only throw you can combo off of in the game, unless I'm mistaken

    Anyways, that's all I got for now....... Try exploring some of these in free-training...... There are a lot of variations and possibilities to these so you should be able to come up with more with the ones I provided above......
  3. Calvin

    Calvin Well-Known Member

    which ones work in versus?
  4. Deadpixel

    Deadpixel Member

    All of them work with human opponents...... You just gotta know when to use them...... For easy damage delivery, use the ones that start with a quick move...... If you can get a counter hit with some of the slower ones, then do so, but with caution, because you can get a big disadvantage if you fail...... (Many of Lion's moves do not have very quick recovery times)
  5. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Calvin: LOL
    Deadpixel: he has a point, df+P at the end of a combo is only assured if lion ends the combo in [3_][P][P].. so that the opponent cannot TR.
    Pizhew: You asked for flashy and damaging... I have nothing flasy to add, but for damaging - all of lion's most damaging combos are listed in my combo guide, which is a sticky post at the top of the junky's jungle forum.
    For flashy combos, maybe watch some chibita clips.
  6. Deadpixel

    Deadpixel Member

    Yeah, just realized some of the ones I listed end with the quick downers...... Which usually never works with my brother when I'm playing him (excluding the fact that he is f*kin' good at the game)......
    Ahhh, didn't realize you couldn't roll out after [3_][P][P]...... Just tested it, and I felt really stupid for being so oblivious...... Thanks for pointing that out.......
  7. T_ConX

    T_ConX Member

    Gotta love:
    [4][4][K] to [P]+[K]

    This combo is pretty flexible as a floater. Try:
    after, or just go for the risky down attack.

    [6][6][K][K], fallowed by [2_][K][K]
    a try. Not much damage, put can pulled off easily...
  8. dark_goh

    dark_goh Active Member



  9. Anton

    Anton Well-Known Member

    [4] [4][K] (buffered)[P]+[K] then [K][K] and [8_][P]+[K] when the opponent is near the ground [6][6][K][K] and bounce combo [2_][K][K] /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

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