Neko Dojo's 2AFC Approach

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Sep 16, 2013.

By akai on Sep 16, 2013 at 10:44 AM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    For those seeking to learn and improve on their VF play, there are many good resources already available. For example, video tutorials and the VFDC Wiki. However, textbook-like resources that allow people to follow chapters sequentially for effective understanding is sorely lacking. The Neko Dojo team, the makers of Virtua Wrecker 5 Final Showdown and many other videos showcasing very damaging setups, presents their textbook-like resource 2AFC Approach (see below for Table of Contents).


    The goal of 2AFC Approach (Two-Alternative Forced Choice or what VFers might know as "nitaku") is to make players think of most situations as a choice between 2 actions. However, the overall message the Neko Dojo team wants to impart to beginners and intermediate players are:
    The 2AFC Approach is an ongoing work. It is unique for having both a Japanese and English text version. Not only is it a beneficial resource to new players, but it also contain valuable information for experienced players. What I like about 2AFC Approach is that it builds on preexisting resources with additional information. So check out Neko Dojo's 2AFC Approach! I will update the Table of Contents below as more blog entries are posted.

    2AFC Table of Contents
    (last updated June 20, 2015)​
    2AFC Approach: Preface
    1. How to Reduce Input Lag (English / 日本語)
    2. General Properties of Attacks (English / 日本語)
    3. Attack Analysis (English / 日本語)
    4. Advantage and Disadvantage (English / 日本語)
    5. Top Tips for Command Input
    6. Attack Levels
    7. Training 1 (English / 日本語)
    8. General Strategy: Collision Detection (English / 日本語)
    9. General Properties of Foot Stance (English / 日本語)
    10. General Properties of Throw
    11. Fuzzy Guarding
    12. Catch Throws and Guard Breaks
    13. High Throws at Large Advantage

    About the Neko Dojo Team
    The Neko Dojo team is composed of Hokkaido VFers: Academi-ya who writes majority of the text and manages their blog and Nachi Nozawa who edits majority of the videos. In addition, KEN KEN sometime helps with the making of the videos. Neko Dojo was originally created by Academi-ya in 2003 for Virtua Fighter 3 to 5. In 2010, he created the current blog for Final Showdown. Due to increasing workload, Academi-ya took less of the center stage on the blog's contents. However, seeing a lack of a textbook-like resource available, and that the success of that resource would require a seasoned player with knowledge of the VF system, he decided to write the 2AFC Approach.​
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2015


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Sep 16, 2013.

    1. academi-ya
      Dear Akai:

       We would like to express our sincere gratitude for introducing our articles, 2AFC Approach, in VFDC.

       We are particularly interested in suggestions and opinions for improvement of articles. Your suggestions have definitely been seen to have made a huge difference.

       Thanks again, I really appreciate how much you have encouraged me.

      With best regards,

      Last edited: Jun 10, 2015
    2. JHow77
      Can't believe I never knew this:

      The special rules for when two attacks collide at the same time are as follows:[3]

      ・ The attack that does the highest damage wins.
      ・ If the damage is equal, then the attack with the slower execution wins.
      ・ If the damage and execution are equal, then the player with 50 pts life less than the opponent wins.
      ・ Otherwise, you'll get a double hit.

      I always assumed there were some kind of rules for this, mainly because you rarely see clashes in this game. Does anyone know how long these rules have been around, VF2, VF3...???
      00000000, academi-ya and BLACKSTAR like this.
    3. Tricky
      I love these things man. Keep it coming!!!
      academi-ya likes this.
    4. akai
      academi-ya - I enjoy reading your blog entries and it really helps that I don't have to make guesses from reading the Japanese version! :D

      JHow77 - might not be the same exact rules, but I know it was in VF4. I did not play enough of VF1-VF3 though to know what rules they had for attacks that collide at the same time, but I assume they had some similar type of rule for each VF that had a sudden death round. By the way, that particular information has been in the VFDC Wiki. There might be other stuff in there that might be new to you and others!
      academi-ya likes this.
    5. Lucky_GT
      I've been trying to push this 2AFC approach to American VF'ers for awhile. a lot of players are attempting the higher level stuff Fuudo mentioned but are failing because they are lacking the 2AFC basics.
      DK, phanatik, nou and 2 others like this.
    6. Ylyon
      very good and useful job!! Thanks for your work!
      academi-ya likes this.
    7. Nachi-Nozawa
      Thanks for the introduction!
      We will introduce the useful information and fun video.
      Let's enjoy VF5FS!
      Kanoppio, G0d3L, Chanchai and 2 others like this.
    8. El_Twelve
      Whoa! Much appreciated for the info and the time to translate into English too!
      academi-ya likes this.
    9. academi-ya
      Hi everyone,

       We just posted part 3 of Attack Levels on Neko-Dojo. This article considers in more depth the point that emerged from the discussions of the difference between States (Conditions) and Detections.

      Our message is that:
       the knowledge of air state makes sure of the choice of the best suited attacks in particular situations.

      Last edited: Sep 18, 2013
      G0d3L and erdraug like this.
    10. erdraug
      Amazing insight! It's the first time i have read about "blank time" in jumping attacks. I will try to input all my jumping attacks as 9G...K from now on, thank you!

      I have 2 related questions: (i) is "blank time" also applicable for Wolf's 8GK and 7GK jumping attacks? (ii) Do all jumping attacks behave the same way? Maximum 9 frames of blank time, 1 active frame?

      Thank you for taking the time to research, compile and translate all of this information!
      academi-ya likes this.
    11. academi-ya

      Hi JHow77,

       You made good questions. However, it is extremely difficult for us to give reasonable explanations for them since systems of attack analysis are continually changing. I hope that you will understand this situation.
    12. academi-ya

      Hi, erdraug

       We greatly appreciate your reasonable questions.

      (i) is "blank time" also applicable for Wolf's 8GK and 7GK jumping attacks?"blank time"
       The property of "blank time" is applicable to every jumping attacks of Wolf.

       (ii) Do all jumping attacks behave the same way? Maximum 9 frames of blank time, 1 active frame?

       To the best of our knowledge, all jumping attacks behave the similar way but their features differ only in details: For example, Pai’s jumping attacks involve up to 10 frames of "blank time".
      G0d3L likes this.
    13. academi-ya

      Hi akai,

       I’m so pleased you have made update of contents despite being extremely busy. I have no words with which to express my gratitude.
    14. erdraug
      @academi-ya : thank you very much for your thoughtful answers!
      academi-ya likes this.
    15. nou
      I never even thought about Joystick lag.
      academi-ya likes this.
    16. no_w_h_ere
      Thanks academi-ya for all this work and akai as always for updating things quickly !

      @academi-ya : I have a question about your blog in 6.3 about high crushers : How can I test and know the maximum frames disadvantage to be able to successfully do one ( knowing the frame of the crouching detection) ?
      And in the exemple Akira's in side turned so Blaze's 46P really can be used up to -11 disadvantage even in a no side turned situation?
      academi-ya likes this.
    17. academi-ya

      Hi Femto,

       We usually feel no apparent Joystick Lag since Virtua Fighter-systems allow to enter commands within Input buffer. However, Input Lag would be a detrimental to fighting games when our behavior should be delayed as we want (See the video in chapter 5-1). Furthermore, in Final Showdown, a variety of effective techniques will be identified as an input wherein timing is important and we cannot utilize Input Buffer (cf. chapter 6-3).

      G0d3L and nou like this.
    18. academi-ya
      Hi no_w_h_ere,

       Your questions are very reasonable. However, explanations of those questions aren’t so simple. We will describe the method for the detection of the maximum frames disadvantage in chapter 8. In addition, side turned situations will be mentioned in chapter 11.

    19. no_w_h_ere
      Thanks a lot, everything seems planned ^^ !
      academi-ya likes this.

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