New Aoi Player... yoicks

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by plan17, Jan 16, 2002.

  1. plan17

    plan17 Active Member

    okay, here's the thing, i just saw VF4 in the local arcade and it looked just so damn cool... so i had to try it, and the demo for Aoi looked really cool so i chose her... here's the thing, i haven't really a clue how to play so i just try to throw a lot, and if i get a few cool throws before i get thrashed by Vanessa or Lau then it's all good... Unfortunately that isn't enough... but i really don't know what to do... i can't very well bring that move list there with me lolz. anyone have any tips for using AOI? thanks for humoring me...
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    You could actually print a movelist and bring it there even though it looks dorky /versus/images/icons/smile.gif... <a target="_blank" href=></a> has some formatted for the printer.

    Otherwise, are you playing people who are probably scrubs where you're at? Is the arcade in a mall? Or are you facing the computer? If so some really basic Aoi stuff:

    PPPK is three punches and a knee, they have to block high to block the knee.
    PPP,d+K is three punches and a sweep, they have to block low.
    PP, f+P, P is the most damaging punch combo. They can guard the third and fourth punches by blocking high, but if they don't it does good damage and knocks down.

    f+P+K, then P is a pretty damaging two hit combo that beats a lot of moves.
    f,f+P+K is a quick dashing elbow that sometimes gives you a free combo if it hits and knocks them high into the air.

    Finally, for throws... do any direction + P+G and you'll have a good throw, but you might want to learn her multi-throw to really show off and do good damage. If your opponents don't know anything about escaping throws, here's a good sequence:

    HCB+P+G (half circle back, roll from forward to down to back)
    b,d+P+G (do it as soon as Aoi takes them down, she'll snap a leg)
    d,u+P+G (do it right after the second part, aoi stands up and grips the leg and stomps on it).

    After this 3-part throw, you can do a ground throw - d/f+P+G - and snap their arm. A ground throw will work any time you knock them down, fool with it against the CPU.

    If you're really aggressive, a d/f+P ground chop can hit after the ground throw.

    Be careful, this CPU is tougher than the computer in VF2 or VF3. It's actually pretty smart and blocks your attacks and escapes throws. I'd recommend reading some of the VF General FAQ (you'll see it as the first post in Versus City - Virtua Fighter board).
  3. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    You could actually print a movelist and bring it there even though it looks dorky ... has some formatted for the printer.

    Unless you're using Netscape... <grumble>
  4. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    So stop using netscape!
    My parents use it for purely philosophical reasons, but my rationale is: we paid for IE, it's included with the OS which was including with the PC we paid for.
    So fuck it.
    ehehe, this zero content post was brought to you by...
    If anyone tries to start an advocacy thread here, like I just did, I'll slay them with tupperware.
  5. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    Yeah first step you want to learn the basic moves. This isn't as true with the CPU, but against the CPU the key to winning against people is to confuse the hell out of them. Actually, scratch that, the Daioh clips showed strong Aois without being overly tricky, but it certainly is one of her major strengths. So you want to put her Ying Yang stance, guard cancels and inashis to good use.

    Certain moves can cancel into YY or just guard cancelled. Say after a sweep, you can press P+K+G to go into YY and catch high and mid attacks, or you can cancel the sweep altogether and go for a throw or what not. Just mix it up to keep the opponent off guard.

    Overall she doesn't have much guaranteed stuff unless you MC. Her most staple combo would probably be b,d/f+P(MC) -> f+K,K. Another good moves that gives KD is the P after her f+K+G, but the kick gives it away if you use it too much. Also mix up her flowcharts, a good one (again from Daioh clips) is b,b+P, P, whatever you like.
  6. Sarah Rules

    Sarah Rules Member

    im a new aoi player 2 but i only know like 10 moves with her help plz?
  7. Robyrt

    Robyrt Well-Known Member

    Both VFDC and VirtuaProject have movelists. She's not all that difficult technically though, because she's not combo based and she's got a nice throw game. Major moves include f+P+K,P, d,d+P, d+K+G (G-cancel or YY stance) and the ever-popular multithrow (especially against newbies, who will often eat a ground throw afterwards).
  8. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    well i'm an Aoi player, but if you want movesets, there right here on this very site!

    go to the Vf4 section at the home page and click on movesets... simple..
  9. gribbly

    gribbly Well-Known Member

    Last night's Aoi research

    I spent several hours playing seriously with VF4 Aoi for the first time last night. She's a great character. Some things that spotlite and I figured out:

    * b+K+G -- quick kick that hits mid (I think -- BTW the VFDC Aoi movelist is missing this move). It dodges heaps of attacks, and u+P is guaranteed on MC. I couldn't really find much else to do, and it leaves Aoi's back turned. But it's still handy damage, kinda like Kage's b,b+K+G, pounce.

    * b,f+P (P+G) -- two quick high punches that seem to function as a sabaki. You have to be real quick with the P+G. Spotlite kept complaining "she's eating my moves!" when I used this.

    * b,d/f+P -- this innocuous looking little move guarantees f,f+K,K on MC. If they don't tech roll, you can get f+K as well.

    * d/f+P+K -- phoenix palm forces opponent to crouch. Low throw is guaranteed (?) on MC if you enter it fast. I used d/b+P+K+G with considerable success.

    * d/b+K -- this is a quick low quick that seems to float in some circumstances. I was so suprised that I didn't follow up with anything cool :) Still I find it more useful that her standard d+K.

    * f+P+K -- very useful. Seems to be as quick as Pai's f+P but knocks down. I was trying to cancel it so I could do P,P,P,K on a float, but didn't quite get the timing right. If you don't cancel another P comes out as another spinning elbow, which I didn't find too helpful really.

    * P,P,P,d+K -- often the sweep goes _under_ floating opponents. I found you could make it connect simply by delaying it. In any case P,P,P,K is probably the better option.

    Hmmm... that's all I can remember right now. Should look at the move list I had with me to refresh my memory.

    Anyway, I'm switching over to Aoi full time now -- she's just too much fun.

  10. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    Re: Last night's Aoi research

    Her d/b+K gives a kick up animation off to the side on an MC. If the guy doesn't TR, then you can usually tack on a sweep.

    I've noticed that somtimes the sweep on a PPPsweep will whiff too, but depends on what the floater is. At the very least, just delay the sweep a little. Unless you get a major MC, the knee in PPPK will usually whiff I think.

    Also her bitch slaps (P+K,P,P) are really improved in VF4...bring them out every once in awhile to make a rushing opponent think twice. Or, they're good in wall combos if you really want to show off. /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  11. Nutlog

    Nutlog Well-Known Member

    Re: Last night's Aoi research

    b+K+G -- quick kick that hits mid (I think -- BTW the VFDC Aoi movelist is missing this move). It dodges heaps of attacks, and u+P is guaranteed on MC. I couldn't really find much else to do, and it leaves Aoi's back turned. But it's still handy damage, kinda like Kage's b,b+K+G, pounce.

    hmm, I was under the impression that b+K+G is throw counterable if blocked. That's why I normally stay away from it. Can anyone out there verify this off the top of their head?

    b,d/f+P -- this innocuous looking little move guarantees f,f+K,K on MC. If they don't tech roll, you can get f+K as well.

    You might also want to try d+K+G for the extra ground hit. Has a chance to catch tech-rollers anyway, since it's non-linear.

    Also, for fun, use the d/f+P+K and K,K in a few MC floats. It's more embarassing than damaging really, though they do give you nearly guaranteed ground throws, as long as you're not too far from them. Throws some folks off to see this little girl pop em up them slam em back into the ground, only to break their leg after it.
  12. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: Last night's Aoi research

    * d/f+P+K -- phoenix palm forces opponent to crouch. Low throw is guaranteed (?) on MC if you enter it fast. I used d/b+P+K+G with considerable success

    No need to dash right?

    * d/b+K -- this is a quick low quick that seems to float in some circumstances. I was so suprised that I didn't follow up with anything cool :) Still I find it more useful that her standard d+K.

    I like it too, but it combines the usefulness of a slow attack with the safety of a high recovery move. It's at least high throwable when blocked :/ - it's good to tack into combos, especially OTB hits.

    One last bit, f+P+K is slower than it looks, but is indeed useful as hell.
    If you get a float that's too high for PPPsweep, do PP,f+P,P instead. Better damage. As an alternative, PPPK then low throw or d+K+G vs. TR's may work. When they catch on you can then mix up with PPPK --> ground throw. Purely speculative.
  13. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: Last night's Aoi research

    b+K+G hits low I think...a nice alternative to the pounce is to turn around G and then ground throw.
  14. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    Re: Last night's Aoi research

    Her multi's are nice too. Very nasty looking.
  15. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Re: Last night's Aoi research

    You're right, it hits low. Looks like a middle. Even more useful.

    Also, it's (b+K+G) a Sabaki against all High and Mid except Knees and Flipkicks.

    b,f+p is actually NOT a sabaki, grib. I guess it's just high priority?

    f,b+P and b+P are also Sabaki just like b+K+G, but they don't work against middle kicks.

    b+K+G isn't on any of the mC movelists I have, so I'm not sure if it's Throw mC able. Grib and I also found that turning around with G then doing u+K+G doesn't give any more damage than just u+P. Does anyone know any other combos after b+K+G MC? looks like there's a lot of time to do something...

  16. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Last night's Aoi research

    * b+K+G -- quick kick that hits mid (I think -- BTW the VFDC Aoi movelist is missing this move).

    It's not missing. Look under the Turn Away attack section (towards the bottom).

    * b,d/f+P -- this innocuous looking little move guarantees f,f+K,K on MC. If they don't tech roll, you can get f+K as well.

    Why stop there? After the f+K, a ground throw is guaranteed as well. After a few of these, your opponent will be forced to QR or TR. If they TR, you can interrupt them with a sidekick for a back stagger (because it's a face down knockdown) or if they QR you can low throw or front stagger during the crouching phase.

    This move is just... so... evil... :)

    Anyway, I believe I have posted the above information before, so try searching for Aoi stuff to see if there are other things you've missed.

    * P,P,P,d+K -- often the sweep goes _under_ floating opponents. I found you could make it connect simply by delaying it. In any case P,P,P,K is probably the better option.

    You should always go for the PPPK IMO since the Knee has no problems connecting on any floating opponent (high, mid, low, wherever). And remember to YY the Knee now and then just to rub it in ;)
  17. gribbly

    gribbly Well-Known Member

    Re: Last night's Aoi research

    >No need to dash right?


    And like I said I'm not sure if it's guaranteed, but it seemed to me the only time it failed to work was when I was too slow with or screwed up the motion.

  18. gribbly

    gribbly Well-Known Member

    Re: Last night's Aoi research

    >hmm, I was under the impression that b+K+G is throw counterable if blocked.

    I would say it's worse... if they block it you end up with your back facing them. I got away with this once or twice, but I think it's a high risk move. It has so many positive attributes (misleading hit level, sabaki properties, guaranteed u+P) that it *has* to have a downside!

  19. Pinkgirl

    Pinkgirl Well-Known Member

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    You could actually print a movelist and bring it there even though it looks dorky

    <hr></blockquote> It does? Gee. Maybe I should start wearing specs to complete the image then... lol /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    PPPK is three punches and a knee, they have to block high to block the knee.

    <hr></blockquote> I often see people do this, but after their opponent staggers from the knee (they blocked low) I don't see the Aoi players doing anything much - the recovery from that "mini" stagger (pardon my non-standard jargon) seems to be too fast or something to warrant anything after that. Am I right? In that case, what's the use of the PPPK combo? Or maybe the Aoi players I've seen didn't know what to follow up the K-stagger with, or weren't quick enough?

    Any suggestions?

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    d,u+P+G (do it right after the second part, aoi stands up and grips the leg and stomps on it).

    <hr></blockquote> The previous command was b,d+P+G... so can we just input the up command for the next step (quoted) since the "down" is already there from the prev. command?

    Finally, you mention doing a chop after you're done severing (!!!) the opponent's limbs; can we do a big pounce instead? And oh dear, here comes the question again: I know you've mentioned that "big pounces" are almost guaranteed if the opponent crumbles (kuzure down) but what about for other scenarios? Maybe I should ask, how will we know which moves take the longest time to recover from (i.e. how fast they can pick themselves up from the ground after falling) and which take moves allow us to recover the fastest so we can do a "big pounce" on them? Whether or not a big pounce can be done would depend on a combination of these two factors then...
  20. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    The previous command was b,d+P+G... so can we just input the up command for the next step (quoted) since the "down" is already there from the prev. command?

    i dont think it gets buffered if i am correct, you have to actually press down. try d u p+g and she'll lay on them and crack thier leg....<font color=red>nasssty</font color=red>

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