New Command Lists Released

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Mar 8, 2014.

By Myke on Mar 8, 2014 at 7:16 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I'm pleased to announce that the new VFDC Command Lists are now live! You may have seen teasers for the new features dropped via Twitter over the past weeks, but be sure to read on for a full feature breakdown.


    You can access the new Command Lists via the Commands menu item in the top navigation bar. Selecting Commands will immediately take you to the default index page for VF5FS, however, this also acts a drop-down menu allowing you to jump directly to a character.


    Index Page
    When viewing an index page for a game version, you'll be presented with a list of characters to select from.


    In the side bar, you'll also get a neat summary of how many commands there are for each character, and the grand total for that version.


    Also in the side bar are links to past VF versions.


    New Layout
    Once you've selected a character to view, the biggest difference you'll notice is the layout. Categories are now grouped in tabs along the top, allowing for quicker access and reducing the need for vertical scrolling.


    Sorting by Column
    If a column heading is clickable, then you may sort by that column. Click the column again to toggle between ascending and descending sort. Clicking the main Command column will revert back to the default sort.


    Single Command View
    You'll notice that command names are now links. Clicking on these will open a popup window giving you more detailed data than shown by default, as well as visualisations for frame data and evade directions.


    For VF5FS in particular, the Side frame data is automatically calculated by applying the correct bonus based on the attack's damage value, and displayed for your convenience. Hovering over the Side data row label will display a popup revealing the side frame bonus applied.

    Icon View
    Have you ever wanted to look up a character's move, but didn't know what the command was? Well, the icon view can perhaps help you find it! Currently for VF5FS only, this feature may be accessed in the View drop-down menu in the upper right corner.


    Thank you to akai for permission to use his images captured for his VF Moves Project. At this stage, we don't have images for all character's rising attacks. But if someone is able to capture and provide them, then get in touch!

    Mobile Friendly
    The new Command Lists are mobile friendly now. When the resolution is reduced, columns will be automatically hidden to keep the view clutter free and legible. If you're interested in data that's not being shown, don't worry, just click on the command name to open the detailed popup!


    Sticky Header
    Now when you're scrolling down the command lists, the header row will stick to the top of your browser window. This will help you keep track of all data!


    This also works in the responsive layouts, so mobile and tablet users won't be left behind:


    Those with a keen eye will now notice that the Escape column is now displayed in the minimum column set.

    I hope you enjoy these new features!
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2014


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Mar 8, 2014.

    1. Stl_Tim
      Simply amazing work, thank you.
    2. SUGATA
      Awesome job! Especially Icons of the moves.
      Thank you very much!

      Some thoughts (WISH LIST):
      1) Need to add Type of attack column (Elbow, SK, Knee, Double palm, Head strike) - is very important for Sabaki/Reversal players.

      2) Need to add more info on Sabaki properties (sabaki window of this move, for ex, Goh's 46K has sabaki on 1-14 F, and against WHICH strikes - no info :( - is very important for Sabaki players.

      3) May be useful (but not crucial when we have Sorting feature) Color gradation for frame DISadvantage (Green - FGed up to -5, Yellow - Nitaku up to -9, Orange - TGuaranted on up to -10, Red - Punishable from -11/12).

      4) Need to add column for NH vs Crouch, CH vs Crouch, Recovery CH advantage (aka Minor CH) (this info is in App store VF5FS guide for most moves):
      Last edited: Mar 8, 2014
    3. YOMI
      So THAT'S what the VF Moves Project was for.

      These look pretty great, the best damn command list for any game I've ever seen that's for sure. Great job for everybody involved in putting the work in.
    4. Unicorn
      it looks awesome BUT it screwed the combo section completely for some reason :(
    5. Mister
      At first i didn't get wat unicorn meant. But now that my cache has been cleared i see that the icons are "gone". I'm sure it won't take long to fix that.

      Anyway great job with the new command list myke.

      Is there any chance to have something like that for android?
    6. phanatik
      Simply amazing. This is ridiculous in regard to how comprehensive you've made it and I thank you for your hard work and devotion to making this site world-class.
    7. phanatik
      If I may humbly add a suggestion: I think it would be beneficial to add another column to the Command "heading" (where there listed are Command, Dmg, Lvl, etc.) to provide such important information regarding +/- frames as a result of entering a stance. For example, when a Lei player inputs [6][P] -> [G][+][P][+][K] he enters Kyo; however, what is missing is that Lei is now at +4 frames as opposed to being at -6 from not entering Kyo from [6][P].
    8. G0d3L
      this is just too much!
      Thank you for all your hard work Akai and Myke, really thank you!
    9. FaisonI
      Shit, all I can say is well Done! One Hellva Job! Keep up the good work and thank you very much.
    10. FaisonI
      Man I just pulled it up on my cell phone (Samsung Note III) and all I can say is SWEEEEEEET!!!! Please keep up the excellent, excellent work; Thank You. Oh and real quick I'm on board for donations.
      Last edited: Mar 8, 2014
    11. FaisonI
      Ditto on the Android request, but I know you guys are extremely busy. Would be nice though.
    12. Myke
      Thank you for the compliments and glad to hear that you're liking the new features. I have some minor improvements still to make, but I'll review the suggestions made here as well.

      Sorry about the image errors in the combos section, these are now fixed.
      Chefboy_OB likes this.
    13. Myke
      I would gladly add these in if the data was available.

      This is a future improvement I am already planning on making, but perhaps using the colours shown in Training Mode instead.

      If you look carefully, you'll notice this information is already presented in the single command view popup, except for Recovery CH which is only mentioned in the Notes.
    14. Myke

      The VF Moves Project is a project in it's own right by akai. I simply used the images he captured for the New VFDC Command Lists.
    15. Myke
      The issue with this is that dedicating more columns that will only be used by a very small amount of moves isn't the best use of real estate. It also can get complicated when the same move can lead into more than one stance with different frame properties -- what do you do then? Add even more columns? Duplicate the entire row?

      For these reasons, I think it's best to leave this information in the Notes field.
      phanatik likes this.
    16. SUGATA
      1) Type of attack column (Elbow, SK, Knee, Double palm, Head strike) - i think this is not difficult to make by our Community (by Character specialist/moderator). Its VERY important info. Lets make together TYPE OF ATTACK PROJECT.
      (i can make for Goh if needed and if Combolammas is busy for now).

      2) info on Sabaki properties (sabaki window of this move, for ex, Goh's 46K has sabaki on 1-14 F, and against WHICH strikes - we need new SABAKI PROJECT to discover the info about Sabaki frame properties. And possibly not only Sabaki, but also Reverslas, Inashi, etc. We have this info in Command list for VF5, but not for VF5FS. Lets make together SABAKI PROJECT.
      - How could we to test Sabaki window of the move, thoughts?

      Agree! this would be better :)

      YES! You are right, excuse me.
      Last edited: Mar 9, 2014
    17. Tha_FeauchA
    18. Sudden_Death
      this would make a GREAT android (and i guess iphone...heh) APP! imagine that, The complete VF movelist from VF1 to VF5FS in one app...i gotta say...

    19. BeastEG

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