new game modes

Discussion in 'General' started by Xt0rTi0N, Nov 2, 2006.

  1. Xt0rTi0N

    Xt0rTi0N Member

    man I think that Vf is missing other game modes, I love the game and i never get tired of vf4evo but when me and my partners around here are playing we'd love to play something different.
    for example: customizable vs. Tournament mode
    the old Team Battle
    something like tag mode,most of us have 2or 3 favourite chararacters and it would be great to play with them in the same battle
    a endurance,survival mode
    a surprise prize fighting mode
    a new setup for our quest character were we can edit or create new moves...
    please think of this cause I know this would be a huge improvement in VF5
  2. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    I would actually love for SEGA to integrate some of these more lighthearted modes into a 'new' VF5 'kids' game, or something similar.

    Think about it, a cell shaded version of chibi VF characters, with characters from SEGA's other properties mixed in...

    Then you could have team battle, tag battle, etc... and it would be a lot of fun.
  3. Siyko

    Siyko Well-Known Member

  4. Xt0rTi0N

    Xt0rTi0N Member

    oh right of course...i never mentioned and it hasnt even occurred to me that "kids version" but if you put it that way maybe they'll please you with that. I usually play 3 consecutive hours with my pals,5 of us VS mode. well single player is good,but when you have played quest for inumerous hours and want to put your character against real people and not A.I. vs only is tiring. we'll havent you won tournaments in quest??
    if that's a stupid idea to you why have you been through them?? it would not be that bad if they transfered that mode to VS. virtua fighter 2 had team battle. the survival already exists on the game but in this case would be like an arcade mode. what about tag?? you see all these features in most fighting games,why wouldnt virtua fighter have them put together in the same game?? think well before replying to a serious post with an insultive/joke one. Virtua fighter was my first and now only fighting game and some new features wont ruin the game if the game itself is great.
  5. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    How many hours or procent of your gameplay time would you put on a survival / endurance mode? I'm just curious. Me personally I would trade a thing that I think is bland, and never works, like "create a character" for one single new stage or alternative music. Would you play your friends with your created characters most of your time even though you wouldn't be able to use them in real play?

    The reason I ask these things is that I see these arguments or requests coming up over and over again and I don't really understand the mindset of those who seem to prioritize or want this over actual gameplay improvements. So as such I want to know how much actual time or % of your VF gameplay you would spend in a survival/endurance mode or creating your own moves and so on cause I can't relate to it at all. The followup question is obvious; If you think stuff like this is so important why do you play VF as compared to other games that has these things?

  6. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Doesn't EVO have the Event Square modes? How do you get them anyway (beat all tournies? because I did that with Jeffry).

    I'd like hostage rescue added.
  7. Xt0rTi0N

    Xt0rTi0N Member

    when you finish the arcades you usually get those event square tournaments.
    virtua fighter has the best gameplay, depth of characters,and moves, best defenses ever, and so on. the thing is just this: i play single player, quest, to improve my character,to learn and whatever. i didnt mencion a create a character. that wouldnt work. but you know (and im repeating myself),that most of the gamemodes i spoke about are already or have been in the past in the game,and i cant see how does everybody disagree with me,cause I dont know about everyone else,but I love playing with real people,not A.I., and tournament,team battle p.e. would just make it different for 5 guys spending everynight playing VF on Vs mode. when i talked about create moves, i mean like make custom combos of moves our character has,or something like that i cant describe very well. as i said, it would improve the durability of an already expansive game and not the quality itself cause it is great already. they are not THAT relevant but... the last question should be a retorical one,cause man you know VF is unreplaceable
  8. Xt0rTi0N

    Xt0rTi0N Member

    wait you mean battle mode? where you play the event square modes? yeah thats cool,but even so i miss the tournament mode most of everything,like p.e. soul calibur,dragon ball budokai where you pick 8 players or so and you get eliminated and get up until there's a champion. i am the only person i know in my city that owns virtua fighter,so usually i take the ps2 to a place where i gather some people and make them develop a character and play,that's why i miss that mode.
  9. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Guys, he's talking about an in-game one-out elimination tournament. It would take just about no time to build from a programming point of view (especially since its already in vf4e). But somehow many fighting games neglect this feature that's been around since ages (what was it SSF2?).

    Every time I boot up a new fighting game that doesn't have it I wince. Of course you can just jot down a little tree on paper and start up vs matches according to that (inserting a vs AI match where necessary), but to have that bit of logic handled by the machine takes almost no effort to create and can add a lot of replayability for small to medium sized groups.

    You know, that's an interesting setup, just putting together a couple of guys/girls and setting them off to go at one another. I wonder, how many of those tournaments do you participate or win yourself (having a lot more experience under your belt)?
  10. Xt0rTi0N

    Xt0rTi0N Member

    thank you! finally someone who can see my point of view! thats usually what i do, the little tree on a piece of paper,lol. you would be surprised man, can you believe that most of the girls there,picking sarah or vanessa get such a grip that usually go to the final,and can pull out evade throws and stuff like that?? I feel radiant just looking at all the effort. now i've borrowed the game and there are 4/5 people going through quest with their character, not much of a challenge yet but hopefully they'll learn and play better.
  11. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    An in-game tournament tree or league table would be pretty cool and convenient, but let's face it, it's not gonna happen. Maybe in VF5.5. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  12. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    WHo knows, they implemented a veeeeery cool inbuilt tournament system in Ver.A, maybe it will somehow find it's way into the console version.
  13. Xt0rTi0N

    Xt0rTi0N Member

    It is not that dreamy at all is it? maybe the same way we could unlock the event square modes (battle mode) when we were champions on Ultimate Battle this time we can earn more new stuff including the tournament or something
  14. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    I'm afraid it's one of those things which are easy to do (and even easier with vf profiles and ready tournament trees), but aren't happening anyway. One may only hope.
  15. azrael

    azrael Active Member

    I hope such a mode will be in the first console version and not later at VF5evo <:
  16. Xt0rTi0N

    Xt0rTi0N Member

    me too, its about time they put it in! anyway I just hope vf5 gets released on the xbox, I don't know if i can afford to buy a ps3 just for vf5,also i'm getting tired of all the problems that all the playstations have. my third ps2 has stopped reading and it is hust about 2 years old! I finally found some really competitive guys to fight against and now i can't even play
  17. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    KiwE said:

    Me personally I would trade a thing that I think is bland, and never works, like "create a character" for one single new stage or alternative music.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just wanted to add something:

    I would personally love a create-a-stage mode. I mean, something like getting items, but for stages (stuff like paint, boxes, people watching the fights...maybe cars, etc...) and choosing what kind of stage you want, like a high wall stage. I would also love if we can have custom soundtracks for stages (PS3 has a standard HDD, all Sega needs to do is program it in).

    Also, my next point may not be on topic, but I don't really feel like bumbing up one of the older threads.

    I would love to be able to switch costumes in the middle of quest mode as well as choose a new quest. For example, after you win a match (and, let's say you just completed a quest), without exiting, you have the option to choose a new quest. Or, if you've been playing for a while and you want to change your costume, you just press start after the match is over and choose "change costume" (or something) and, well...change your costume all while keeping that winning streak alive.
  18. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    The idea of the create-a-stage mode appeals to me. It even saws will find it the way to put them online on just the server thanks to the ps3, therefore will be possible to exchange itself stage between players.

    Sorry for my bad enlish :|
  19. Xt0rTi0N

    Xt0rTi0N Member

    hey now that the game will be released on the 360 these features would be great if played online. just can you picture this?:

    -tournament mode- like 8 real players fighting against each other in this mode,then rising until there's one champion and the ones who were already out of the tournament could spectate.
    -team battle- the mode where 3or4 or so fighters go against the same amount of players. when a fighter goes down the next one comes until one team beats the other. But online this could mean that each one of the 3or4 fighters from each team would be real people teaming.

    imagine something like claning in a fighting game. just like there are those arcades in the quest mode there would be clans over a map and we could enter their gatherings and play just like quest but online with real fighters... MMOFighting Game lol

    i'm just dreaming out features like these could make VF5 be the best fighting game ever forever, unlimited replayability
  20. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    I don't think online versus play will happen -- but I do hope there will be online functionality. Some ideas:

    - Version/item updates. C'mon. This is a minimum.

    - Leaderboards.

    - AI/Ghost. Remember the AI mode from PS2's VF4? I think it would perfect for VF5. Train an AI, send the AI to someone to fight and/or do battle with another person's AI. Here lag won't be an issue because the CPU is the one controlling the AI character.

    - Lag won't be an issue if you're just spectating.

    - Some sort of an official Jamboree section maybe? Where players can look up other players to meet and play offline.

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