New To VF, what should I do, where should I go

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by RaidenNC, Jun 13, 2007.

  1. RaidenNC

    RaidenNC Member

    I'm a tekken/sc player so I'm not new to fighting games at all. I'm very familiar with the concepts of spacing, punishiment, adv./disadv, etc. That said, VF is a whole new ball game. Times when I feel like I'm at adv my opponent just jabs me back. For after a rising 2K from KND (knock down, does that appreviation apply here? where can I get all the terms, etc). I'm having a hard time understanding how offense and pressure work right now. Maybe I'm playing Eileen and haven't got a chance to go thru most of her list so that might be part of it. I don't own a ps3 but I have a friend that does. I do have a ps2 though. Would getting buying vf4:evo help or hurt. Is there a noobie silencer somewhere that would help me?

    Also, I play in NC, anybody around the area that plays. Me (a noob) playing my noob friends prolly won't help too much. lol
  2. DarkGift

    DarkGift Well-Known Member

    Get evo it'll help alot. Obviously since it's a different version alot of things will be different from VF5 but it's training mode teaches you almost everything you need to know for VF
  3. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Sounds like you'll be fine in VF /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    To answer a specific question though. Rising attacks aren't all that in VF. Typically, if you delay them, you're screwed if you're blocked and you're at a very small disadvantage if they normal hit. If you don't delay the rising attacks, you're okay if they are blocked (but you best defend of course) and you only get a tiny advantage on normal hit. You only do them if you absolutely know for sure you will interrupt (yellow flash) your opponent.

    Explaining pressure is a bit tricky, but I'll say that if you block attacks in general, you have a good advantage. The flow of the initiative is a big thing, but it sounds like you understand that already--you're just fine-tuning how it feels for you in VF.

    VF4 Evo helps for sure. It doesn't hurt that much imo, despite the differences that are there. Then again, I play a character who was able to translate a bit easier than more from VF4:Evo to VF5. But VF4:Evo will help you with a lot of VF mechanics and flow.

    Maybe a basic change to know though is that if you're a fast or light character in VF5 and you block a low punch, you can elbow as a very safe attack that shouldn't get interrupted. But in VF4:Evo, your opponent's low punch could interrupt you so your very safe uninteruptable attack was a low punch (not that these followups are what you should always do).

    Anyhow, there are big differences too (the changes to throws alone has changed a lot of things imo, but you'll still more or less approach throws in a similar way), but you'll understand VF much better in your situation if you do pickup VF4:Evo. And the game will spell out certain things too. But feel free to ask questions on the boards--productive activity never hurt anybody ^_^

    That said, welcome to VF and hope the game's good to you! Also hope we can help /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  4. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

  5. RaidenNC

    RaidenNC Member

    I appreciate the help everybody. Thnx alot, and I look forward to getting more solid in this game and being a part of this community.
  6. Dive2Blue

    Dive2Blue Well-Known Member

    First of all, go to training mode just to get a feel on how the game works. Try command training, so you can memorize the strikes and throws on the fighter you are using. Once you memorize your fighter's moves, go to normal training, so you can create combos on your fighter. Finally, just keep practicing until you play your fighter on arcade and versus.[/size]
  7. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Find people to play should be your top priority.
  8. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Great thread title. Also great suggestions by all those who have replied so far. Here's talk about some resources offered in VFDC...

    For starters, I highly recommend studying the system guide. It may seem daunting at first, however, if you understand the VF fighting engine, you may get a lot more out of the game a lot faster than you expect.

    Character choice is personal preference. It's unlikely someone else can choose the character that's right for you. I recommend reading character pages in the wiki and checking out character forums in the dojo section.

    General character selection guideline: Lighter, smaller characters are faster. As you get into heavier and heavier characters, average attack speed slows down and the individual hits do more damage. Choose the style that fits you best.

    If you've already picked a character and are still a little lost, I (again) recommend studying the system guide. If you're anything like me, you'll want to read it, play, read it again, and keep playing until you have that magical "a-ha!" moment and something really makes sense. Also, no reason not to check the character pages in the wiki and checking out character forums in the dojo section again.

    Also, if you find a player who uses your character online, ask for some help. Yah, some of them may tell you to fuck off and some won't know what to say - it's possible you may get lucky and find someone willing to help.

    If you have VF5 on 360, set the Quest mode to the most difficult level and play the CPU as if it were a real person that can't be "fooled." Don't win because you find exploits or complain because the CPU can read your inputs. Instead, go for guaranteed damage, teach yourself about advantage and disadvantage situations, and really learn to let the frames work for you.
  9. Birdman_Phantom

    Birdman_Phantom New Member

    My problem is I have no one to play. I quit playing evo because of this, but Vf5 is too good to pass up.

    All I ever did really was training mode over and over.
  10. Azyndevil

    Azyndevil New Member

    New to VF need some help!

    Hi im new to the forum, so first I want to Introduce myself. Names azyndevil and I'm a huge fighting fan. Been playing all types of 2d fighters (street fighter, MvsC, and guilty gears) and 3d fighters (So-cal and tekken are tops for me), and I never really got into virtua fighter. My first virtua fighter was vf4 and later upgraded to vf4:evo, but i never really was able to grasp the system. I was getting whooped by vets and noobs alike. Usually, Im good with fighters and try to practice in order to get better, but it never happened with vf4, so i quit it. Now, vf5 is out and i want a fighter for my xbox 360, and I am looking to get better.

    I know that most of the vf5 players implement a thow-mid guessing game. I am still trying to get used to the system of the game, and I have a bad-habit of attacking someone when I am at the disadvantage (tekken habit, i guess). After my attack, I try to block, but i always guess wrong (i am either thrown, or i get hit with a mid move launcher). What are some ways for me to get back the advantage (aside from blocking)?
    Second question, I bought the hori ex2 stick and I love it (can't afford a high end stick), what is the most comfortable way to hold the stick and still be able to perform quick dashes and sidesteps. When I play, I still feel slow and sluggish.

  11. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: New to VF need some help!

    There are two sticky threads on this part of the forum that cover most of what you're asking about (your post is now inside one of them). You've already mentioned you're having trouble grasping the system and that's really what your problem might be.

    The specific problem you've described can often be solved by using fuzzy guard. Take a look through the System Guide to see how it works.

    I've merged your thread into one of the stickies.
  12. Tomosuke

    Tomosuke New Member

    New to VF... Which character and diff between VF..

    Forgot to mention I'm new, 15 and a fighting game enthusiast.(sp)

    Yeah, too many questions on the subject area, anyway, these are my questions...

    1) Which character would be good to use? Right now I'm using Goh and spamming /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/df.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif + /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif or /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/df.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/df.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif + /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif and even /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif + /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/df.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif + /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif. Do you think that I should continue using him? If so, can you guys recommend a second character? Hopefully someone similar to his play style... And a guy. You'll find out some more about this.

    P.S. I own VF5 on the PS3... I'm from the Philippines, so tell me if you guys also know (those from where I am from) where to find VF5 Arcade Version.

    2) I actually migrated from Tekken. I used Asuka then and I just spammed the usual combos there, but I always wondered what the main differences between Tekken and VF is? I also wanted to ask why VF is considered or has the hardest AI.

    Thank you all. Please take care of me here XD!!

    Last note, don't turn this into a who's your favorite character thread... Please don't...
  13. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    Re: New to VF... Which character and diff between VF..

    theres a general introduction thread up top but...

    check out youtube videos to see what characters are capable of what. for goh look for a player called Akape.
  14. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    Re: New to VF... Which character and diff between VF..

    Goh is fairly unique, though to some extent that could be said of every character. If you like him for his throws, take a look at Wolf or Jeffry. If you like him for his Sabakis, take a look at Lei-fei. If you like his powerful but short combos, try Akira.

    As for difference from Tekken, I don't play it, but off the top of my head, I've heard Tekken doesn't differentiate character falling speed after launching. So, VF is full of combos that only work when fighting specific opponents. Evade mechanics are supposed to be different as well, but I couldn't tell you precisely why.
  15. Tomosuke

    Tomosuke New Member

    Re: New to VF... Which character and diff between VF..

    Interesting choices. I prefer throws and short power combos. I got sick of Tekken's 10+ hit combos... It gets boring after a while. I might check out Akira, but not Lei-Fei since I don't like large movelists :cry: I forget to easily. XD Anyway, I also might take a look at Wolf, not Jeffry... He acts like some brain dead moron. I know he wasn't like that before... right?
  16. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    Re: New to VF... Which character and diff between VF..

    Sounds like Goh is your man
  17. Jonesy1981

    Jonesy1981 Member

    Re: New to VF... Which character and diff between VF..

    Hey all,

    New to VF and been playing online the last few nights and i'd quite like some advice, lost my first 25 fights straight but last night something seemed to click and was pulling a few wins out of the bag and holding my own against some experienced players, anyway back to my point.

    I've noticed that if i'm up a couple of rounds a couple of players just seem to spam low jab(ducking punch) and I kinda panic and end up keep walking into it, then when I finally remember to block they come straight up to throw, anyone got any advice, i've tried a few different attacks but low jab seems to interupt.

    As I said newbie here so please go easy.

  18. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    Re: New to VF... Which character and diff between VF..

    simplest counter to low punch spammers is a low punch of your own or an elbow after you block theirs.
  19. KtotheG

    KtotheG Well-Known Member

    Kage, Brad or Jeff

    Having played about 8-10 hours of VF5 in total experimenting with all the different fighters, I have narrowed down my choice of main to Jeffry, Brad and Kage. I find them equally enjoyable to play.

    I played ken (GT: kchan78) on XBL a few times and have had the best success (note, he is winning 90% of the matches) against his Lei-Fei with Kage and Brad, and against his Shun I was not having any success at all with any of them until I played him later and won a match using Jeff.

    One thing is constant across the board, and that is that I cannot punish any of his strings with Brad, Kage or Jeff.

    So, what are the advantages and disadvantages of each of Kage, Brad and Jeff? Stances, combos, mixups, etc.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

  20. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Kage, Brad or Jeff

    I don't know of a quick way to find the answers you seek. My recommendation is to check out the respective dojo threads for the characters that interest you.

    Study Lei-Fei strings, too. Look in his move list to see what he does and what the frames are when you block.

    Some of his strings are definitely punishable. You just need to know what they look like. Good luck.

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