New to VF4:Evo, had a question or two!

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by maintenance, Jul 18, 2009.

  1. maintenance

    maintenance Member

    Hello everyone. I saw VF4:Evo the other day for five bucks and decided to give it a try!

    Now, I'm not really sure the best way to really grasp this game. The in-game tutorial seems really extensive. Could I simply rely on that without referring to online guides? Or should I do both? Where's the best place?

    And second, I cannot for the life of me perform Akira's Mouku Kouhazan~Kakuda Chouchu on command. I have absolutely no problem with the Mouku Kouhazan (Which is D,F,P, but because I'm playing with a controller, pretending it's D,DF,F makes it a lot easier) but when I have to put in the extra punch to get the Kakuda Chouchu it hits at random and I don't know why. I can't tell if I'm doing it too slow or maybe too fast (Even looking at the frame data). The demo seems to imply there's maybe a rhythm to it but I can't really execute it. Has anyone had any trouble with this? Any advice?
  2. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    the tutorials in evo are well good enough, there's also the combo lists here that might help you.

    is it the second hit of [​IMG][6][P]~[P] that youre having trouble with?

    if so its pretty simple, you have to press the second [P] the moment the [​IMG][6][P] part hits your opponent
  3. maintenance

    maintenance Member

    I'll take a look around, thank you.

    Yes, I'm having trouble with the second p.

    Could you elaborate?

  4. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    i edited my post to explain it.
  5. maintenance

    maintenance Member

    I think that's what I've been doing it but some reason it's going into a regular punch and I'm not sure what that means regarding my speed. It's frustrating; I'll give it another try though!
  6. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    that means your inputting it to late, im not sure without checking but in dojo i think you can press select to view the cpu doing the move.
  7. maintenance

    maintenance Member

    has anyone ever had trouble with the guarding throw escape in the tutorial? it seems like I do it (I don't get hit) but i still don't get the +1. What am I doing wrong? Does anyone know?
  8. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Are you sure you're entering the Throw escape(s)?


    If i remember correctly Akira's big move is

    [3] [3] [P]

    So you'll enter

    [3][3][P] .. [P] [+] [G] .. [G]

    You need to do it quite fast after you press [P] [+] [G]
    Hold [G] immediately.
  9. maintenance

    maintenance Member

    hmm. Well, I'm using Pai. So I'm using DF, P but everything else is the same. I'm doing the input correctly, maybe it's the timing?

    Yes, I'm hitting that but for some reason it's not registering. It's curious because I'm actually dodging the move and not getting hit. Pai is pulling the opponent's arm away when they go for a throw grab and sort of moves her upper body when the opponent goes for a kick and doesn't get hit. Have you experienced this?
  10. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Ok so you're doing the EVADE throw escape tutorial.

    If you're evading the attack and escaping the throw then you're not hitting guard quickly enough.

    For this tutorial do you only have to enter one throw direction?
  11. maintenance

    maintenance Member

    oh dear. Now you have me confused! The tutorial does say GUARDING throw escape. It's telling me to use my guaranteed throw move (DB, P not F sorry) with Pai then allow the opponent to block and go for the counterattack with a strike or a throw, I should press P+G (throw command) and then leave g held down. This allows me to both guard and escape a throw!

    I'm not being thrown and I'm evading the strike but I'm not getting the point. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Am I making any sense? [​IMG]
  12. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Okay I just booted up my old evo. Section 14-B in tutorial ?

    As soon as you enter [P]+[G] just hold guard. After your move is blocked.

    You should escape the throw and guard the follow up. If it's not registering you're not doing it quick enough.
  13. BeastWarrior

    BeastWarrior Member

    Hi, I have a question about Evo that I know you guys can help me with.
    I should mention that I'm a total N00b but I found something that might help me get better. I have VF4 and I found out that the Trial mode is a excellent edition to help you learn the esentials of VF. So I wonder if the Trial mode in evo gives more then the one in VF4, and if so is it worth buying the game for that or should I stick with 4?
  14. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Evo has the best tutorials and dojo mode for any fighting game on any console to could be proven as fact but i don't feel like doing research :p

    It's far superior than 4's. So if you can find a copy, make sure you grab it.
  15. BeastWarrior

    BeastWarrior Member

    Ah ok, thx for the answer. I think I will buy a preowned copy then in my local game store.
  16. WhiteAngel50000

    WhiteAngel50000 Well-Known Member

    l agree, VF 4 Evo more tutorials and trials than the normal VF4.
  17. Manjoume

    Manjoume Well-Known Member

    I got VF4Evo, and I'm stuck on part 13-B on the tutorial. I'm not sure what to do, it seems really random. Any tips?
  18. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    It has been so long since most people played the game. Can you elaborate on what 13-B is asking you to do?
  19. Manjoume

    Manjoume Well-Known Member

    Oh, its when you counter a throw. (i.e. press P+G, or →P+G, ↓P+G when they grab)
  20. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    The purpose of this training section is to attempt to do multiple throw escapes - you are suppose to enter all three throw escape inputs for each single attempt that your opponent throws you. By mastering multiple throw escapes, what was previously perceived as a random chance of escaping throws (33% for single throw escape input) is basically increasing the chance you escape all 3 throws your opponent may randomly decide to use.

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