New VF4 screenshot bonanza

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Guest, May 3, 2001.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Thanks, man the new stages with Lau and Shun .v.s Shaolin look awesome.But these Kind of Ring/Stages look so boring
  3. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    Is that Kage with a yellow outfit, reminiscent of VF2?
    And if you think Akira has a gut, check out Jeffrey!
    It's nice to see some new screenshots.

    -<font color=white>Ghost</font color=white><font color=yellow>DOG</font color=yellow>
  4. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    DANG! This game has nice graphics!!
  5. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    Hey cool Pai knocked Lau through a wall. First time I have seen that particular part of the game engine.

    Under the surface of the most jaded cynic lies a dissappointed idealist- George Carlin
  6. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage


    Thanks for the link.

    'kay I'm gonna comment, and nitpick now, even though I know I shouldn't.

    Pai vs Lau

    Frame 1 and 2: Could this be a charge attack? Lau's double-palm looks like it's getting the charge treatment. And I hope that's a block stun we're seeing on Pai, because if that's the effect of a normal hit (after going through the effort of charging the attack) then I'm disappointed. Then again, it may be a really long stun allowing for followups (DoA2 anyone?). See, I knew I shouldn't be commenting.

    Frame 3: Pai dodging Lau's superknife. Done with a d,d perhaps? Or is that a dodging crouch dash? Argh.

    Frame 4: Pai's sidekick MC'ing Lau. Insert standard PPPd+K here :p... next.

    Frame 5 and 6: Breaking the wall for a ring out I suppose. First time seen in a VF game, but unfortunately not the first time seen in a fighting game. I guess this concept existed in VF3 anyway with short walls which required a heavy hit to RO (over the wall).

    Frame 6, 7, 8: Pai missing her pounce. Looks like Lau's just kipping up, but could this be the quick recovery feature in action? Hard to tell with stills.

    General comment: Don't know how far off this is from final presentation, but the camera seems too distant from the players (almost SF-like) and the ambient lighting on the stage looks wrong for the sun to be low in the horizon. It just seems too bright in general. Pai needs to ditch that blue outfit too.

    The rest

    - Jeff XPD'ing Wolf: can I have this in 1200x1024 please? :)
    - Aoi throwing Kage: looks like the df+P+G throw. Whatever.
    - WeiFei: or whatever his name is. Nice sleeves.
    - Kage on Lau: yeah, looks like a new outfit. Personally, I prefer this outfit over the clunky and heavy "armour" kage. Is he doing (landing from) his uf+K+G? Nice skyline.
    - Wolf GS'ing Akira: again, 1200x1024 please. Nice pic. Love the lighting in it.
    - Lau SgPm'ing Kage: or at least trying to. I like the ambient lighting in this one too.
    - WeiFei and Shun: nice action shots. Like the bg too.

    bla bla bla. rant rant rant.
  7. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    Re: impressions

    Frame 4: Pai's sidekick MC'ing Lau

    Not trying to nitpick or flame, but I think that's her b+K+G kick. Sorry, I forgot the name of the kick.

    -Kage on Lau: yeah, looks like a new outfit.

    It may look yellow because of some background lighting. I say that because there's another frame with the same two combatants and same stage. But hey, I could be wrong.

    -<font color=white>Ghost</font color=white><font color=yellow>DOG</font color=yellow>
  8. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Re: impressions

    Just a few things:

    I think you're right Myke, this is a charge attack breaking Pai's guard. Could the reason that his hands are so far apart be that the animation changes a little with a charged attack? Looks like we get a stagger; but I hope it's more substantial than say, hitting a croucher with Akira's SgPm in VF3.

    I have a feeling that the next two are either the "dodge attack" (d,d+P+K+G) that some have mentioned, or the "evasion attack" that's been coming up. Or just a plain old escape, B+K+G. But I think these are a sequence.

    I think the next series is to show that by hitting the oppt. into the wall, you can then break some walls to RO combo. You can't just smash them through the wall on the first hit DOA stlye. Will VF4 keep track of which walls have been "weakened"? I.E. if Lau recovers and then hits pai into the same wall, will it break on the 1st hit, or does he also have to force her through? This was also mentioned in some piece of news. At first I thought it sounded lame, but now that I see normal RO's are being kept as well, it seems neat. I can imagine mind games where the guy in Lau's shoes recovers to RO/wall throw/break the wall on Pai.

    Again, it seems Myke guessed right with the "quick reovery" idea. Since Pai is already in the air with the fastest pounce while Lau is just hitting, or bouncing, and he still gets up, I'd guess also this was it. In addition, since this headspring is done with E in VF4, and there's no E, it makes sense that this is the special recovery.

    Kage and Lau: I don't think this is a new outfit for Kage, but his armor reflecting the yellow light, as it's reflected on Lau's back as well. You can also see that his sleves/pants are still black/grey while the armor is yellow. What's interesting to me is that in the next shot of tham, the light haas changed to blue. Will this stage have a light source that changes? I like the yellow VF2 Kage as well. But since Yu said chars. will have 1 "new" and 1 classic costume, and playtesters said the blue 1P is back, I think this armor one is his only other costume.

    I've gotta say I think King is a big influence on wolf's new wardrobe. Those leggers are pretty... I don't know. Anyone else like the old, simple wolf of VF1/2?

  9. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: impressions

    I never bothered analyzing the images when I first saw them but now that I look at it seems that the first four rows of images are demonstrating some of the new stuff in 4.

    1st row: Charge attack (look at how low Lau bends!!)

    2nd row: Evade attack...I wonder what's the advantage of doing the specific evade attack as opposed to the present method of escape->throw or escape->usual attack....will the evade attack merely be another d/f+K+E?

    3rd row: Wall throw. The interesting bit too me is Lau's position in the second image...what's that, a crouch stun/stagger (a la Jeffry's d+P+K MC)? Or did Lau get hit into the wall and collapse? Also note how it's Pai's P (as in third P in PPPK) that pushed Lau out of the wall. Meaning the wall's does take incremental damage.

    4rth row: Quick recovery...but I'm still not sure what the difference between that and the present E would be...or perhaps with quick recovery you can flip up right away? But in the first image Lau does seem to be lying on the ground. Hopefully, if the QR is really useful Pai would get the option of hitting Lau as he QRs if she can trick him into it and not do a pounce.

    My favorite image of the bunch is definitely the Lau palm pic...damn the lighting and details look sharp!!
  10. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: impressions

    I have a feeling that the next two are either the "dodge attack" (d,d+P+K+G) that some have mentioned, or the "evasion attack" that's been coming up. Or just a plain old escape, B+K+G. But I think these are a sequence.

    Yeah, after looking at it more carefully, it definitely looks like a b+K+G (as ghostdog pointed out as well). I hope that you can d,d+[attack of choice] just as effectively as d,d+P+K+G though.

    I think the next series is to show that by hitting the oppt. into the wall, you can then break some walls to RO combo. You can't just smash them through the wall on the first hit DOA stlye. Will VF4 keep track of which walls have been "weakened"?

    What made you think of that? The way I interpreted the frames was that certain hits aren't powerful enough to knock the opponent through the wall (like the sidekick in the first frame). The second frame initially looked like a "wall splat" to me (ala DoA2) but ice-9 thinks it may have been the result of an attack which forces a crouch. Hard to tell. As for the third frame, I really don't think that the 3rd P in the PPP would knock Lau out of the ring through the wall. That just sounds silly... but I suppose if the wall is 'weak' then a simple P may be enough. But that's all assuming we're seeing the 3rd canned P in that frame.. it may be the recovery animation from another move? Lau's a good distance out of the ring already.

    I've gotta say I think King is a big influence on wolf's new wardrobe. Those leggers are pretty... I don't know. Anyone else like the old, simple wolf of VF1/2?

    You mean spandex and sneakers Wolf? :) I actually prefer the VF4 Wolf, the best looking Wolf to date IMO. Yeah, the leggings are reminiscent of King, but that's standard attire for serious wrestlers anyway.
  11. Guest

    Guest Guest

    The stages are beautiful but boring. We need the undulation.
    And... all the lighting effects. Esp. 1st row of pics Lau vs Pai.
    You know how Lau does the b,f,f+P looking move? There is
    a red glow of lighting on their clothes. Seems that they really
    are going to go ahead with the red and yellow lighting attack system some of you mentioned.
    And why doesn't the AM2 update frequently!?
    Vicks Biru
  12. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Re: impressions

    "What made you think of that?"

    I guess I'm assuming what's going on by the pictures and this info from a post by Yamcha, which came from Famisu:

    "Finally, the magazines make mention of the game's walls. Walls can be used as part of attacks, and can also be destroyed. By destroying a wall, you gain the ability to perform a ring out."

    So it seemed to me that Lau was hit to the wall, started to "splat", and since he didn't recover, pai then sent him through the wall. Perhaps there is no "wall's damage" system, rather that as long as you hit the oppt. in this "splat" time, they go through (after all, just moving F will push someone out in VF1/2/3, so maybe it makes some kind of sense that just a P would do it, and that it's pai's choice as it's the quickest attack (to hit before "splat" ends). Of course, I'm guessing here.

    Overall, wolf does look cool, but I guess I like the simple styl e of guys liek Takada, Sakuraba, Kerr, Coleman etc. More of a NHB style. While many UWF guys do wear the leggers (Takada did), they feel Pancrase to me, so it seems somehow Jeffry should wear them (but he's too rough for pads ;)). I still can't help feel Namco's designs aren't influencing AM2. Yoshi's armor, Kage's armor... Wolf and King... and I think I said this somewhere before, but if you look at the shot of Akira on the "character" page at the VF4 site, and look at Baek in the TTT manual, from the waisst down it's almost identical, right down to the wierd ankle brace "shoe". What happened to the barefoot, short pants?

    I'm also hoping we aren't limited to certain attacks while dodging.

    Gotta say I think the charge attack seems cool the more I think about it. It seems like the skill will lie in baiting people to hit you while you're charging, then trying to MC them. But if they just stand there, guard break, so they have to do something (back up, escape, reverse?). How about using charge moves during air combos (if you have enough float)Jacky Knee...........flipkick!. I wonder if we'll be able to charge moves at the end of/during canned combos Lau PPP.........D+K? Or charging during rushes? Imagine charging against an opponent who's in the corner (after already "splatting" him against th wall), or the edge of the ring. Double charge stand-offs. Will a move that floats result in a higher flaot (Sarah charging ......knee, pg,pg,ppp.........u/b+k)? Will they push opponents further? I'm getting excited about this idea.

  13. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Re: impressions

    <blockquote><font size=1>In reply to:</font><hr>

    I have a feeling that the next two are either the "dodge attack" (d,d+P+K+G) that some have mentioned, or the "evasion attack" that's been coming up. Or just a plain old escape, B+K+G. But I think these are a sequence.


    Y'know. I have to disagree. Look at Pai's position. In the first dodging pic she's dodging with her right foot forward - and in the next shot of the sidekick (I don't think it's b+K+G) MCing something, she's kicking with her *left* leg. Now, it may be that there's a bunch of crucial shots in between which show her changing stance, etc. But I don't think so - I think the first shot is a plain jane dodge while the second is her sidekick MCing. I don't think they're linked as a "canned dodge and attack move", I think it's just a play sequence.

    I like the charge shot - definitely breaking Pai's guard animation. I have a feeling that the recovery for a charged attack is monstrous leaving the window for successful followup very small...opens more of a mind game really.

    Just my thoughts - cheers,

    <font color=white> Llanfair the prized <font color=green>cabbage</font color=green></font color=white>
  14. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: impressions

    One thing I am just pondering...because we now have charge attacks...has the pace of VF been slowed down...I know in VF3, if any character really had to charge for anything (I think Jeffery's baseball swing being the longest), they got destroyed...if vf4 now has these charging attacks, have they slowed the gameplay down at all to accomidate for them?

    "Victory can be anticipated, but not assured" Sun-Tzu
  15. Guest

    Guest Guest

    But the stages look like bullshit(not the graphics). It seems they are all flat!!!!!!!!!!!! some with no fence/walls and others with fence/walls. I think there won't be any wallthrows in Vf4.......
    VF4 puts the focus back on the fighters the envoirment has no importence..........sadly

    cya............still hoping for a 'good sequel'......
  16. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Yeah it seems to be Kage's second VF2 outfit........and Lau's outfit is also similar to his second VF2 outfit. But if you look at the movies you will recognize that many outfits of the old vf characters are very similar to the VF2 outfits(Sarah,Pai,...). They said it's a sequel to VF2 and VF2 was soooooo sucessfull (Arcades and Saturn)
  17. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    Why does everybody consider this such a travesty? Now do not get me wrong I liked undulation as well but ultimately it is about fighting one on one mano a mano it is a game about strategy and I think when you have to have stage specific strategy it hurts your over all strategy but that's just my opinion. I was wondering your opinions after all you have been at this way longer than me. So why is undulation good and flat bad?

    Under the surface of the most jaded cynic lies a dissappointed idealist- George Carlin
  18. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    Re: New VF4 screenshot bonanzav

    you people want vf4 to BE vf3, that's what i get
    from your comments.

    <font color=red>PICCOLO</font color=red>

    "When you're not training somebody else is training to kick your ass."
  19. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Re: impressions

    Highly unlikely.

    <font color=white> Llanfair the prized <font color=green>cabbage</font color=green></font color=white>
  20. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Exactly piccolo! It seems people just want vf3 with two new characters and nicer graphics - hardly "true evolution". With time, we will thank AM2 with what they've done with VF4. True, they've excluded terrain, but they seem to have added other variables to increase complexity, for those interested.

    I was complaining like hell when i found out that "crouch dashing" and other nuances we had grown accustomed to in VF2 were taken out of VF3, but VF3 made up for it with numerous additions.

    <font color=red>Jyunen hayaindayo!</font color=red>

    <font color=white>adam</font color=white><font color=red>YUKI</font color=red>

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