new vids from new players (VF5 O 360)

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by Ghost_Cobra, Mar 4, 2012.

  1. Ghost_Cobra

    Ghost_Cobra Member

    hey all,
    Been playing VF5 sessions at my house since last May excited for FS. Here are a few matches from this weekend let us know what we can work on, trying to level up a bit. thx!

    Match 5

    Match 4

    Match 3

    Match 2

    BLACKLAC Well-Known Member

    What capture card are you using?
  3. Ghost_Cobra

    Ghost_Cobra Member

    ^ hauppauge HD PVR, Gaming Edition but I think its same as 1st model.
  4. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Match 2: Pai player should do [K] > combo, NOT [K][K]. Aoi player could do something more damaging than d+k,p,p after [6][6][K]. And a bunch of other combo starters really - pai is lightweight. Missing some guaranteed damage after some throws eg. f+p+g and went for an elbow instead of the guaranteed p,k, some of the other throws that end up with the opponent at aoi's feet guarantee a df+p. Pai player should really input throw escapes for aoi's multipart throw (u+p+g, d+p+g).

    A pai/aoi player should take it from here.
  5. Ghost_Cobra

    Ghost_Cobra Member

    ok cool i'll try p,k after push I was trying to force crouch with elbow those times. I need better combo for [6][6][K]
  6. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    After Aoi's 6P+G, you get +15, so elbow 6PP is guaranteed as well ( no need to force anything, it's free damage ), but leave you at -1 on hit. P,K and 64P+KP are more interesting though.
    Easy combo against Pai & Eileen after 66K: deep dash, 2KP, 64P+KP for 53 damage.
  7. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    [K][K] is also guaranteed after [6][P]+[G] (also leaves Aoi -1 on hit). Agreed about [6][4][P]+[K][P] being a more interesting move to use here though.

    And Ghost Cobra... I'm not much of a user of [6][6][K]. I prefer to use [3][3][P]+[K] more often than not whenever the situation calls for it. You can't really go wrong with either option, but I simply think there is a bigger variety of ways to set up your offense with the latter move than the former. But that's just likely due to my own playstyle. In the end, your playstyle can be different yet just as effective using [6][6][K] the way you do.

  8. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Sorry i didn't have time to watch all of the vids in one go. continued from the previous post:

    Match 3:

    @ Pai player: as stated before i'm not a pai expert but surely pai can punish Aoi's p,p,p,d+k sweep with something better than just WS [K], right?

    Pai's [3][P] string should be used more. [6][6][P][+][K] into bokutai is completely absent [​IMG] The Aoi player certainly spams [4][3][P] so don't feel bad about spamming Pai's best moves over and over again!

    Also, please note that after hitting with [6][P][K] you are at -2 frames. I repeat, you don't have the advantage when you hit the opponent with [6][P][K]. Stop attacking after that, particularly against Aoi's [4][3][P] - none of your attacks should beat it. Try defending or taking evasive action.

    @ Aoi player: Tenchi seems to be used mainly in order to get BT, whih seems like a wasted. Don't think i noticed a single reversal either [​IMG] Good usage of Aoi's [4][3][P] though.

    Please punish pai's [9][K][K], it's minus 20 on block.

    Match 4

    @ Pai player: yep, still foing [6][P][K] then attacking aftrwards [​IMG] But i saw [6][6][P][+][K] after a throw, so i'm guessing you're starting to learn the setups [​IMG] Saw you using more [3][P] too [​IMG] Also noticed a nice OM [K] but then you did [6][P][K] after the side crumple. A quick look at VFdc combo list reveals you could do p+k > p > f,f+p,k for double the damage [​IMG]

    Punish Sarah's somersault with something better than [9][K][K]. Punish her [P][P][P][K] with something better than [6][P] !! Preferably with [K] > combo. Again, if you're not sure about combos have a look at VFdc combo lists:

    @ Sarah player: punish pai's [P][P][K][K] please, it's -14 on block. Preferably use sarah's f+p+k,p,k. Can't find anything else lacking. Do max damage combos i guess?

    Match 5:

    @ Eileen player: [2][K] kinda sucks risk/reward wise ; if you want to use a low i'd recommend using one that at least knocks down on CH.

    Good use of [6][P] and its string ; mix up some [6][P][+][K] strings in there too.

    After [3][P][+][K] (eye poke) hits your opponent do [P][K], not [6][P]. Do [3_][P][+][K] shoulder ram after low punch, (preferably hitcheck the shoulder ram into qcf+kkk and not just [P]P). Or do WS [K], that seems to work out for you fine, it staggers your opponent, you could try following up with [6] [6] [P].

    @ aoi player: WHOAH THERE, easy on the [4][3][P] cowboy [​IMG] No, seriously though, good job, if it works keep it up.

    That's all. As mentioned earlier, not i'm not an aoi/pai/sarah/eileen player, just speaking from my experience playing against these characters. For more info, well, just watch kingofVF4's youtube channel [​IMG] Entertaining games overall, welcome to the forums, have fun playing VF!
  9. Ghost_Cobra

    Ghost_Cobra Member

    yea was one point i wanted him to just re-act to it differently so I spammed it.

    wow thx all we will try to apply all this during next fights this weekend. I'm def gonna incorporate [3][3][P]+[K] more I think I forgot it during battles, and has that nice [G] cancel
  10. Ghost_Cobra

    Ghost_Cobra Member

  11. Tiripsem

    Tiripsem Well-Known Member

    You have improved quite a bit already but here are some more tips.

    -You need to try to incorporate evades more. Some of the moves that Pai player pulled off such as [4][6][K][K] are very linear and leaves the opponent wide open.

    -Your stepping can be very stiff at times. In VF5, just holding a direction with Aoi is not enough. As you can see, she has one of the slowest walking animations in the game. Try dashing more often ([6][6]) when your opponent is at middle range and you'll whiff less.

    -You play very risky with the [P] strings. Remember that [P][P][P][K] can go into Tenchi stance with [P]+[K]+[G] and so can [P][P][P][2][K], this can save you if your opponent blocks the string. However, you'll need to throw escape when evading with Tenchi.

    -Notice that [3][P] causes a crouch. On counter hits it allows for a free down throw ([1] or [2] [P]+[K]+[G]). This inflicts way better damage than just [2][P]

    -Your pressure game can be really good at times until you resort to [2][P]. Pressure is not just intimidation, it's also about effectiveness. When I say effectiveness I mean; [4][3][P], [6][P], [6][6][P]+[K] (at middle distance), [6][6][P] (at middle distance). These moves have much more favorable properties and a mid attacks as opposed to [2][P] which can be blocked by even a standing guard.

    -I noticed many times you had used [​IMG][3][P] and did not use [4][P]+[G] when you had counter hits. Try practicing this a little more in dojo. Remember every single point of damage you deal counts and can mean the difference between winning or losing by a sliver of health.

    All in all, your game is improving and that is what counts! Keep practicing and you'll have a solid Aoi in no time! [​IMG]

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