Newbie question #1

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by verdisQUO, Jan 6, 2009.

  1. verdisQUO

    verdisQUO Member

    Hey all,

    So when I play fighting games, I normally play with the host controller (i.e. xbox 360 controller) Most games are easy to pick up with that, but I'm finding it difficult to pull off certain moves.

    Have any of you opted for the Arcade stick? Do you prefer it over a home gaming console controller?

    The only time I've used one, are when I'm actually at an arcade, but I haven't been to one in years.

    So, what's your input?
  2. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Hi. Some people do, some people don't. Here is the Joystick Forum Board for more discussion on the topic. You will most likely find people's comments to past posters asking the same question as yours.
  3. verdisQUO

    verdisQUO Member

    Thanks. Looking through it now.

    Man, the more I play this game. The more I like it.
  4. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    IMO, some characters are nearly impossible to play correctly with a pad. Akira for example. I'm sure there are people who have pulled it off, but the thought of doing a standing double palm on the 360 pad makes my blood run cold.

    Other characters, such as Lau, are easier to play on a pad. I think overall though, every single VF player will benefit more from learning to play on a stick.
  5. verdisQUO

    verdisQUO Member

    Yeah, bought a stick yesterday. Inputting the commands is easier, but moving has become harder. I'm trying to get some sort of drill going. Spent a few hours in Dojo mode just moving around.
  6. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    Thats the best idea you could possibly have. Learning a stick does take time, and for the most part its nothing but muscle-memory. Also, experiment with different ways of holding the stick (assuming you have a balltop).

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