No More VF4 at SVGL, CA

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by akiralove, Jul 25, 2001.

  1. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    I was informed by my friend at SOA today that the VF4 machine at Sunny Vale Golf Land has returned to the SOA offices (where he gets to play it as much as he wants for free... lucky SOB).

    Thought I'd let you guys know.

  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    This may be a stupid question but I was wondering if SOA is a local distribution company or a national distributor. I am interested in the next destination of this VF4 machine that you say left Sunny Vale Golf Land. It must be brought to the Minneapolis area!!
  3. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    sega doesn't distribute anything. distribution of arcade games is done through - *drum roll* distributors. <A target="_blank" HREF=></A> has a list of distributors.
  4. Daniel Thomas

    Daniel Thomas Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 in Mpls

    Another person from Minneapolis? D'oh! You gotta register, man.

    I don't know how the arcade scene in other cities is like, but video arcades are a sorry state in the Twin Cities. Arcade games are only seen in sports bars these days (which explains for the "popularity" of Golden Tee Golf), and there's barely a handful of arcades in the various malls around the suburbs (naturally, in such a cold climate, there's a million indoor shopping malls). The best bet for getting VF4 here lies in the Mall of America. There's two or three arcades hidden in Camp Snoopy and a couple sports bars. Too bad those places haven't bought or leased a new game in years.

    The worst place is a dive called Pop's Arcade in downtown Mpls. It's at the corner of a block that features stripper clubs, porn shops, and the city's signature gay nightclub. Hey, sounds like a great place to put videogames to me! Where's the crack whores? The place only doles out three measely tokens for a dollar, and everything is priced at two or three tokens. Who's wants to play Cruisin' World for a buck a play? What a dive. It's only saving grace are the Tetris and VF2 machines by the front door.

    If I could make some dough, I'd go into business and set up my own damn video arcade right here by the University campus. 60,000 drunk and bored college students? How can you NOT make cash from them?? If that happened, I'd nab a VF4 and Tekken 4 in a heartbeat.

    "One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How the elephant got in my pajamas, I don't know."
    -- Groucho Marx
  5. Jason Cha

    Jason Cha Well-Known Member

    VF4 Is Still at Sunnyvale Golfland

    Dropped by today, still there.

    Lion's new turn around p move is f+pk. His new fast mid(?) p, followable by pp is ff+pk.

  6. Jason Cha

    Jason Cha Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Is Still at Sunnyvale Golfland

    Oh and you can buffer in a k with lion's f+pk. it comes out kind of like the usual TT k, but it seems to aim lower, so it's more mid.

  7. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Is Still at Sunnyvale Golfland

    is that f+P+K or f+P,K?
  8. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Is Still at Sunnyvale Golfland

    Well, I'm happy I was misinformed ;) !!

    Glad it's still there for playing.

    Went to SHGL again tonight. Operator there told me it's getting pulled next week from SHGL; also seemed to think that the US release will be oct-nov...? Said it's because Sega is putting out another fighting game first (CvS2, Sega's doing it for some reason), and they want to space them out, but who knows if he's right.

    Got a few more challengers tonight, 4 or 5 total. As of monday, I'll be in Japan, checking out the final between work. Can't wait to try out!

  9. Daniel Thomas

    Daniel Thomas Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Even in America?

    Now it's being delayed until November?! What gives? The game, by all reasonable standards, is finished and about to roll out in Japan. What possible reason would there be for delaying the US release?

    Considering the sorry state of arcades in the US, what are the chances that VF4 is never brought to this country at all? I could see perhaps a couple machines in Los Angeles or New York, but what then?

    "One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How the elephant got in my pajamas, I don't know."
    -- Groucho Marx
  10. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Even in America?

    not a delay. that's just how long it takes to make it over here. vf3 came out 9/96 in japan, didn't see it until 11/96 in boston, +/- a week or three for other places around the country.
  11. Daniel Thomas

    Daniel Thomas Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Even in America?

    That doesn't even make sense to me. How long does it take for someone to pack something onto a plane and send it over the Pacific Ocean? Is Sega aware of this thing called the global economy? Or Federal Express? As a business decision, this is just absurd.

    "One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How the elephant got in my pajamas, I don't know."
    -- Groucho Marx
  12. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: VF4 Even in America?

    I fear that those of us in the Minnesota crew may not even see VF4 at all unless we travel out of state. And why? Because of that horrid day when I went to open Ridgedale's Picadilly Circus for the day only to find out that the lease was up and that the location was to be closed. That was the only place I know of that consistently got good fighting games. There may be hope in some of the other Picadilly locations but none have the crowd of usuals that the Ridgedale spot had. One would think that the Mall of America would get it but they seem to be pretty incompetent.
  13. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Is Still at Sunnyvale Golfland

    Does anyone know if VF4 test is still at Sunnyvale Golfland? I was hoping to check the game out this Saturday...
  14. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Is Still at Sunnyvale Golfland

    According to an employee at SVGL, it should be there for another 2 weeks.
  15. Daniel Thomas

    Daniel Thomas Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Even in America?

    I wouldn't panic just yet. If VF4 is released in America, it will most definitely wind up at the Megamall. Since that's just about the only place in Minnesota left for the video arcade, it's your only hope. Oh, well, there's always <gag> Pop's Arcade in downtown <smirk>.

    It's really too bad, but the arcade videogame is a dying breed, destined to become a relic of an old time. I'd say these places will be gone by the end of the decade.

    "One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How the elephant got in my pajamas, I don't know."
    -- Groucho Marx
  16. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Is Still at Sunnyvale Golfland

    I'm in the area right now, and in fact, today I just played the VF4 beta version at SVGL.

    Took awhile to get used to, but not that long. Lots of fun as expected.

    The feel is interesting... I swear, this game actually plays a lot slower than VF3 (but that's probably because I have a better idea of what I should do in VF3). I think Clopin is really right (or I think it was him who told me this) in saying something along the lines of very few things being guaranteed, if at all. All about advantage (naturally). However, when I first played it, I had to get used to the recovery time of a lot of my attacks.... Like, the game would look like I had recovered already, but there was still a bit of recovery time in there (though definitely less than VF3).

    I generally enjoyed using every character, though there were certainly a few characters I preferred. But everyone had something fun to play with and just mess around with.

    Oddly enough, we saw something that looked like Lion doing some sort of inashi against the second kick in Pai's d+K,K.

    Game feels perfectly fine without a dodge button, but I still miss and prefer the dodge button. Linear is still fun, and you still can maneuver (to a degree). Getting out of an RO setup can be annoying under pressure, but we'll see what happens in the future. Just about every character has something he or she can do to ease the RO pressure.

    Throw escape windows seem to be a bit bigger, but I may be mistaken. However, Jason seems to feel the same way last I recall.

    Naturally, I'm talking about a beta version of the game, but it was really fun. Lots of fun, I'm only hoping this fun lasts long and somehow keeps itself fresh.

    There's too much to say, much have been said already. I don't think VF4 blew my mind or revolutionized whatever I thought of the series, but I can tell you that after getting used to it, I'm really enjoying it. Just still getting to know the environment though. Naturally, I only have so little experience with the game and so I can't guage how long this perception will last, but I'm enjoying each victory and defeat in the game (yes, even defeat to that one "machi-bastard" but I'm one to always accept such "frustrations").

    Oh yeah, one last thing.... I guess a lot of people have feelings of Jacky being a scrub friendly character in the game. Well, so far in this version I played, Lau's a freaking monster in even the hands of the simplest minds. Almost too easy to control, too easy to rush the hell out of someone, too easy to just piss people off with.... But every game has that character anyways, and Lau is not without weakpoints....

  17. uk_kid

    uk_kid Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Is Still at Sunnyvale Golfland

    hmmm....i guess they got rid of lau's more precision based command system then. it's good that VF4 can appeal to newbies, and even scrubby players (more so than previous VF games). also good to know that newbies could well be much more of a challenge this time around...

    - phil

  18. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Is Still at Sunnyvale Golfland

    Cool! Thanks for the heads up. I'll be there when SVGL opens on Saturday. It's been too long since I last immersed myself in VF :)
  19. Jason Cha

    Jason Cha Well-Known Member

    Re: Lion's Inashi

    Everyone distinctly noticed the move - I was playing Pai against a scrub Lion, and I was just doing her low kick heelkick, then suddenly we hear the little "squirt" noise Akira's bff pkg or Aoi's new double punch inashi (I forget the command, b,f p?) makes... I forget if it did damage (though I think it did a little damage) and it appeared Lion was in a good position to follow up (much like Pai's new inashi's).

    One thing I do want to say about the game, that hasn't really been discussed, is how important the changes to the execution of reversals has been. Since in VF3 most mids were still reversed high (unless they were considered to be elbows or sidekicks) as Lion, Lau, Akira, etc., playing against a reversing character you mixed it up pretty well, with all your attacks being mid. An example would be a simple string with Lion of elbow, d/f p, elbow, maybe an u pk or u k once in a while. While all the attacks were mid, the reversing opponent had to guess which was coming out. Now, since it's all reversed mid, as a first level it's pretty easy to stop a string like that. Remember how awesome Pai's inashi was, because we discovered it stopped both elbows and high punches?

    My first reaction is that it puts characters like Lion, and to a lesser degree, Lau, at a serious disadvantage compared to VF3, but I suppose our playing styles will change and it'll just take some time to see how significant a change this will be.

  20. Jason Cha

    Jason Cha Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 Is Still at Sunnyvale Golfland

    "I think Clopin is really right (or I think it was him who told me this) in saying something along the lines of very few things being guaranteed, if at all."

    I strongly disagree with this. Lots of throws are guaranteed, just like VF3. Easy example, block Lion's f+p,p (elbow poke) then quickly put in a throw. Guaranteed. You don't even need to dash in anymore with the regular throwers. While playing Lion against Lion, I would block the elbow poke and just toss in a ff+pg. Even though Lion's ff+pg does not appear to have extended range (like Akira's f,b+pg, or the Bryant's ff+pg) it would throw every time.

    I think it's just a matter of time before you guys get used to it again.

    Oh, other note, catch throws definately interrupt moves. I got eaten with Wolf's catch throws so many damn times today...


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