[NSW] OzHadou presents, YSB 21st July

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Myke, Jul 18, 2012.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Date: Saturday 21st July, 2012
    Time: 12pm - 11pm
    Location: Bass Suite, Level 2, 99 York St Sydney NSW 2000
    Entry Fee: $15

    The doors open at 11.30am so we can start setting up. If you're bringing setups, it is recommended that you come at this time so you can set your stuff up as well. Also, if you plan on parking downstairs you will have more chance of getting a spot if you're early.

    You are free to move about any setup you like playing various casual games, though in the interest of fairness and ensuring everyone gets games in, please restrict your casual matches to the best of three games, before swapping out with someone who is waiting. Winner stays on.

    Bring Your Own Controller (BYOC)
    To prepare for future major events like OHN and aligning ourselves with EVO, setups provided by OzHadou for casual and tournament play will not have any controllers (sticks/pads). If you want to play on these setups, you will need to plug in your stick or pad. There will be no spare controllers available. On the slight chance that people aren't using their stick or pad, you can ask them for permission to borrow it. Keep in mind they are allowed to refuse. Guilt tripping them will not be tolerated. Alternatively, if you have made arrangements beforehand with your friends to share sticks that's fine as well. Seriously though, save yourself the hassle and carry a back pack with a stick/pad in it.

    OzHadou setups are all Xbox360. For those people who are bringing their own setups that use other consoles, sticks should be provided.

    Entry fee: $5
    Start time: when the AE tournament starts finishing up (AE starts at 5pm)
    Format: singles, default settings, double elimination, best of 3 games
    Other: loser can change character and request stage change. Top 3 players will split the prize money 70/20/10.

    How to Get Here
    The venue has directions here: http://www.99onyork.com.au/YORK/client/G...o%20Get%20Here. If you're catching public transport, get off at Town Hall Station or the Queen Victoria Building (QVB). When you arrive at 99 on York, head through the automatic doors on the left (not the ones that lead into the club) and take the lift to level 2. When you get out of the lifts, we are to the right.

    The venue also offers parking. Details can be found here: http://www.99onyork.com.au/YORK/client/G...=Car%20Parking. The parking entrance is located at 168 Clarence St Sydney NSW 2000. The rate is $20 non-members for the whole day. Please note: you will need to hand your keys to the car park manager. As mentioned before, you will probably need to get in early for parking as other rooms may also be booked.

    There are other car parks around the area if you don't like the idea of handing them your keys and for cheaper too.
    http://www.secureparking.com.au/CarParkMap.aspx?regionid=36 (Cinema Centre is $10 for the whole day)
    http://www.wilsonparking.com.au/go/regions/darling-harbour (Darling Quarter is $7 for the whole day)
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I'm in!
  3. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    OK so I'll be getting my PS3 stick modded on the day so I can enter this, hype!

    Sounds like there's a bit of interest around for VF from the OzHadou people with the release of FS, so any Sydney players wanting to get in on some VF play come on down!
  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Results (http://ozhadou.challonge.com/210712_vf)

    1st. Myke (KA)
    2nd. kientan (BR)
    3rd. Chill (aka DrunkenCat) (LA)

    Seeing an offline scene in my home city playing VF5FS almost brought a tear to my eye [​IMG] I'm really impressed at the level people are currently at, considering Final Showdown is the first version of VF they've decided to play competitively! It was great to meet all the new faces, and some familiar ones as well!

    Can't wait for the next YSB!
  5. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    As a first time attendee to YSB I just wanted to say what a well run and enjoyable event this was. You can tell that the organisers have put in work to make sure that the tournaments were run smoothly and that there were plenty of setups ready to go for casuals.

    A big shout out to all the players as well - I hadn't met anyone before the event but they had no hesitation in welcoming a newcomer to WSB and really shared their enthusiasm for VF even though they were mostly still new to the series or Final Showdown.

    Anyone in Sydney who is interested in getting in some offline play I would definitely suggest coming along to the next YSB - If you're a beginner to VF don't let this put you off as it's a friendly and supportive atmosphere all round. [​IMG]
  6. Berzerk

    Berzerk Well-Known Member

    great stuff guys! Keep it going. We've got a scene in Melbourne too..

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