NYG 13 Wrap-Up

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Harpooneer, Aug 29, 2018.

By Harpooneer on Aug 29, 2018 at 1:13 PM
  1. Harpooneer

    Harpooneer Well-Known Member

    Not even a month after EVO proved that VF can have major turnout at the world’s fighting game tournament, NYG 13 wrapped up the “Summer of VF” at iFixMachine. NYG has always been about celebrating what makes Virtua Fighter great, and this year was no exception. Featuring tough competition, close exhibitions, and some of the wildest Sega fighting action of all time, the 3-day event was non-stop fun. Matcherino donations from the community and audience showed that people really want to see Virtua Fighter (and Fighters Megamix!), and the chat was full of people remembering the impact that Sega had on gaming. All in all, the stream raised over $1400.00 in pot money for the Saturday tournament. For those who missed out on watching the stream, courtesy of Sabin at twitch.tv/nycfurby (give this man a follow, he works hard for the smaller scenes!), here’s a summary of what happened each day.


    The meetup. Knowing that people were getting off work and still making it out was awesome. Shout outs to all the travellers that showed up for casuals and hanging out. The night was capped off by a close exhibition between @Tricky and @Rare_Entity that saw the return of NYG classic stagegate tactics. VOD courtesy of Sabin.


    This was the competitive night, with a VF5FS singles tournament taking up the majority of time. The competition was fierce, with some twists thrown in. At the end of the day the old guard kept their hold on VF, and the grand finals between @Rodnutz and Denkai got everyone hype.

    1. Denkai

    2. Rodnutz

    3. Rare Entity
    The Matcherino donations were coming in hot throughout the weekend, and the chat earned both the VF4 FT exhibition incentive and the VF Kids single elim tournament! The VF Kids tournament went on immediately after the FS tournament concluded, and featured some wild reactions. Anyone who’s played VF Kids knows that there are some wild interactions that can happen, and it was fun watching them take place in a 2018 tournament. Check out the twitch for some great clips!


    The stream had spoken, by breaking the $1250.00 Matcherino goal they demanded to see Fighters Megamix in a single elimination tournament for the first time ...ever, maybe? The day kicked off with VF3tb exhibitions, where the first person mode, Shun’s win pose snowman, and the crazy backwalk glitch were shown off. There was also some old school demonstrations as Denkai pulled out his “Unstoppable Lau,” to show off.

    Fighters Megamix was as wild as you would expect, with inflatable bears, the Daytona car, and “Aoi with a gun.” Some of us had played this game a ton as kids, and were able to show off the crazy broken special characters to place high in the tournament. It was a good thing there was nothing on the line for this one, because characters like Siba, Ura Bahn, Janet, and Rent A Hero showed up to take names! This was my highlight of the weekend, just to show off the one-trick-pony Bean from Sonic the Fighters.

    Shout Outs:

    The event would be nowhere near as cool without the following:

    @VFhayato Providing the venue and all the setups for FS. iFixMachine is incredible, and any VF fan in the area has to come check it out.

    @cruzlink2 - Setting up the games (VF3tb setup is NO JOKE), stream equipment, bringing that ProActionReplay Saturn!!

    Sabin - Streaming us, bringing his Sega Titan Video (first one I ever saw!), and getting us a Matcherino. He put his faith in our game and scene.

    - Letting us borrow modded Saturn joysticks, including an AUTHENTIC Virtua Stick! Definitely the coolest stick I ever used. Check this guy out if you don’t know him, he’s all about retro games.

    What’s Next?
    More monthly tournaments at iFix, baby!

    VF NYG13 Group.jpg
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 30, 2018
    nou, cobratron, VFhayato and 10 others like this.


Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Harpooneer, Aug 29, 2018.

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