Offensive/defensive Moves

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by C0rbul0, Mar 2, 2008.

  1. C0rbul0

    C0rbul0 New Member

    Just a quick question.

    Im currently playing through all the characters in training mode to get a feel for which would suit me, but ive stumled across a problem.

    I seem unable to work out how to perform (during defensive move) type attacks. I though a defensive move was simply a sidestep, sadly dojo mode doesnt agree with me.

    Can anyone shed some light?
  2. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    do a search, this has been asked a bunch of times
  3. C0rbul0

    C0rbul0 New Member

    Unfortunately, as with all forums - unless you know the header of a particular thread or have all day to rake through pages of results - the search function gives me back nothing im currently searching for.

    You clearly know the answer, and could have easily set me straight instead of adding a generic 'tell the noob to search' post, i don't think it would have killed you and i'd certainly have appreciated it.

    So if you could help me out, or give me a quick blast through 'secrets of search - a hidden lesson' i'd be most grateful.


    EDIT - I didnt realise there were non- character specific threads under the dojo heading. You sir, were correct, my witty response has failed, and I therefore apologise.
  4. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    I did a search for "offensive+move" and found this this pretty quickly.

    I didn't mean to be an ass or something, I actually made a similar thread around the time I joined. But I kinda see how all these new members asking the exact same questions can get very tedious.
  5. C0rbul0

    C0rbul0 New Member

    I was gonna post yet another wanna-be sarcastic reply when i seen that the thread I found was written by you. But I guess i took your post as somewhat aggresive when it clearly wasn't meant to be. So i'll spare you my poor attempts at humour.

    Thanks for the help, and i'll leave you in peace now /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  6. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    I've commited my fair share of newbie crimes lol.
  7. Jaytech

    Jaytech Well-Known Member

    it is.

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