Ohzeki's Explanation of Input Rules for Tech Roll (Fall Recovery)

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by akai, May 20, 2022.

  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
  2. jimi Claymore

    jimi Claymore Well-Known Member

    Ok i made a translation for this

    Rules for perfect Ukemi ( just recovery) and missed perfect ukemi(regular recovery), and what inputs do you need to do first

    0:08 You can input P+K+G immediately after being hit

    0:16 For perfect ukemi you have a 3F(2F?) window, you can also have wake up options depending in wich direction you move the joystick

    0:19 In that way, the timing for the directional input is going to be different than the okizeme input

    0:23 As you can see you can do a rolling ukemi(recovery) that way

    0:30 It doesn't matter if you mash P+K+G

    0:40 In this case the last directional input detected is neutral (first up and then neutral after the mash)

    0:47 So we are going to do a tech in place here

    0:50 You can always avoid this neutral state "problem" by keeping your direction a little longer

    0:55 he input window for buffering P+K+G is 2F after you get a knock out hit, and 1F before you can get the Just ukemi,
    (Doesn't Apply to Taka since he floats different than the cast)

    1:09 So you have the failed just ukemi, after the last frame of the Just ukemi and you have 3 frames more

    1:23 The timing of this 2 options is determined by the joystick direction of the last frame of the regular ukemi (failed just ukemi)

    1:38 For the Just Ukemi you only have 2 frames while you're hitting the ground

    1:52 The direction of the just ukemi is determined by the stick direction in the last frame

    2:06 For delayed Ukemi, the direction is determined at the same time you input P+K+G
    Chanchai, Myke and akai like this.
  3. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Examples of Fall Recovery (tech roll, ukemi) for common knock downs. The timing and input of Fall Recovery based on the examples listed early in Granpa Ohzeki's blog entry. I still recommend inputting close to the ground and pressing [8] or [2] at the same time with P+K+G. Especially if the attack that launch you is a true combo or you need to actually get Exact Fall Recovery. But if you are having trouble with fall recovery, the method mentioned below is really easy.

    Video shows 2P-Side Pai knocking down 1P-Side Pai with [K] & followed-up with (while standing) [K]. Video shows 4 different choices Pai on the 1P-side took. Example at normal speed then slowed down to make it easier to see what is happening.

    Example 1 - 0:06 No Fall Recovery
    • Frame 15 - 2P-Side Pai [K] normal hits 1P-Side Pai (Note Pai [K] makes contact on the 2nd active frame)
    • Frame 71 - 2P-Side Pai follow-up attack (while standing) [K] hits 1P-Side Pai on the ground. 1P-side Pai did not attempt fall recovery.
    Example 2 - 0:19 In Place Fall Recovery
    • Frame 15 - 2P-Side Pai [K] normal hits 1P-Side Pai
    • Frame 26 - 1P-Side input [P][+][K][+][G] for Fall Recovery. Note that [P][+][K][+][G] input was tapped way before the falling Pai was even close to the ground.
    • Frame 71 - The Fall Recovery avoids 2P-Side Pai (while standing) [K].
    Example 3 and 4 - 0:30 Side Fall Recovery (Background) / 0:42 Side Fall Recovery (Foreground)
    • Frame 15 - 2P-Side Pai K normal hits 1P-Side Pai
    • 1P-Side input P+K+G for Fall Recovery (Example 3 - Frame 41 / Example 4 - Frame 27). Note that P+K+G input was tapped before [8] or [2] is pressed.
    • [8] (Example 3, Frame 49) or [2] (Example 4, Frame 37) is pressed and held afterwards
    • Frame 71 - The Side Fall Recovery avoids 2P-Side Pai (while standing) [K].
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2024
    Chanchai and Myke like this.

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