Oki game with Goh

Discussion in 'Goh' started by Toodles, Jun 20, 2004.

  1. Toodles

    Toodles New Member

    Been playing VF4E solid for a few months now. After playing Lion and Sarah for a bit, Ive recently settled on Goh and trying to improve my game. After seeing that I constantly getting beaten down for quick rising ([G]+[P]+[K]), and side quick rising, I've gotten better at the slow rising and slow rising without kicking.

    What I'm looking for is some suggestions on which moves to use with Goh to punish people on the ground or react to the various method of getting up an opponent can use.

    What is the best attack or throw to use for each one of the possible ways for a person to get up?
    1. Slow rise without attack in place.
    2. Slow rise without attack, left and right
    3. Quick rise in place.
    4. Quick rise, left and right.
    5. Slow rise with attack.
    6. Slow rise left and right with attack
    7. Dealing with delayed rising attacks(?)

    Im looking just to know which moves are best for these situations so I can practise them, set up the free training to randomly get up in different manners so I can see if I can counter them on reaction. Im specifying Goh in case there are some character specific moves that can help; I've already seen move ([4][6][K] I think) sabaki a mid level rising attack. If there are others that are helpfull in certain situations, or other methods of a character rising, I'd love to know them (Doesnt Shun have a way the stay on the ground and drink?). I think this will help keep the pressure on in my games. I realize that there are entries in the basic training menu for dealing with certain methods of rising; however, it doesn't help with identifying which rising is being used, and I end up spamming the attacks they say to get past that section of training. I want to know how to identify them quickly and counter on reaction.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Toodles said:
    What is the best attack or throw to use for each one of the possible ways for a person to get up?
    1. Slow rise without attack in place.
    2. Slow rise without attack, left and right
    3. Quick rise in place.
    4. Quick rise, left and right.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    For these situations I would cd and throw either cd HCB p+g or cd 270 or the easier d/f, d/f p+g.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Toodles said:
    5. Slow rise with attack.
    6. Slow rise left and right with attack
    7. Dealing with delayed rising attacks(?)

    [/ QUOTE ]
    If your opponent rises and tries to d+p you I suggest mixing cd throw with cd k, cd d/f+k or a mshrm. If he rises with a sweep or a mid kick then you can go for d/bk+g but you'll have to time it right, what's good about it is that you don't have to get too close to your opponent it has good range, practice it in the tutorial. You can also cd guard and wait, if he goes for a mid kick let go down but again you'll have to time it right, after guarding the mid kick I usually go for a throw if he goes for a rising sweep instead and you guard it go for the shrm or a low throw... Against delays (depending on the delay) go for a ground throw or you can also bait them by dashing in and out, if their move whiffs dash in again for either a throw or whatever mix up you want.
  3. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    1. Slow rise without attack in place.

    a cool thing to use here is to P - delay P... if they see the first jab whiff and respond with an attack or action, they will get hit by the following mid P for MC advantage. you can then follow-up accordingly with nitaku. - ofcourse you will have to switch to a low poke like b,df+p when the first strat becomes predictable. throwing is quite tight in this situation as the opp is at a longish animation, it's not advisable.. but still optional
    another good option to use is df+k+g with good guessing. the damage is high reward, and also goes under alot of attacks.

    2. Slow rise without attack, left and right

    same things apply, just different timing, you know for both of these situations there are lots of things which are usable, just knock your opponent with an attack as they get up or guess an evade and deal accordingly.. the thing about P,P is that it's probably the safest mind game you could use with goh, and the guy has no cancel attacks to compensate with pressure.

    if you ever want to rush in with a throw however, just use your standard power range of throws.. if your opponent decides to get clever with escaping, switch to f,d+p+g for a perfect mix-up.

    3. Quick rise in place.

    standard throw or attack game. go for a powerful throw or mid like K, df+K or df+P.

    another good strat is to use the ff k+g hit throw for both linear and side risers. it will break guard, evade, throw inputs and attacks. but it's risk is it can be avoided low or evaded to goh's back.

    4. Quick rise, left and right.

    same.. mabye you have more options with longer animations. a cool strat or quick risers/Techrollers is to use goh's ful curcular high (k+g).. it for those who evade or attack high will get smacked in the face giving you advantage. then you can then do the ol nitaku game of throw or elbow.

    5. Slow rise with attack.

    High = block and do b,f+p it is guaranteed.... and will knock down.
    Low = block and attack with K,df+p or df+k guaranteed.

    6. Slow rise left and right with attack

    same thing.

    7. Dealing with delayed rising attacks(?)

    err, isnt this the same as a slow rise with an attack?... ok, if opponent attacks straight away, nothing is guaranteed on block, it is solid reverse nitaku. or Okimeze - i.e db+k+g or b,df+p with enough distance should make opp miss their rising attack as well as allowing you to hit them.

    if opponent delays attacks, the read the aboove.
  4. Dark_Gift

    Dark_Gift Member

    you can respond to delayed rising attacks with a charged [4][4][P]+[K]
    however, the distance between you and your opponent has to be pretty perfect, and you have to know how far your opponent's character's reach is.

    you just charge it up while your opponent is attacking and when his attack is over, the charge should be done.
    i dont kno how much damage, but its a decent attack
  5. GTO

    GTO Well-Known Member

    Risky..? Sure it can work if they do a delayed rising attack; but if they get up without doing a rising attack at all, they can evade your charged attack and you're left vulnerable. If you're gonna try something like this I think you should just try to anticipate and break the rising attack.

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