Discussion in 'General' started by Banshee, Oct 24, 2003.

  1. Banshee

    Banshee Well-Known Member

    I pray that this will finally clear up any of the confusion and difficulty surrounding the most difficult moves in the game to pull off, most specifically Akira's moves. I hope also that this will stop people from having to search the site and such. Post here all advice (for quick reference) on how to perform Akira's knee, Stunning Palm of Death, Dragon Lance Combo, and such. Cover these first, and after that, any other moves that someone need help with can be found here. (Note: To all you who are going to gripe that "it's all here! Use the F******* search you moron!"--this, as I have said, is for quick reference. Don't post if you don't want to.)
  2. Snake_Eater

    Snake_Eater Well-Known Member

    To pull off his knee you need to keep your thumb on the [G] button and flik your finger swiftly and quickly across it. Now, I have a question. i have trouble when, after practicing a move for a long time and get good at it, I can't pull it off. my fingers can't pull of the [3][K]+[G][6][P] part of the DLC. can anyone help me against this finger positioning trouble?
  3. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    Here's a tip, practice...still can't get it? Then practice some more...after a couple months you should be able to do the moves...still can't get it? Then just quit because you never will.

    And one more thing, it's all here! Use the Fucking search you moron!
  4. _MG_

    _MG_ Well-Known Member

    "Use the fucking search you moron"? Do you speak to people like that in real life?
  5. Banshee

    Banshee Well-Known Member

    I will procede to rant and rave now at your expense (if you really want us to use the search...we're not going to. You can go home now.)

    BMF, you are a vile, worthless little troll who can't read and probably still needs to be potty trained. Did you even READ the message, you incompetant?! It said, and I quote, "..this is for quick reference..." We all know how to use the stupid search!! RE-FER-ENCE...understand now? Oh, and if you are joking, no one's laughing. Now go stuff your head in a goafer hole with the rest of your family and cry yourself to sleep.

    /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif (this is all in good fun, my friend. As long as you aren't one of these uptight readers who insists on crap like this. LOL. If you are, follow the advice above.)
  6. Banshee

    Banshee Well-Known Member

    Regarding the [3][K]+[G] [6][P], I think you should stop playing at the point where you can't do it anymore. Ever heard of Carpeltunnel Syndrome?
  7. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Hey you know I met this bmf guy before, he can't even do any Akira moves. He really sucks. Put him in his place plz thanx! Good job on finally starting something everyone can use Banshee!
    ps: banshee come join us at efnet #vfhome, great vf discussion there. we could use u.!~
  8. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    *sigh* I really hate to say this because I already know how people are going to react to it. But I will say it anyways. Most you newbies or anyone who is switching to AKIRA, would not be having nearly as much trouble if you do just one fucking thing.


    you would be amazed at how fast all these, "I DON'T KNOW HOW TO CORRECTLY PLACE MY THUMB, FINGER, ASSS, CORRECTLY PROBLEMS GO AWAY."

    yea I know, some of you wouldn't trade in your pad for a joystick, but im sorry, very few people have the skill to play with akira on a pad. I REPEAT, "VERY FEW!"

    so either trade it in, or keep heading down the Akira road of dispair!
  9. supergolden

    supergolden Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    Akira moves, joysticks, pads, ect

    You know, I've got a few things to say about this:

    First and foremost some of Akira's moves and combos are hard to preform period, wether you use a joystick or a pad... Don't believe that if you are having problems doing them on a pad, that if you get a stick they will magically come out - there's a good chance they won't.. Either you have it or you don't, I believe, regardless of wether you use a stick or not...

    Here's some advice:

    -If you are trying to do the move, and it doesn't come out right you are doing something wrong (unless your controller sucks)... Go into training mode and set it to display commands you input (type c is my favorite) and see what's going wrong... Maybe the controller is messing up your input (time to get a new one)...

    -Don't be afraid to practice in training mode slow motion to learn how to do it... I did my first SPoD on the Sega Saturn VF2 --- I would go into vs mode on Dural's stage (which was underwater and slow mo back then), set time and life to infinite and practice away... i'd be doing backflips when I got 2/3rds of it... I'm better now, but it took practice....

    -If you want to practice full speed, do it under command training mode --- it can give you advice if you mess up...

    -Akira's knee is much harder to do on a pad then on a joystick with concave buttons... It's do-able, but much harder because of the way the buttons are...

    -Akira is a powerful character, but tough to play as... You might have an easier time playing him on a joystick, you may not... but don't believe anyone when if they imply you need to have a stick to be competitive at the game... sure if you go to an arcade or to japan you need to play on a stick, but the fact of the matter is in US most of VF action is at home, and at home you can use whatever controller you are more comfortable with...

    and if you are having problems with akira feel free to pick someone else - you can win with anyone, most probably with less effort on move execution than akira...

    Out of curisoity, how long did it take all of you stick Akira users to get his commands down pat?

  10. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I'm sorry but this is a such stupid idea.

    Firstly, the subject of "ONCE AND FOR ALL" is beyond fucking dumb. It says NOTHING about ANYTHING. If I'm just browsing this forum I have no idea what this thread is about. If this thread turns up as a search result, again, it says nothing, and makes it even more useless as a reference. Wasn't that your original intention?

    Literally every technique you can think of to perform any of the 'difficult' VF moves have already been posted. Trust me when I say there's nothing new anyone is going to think of to suddenly make everything easy.

    I've gone to a lot of efforts in helping people with character specific searching via the Discussions section in each character page of this site. All you need do is get a pop-up of the discussions for your character, choose your search history and simply browse through the results.

    The last thing we need is more of the same thing, over and over again. You're new here so it doesn't seem like a big deal, but the regulars are royally pissed off everytime some newbie comes along asking for shit that has been answered to death.

    The stupidity just astounds me:

    [ QUOTE ]

    I hope also that this will stop people from having to search the site and such.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That has to be one of the worst sentiments I've heard around here in a long time. So what happens in a few weeks time when this thread moves off the first page? If people stop searching, they'll never find this wonderful thread ever again! What then? Let me guess -- create another thread?

    Some of you people don't realise that you're just sitting on the tip of a huge motherfucking iceberg. Take a dip sometime and see.
  11. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Konjou_Akira said:


    you would be amazed at how fast all these, "I DON'T KNOW HOW TO CORRECTLY PLACE MY THUMB, FINGER, ASSS, CORRECTLY PROBLEMS GO AWAY."

    yea I know, some of you wouldn't trade in your pad for a joystick, but im sorry, very few people have the skill to play with akira on a pad. I REPEAT, "VERY FEW!"

    so either trade it in, or keep heading down the Akira road of dispair!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Damn, I guess I'm fucked than. In that case can somone buy me a Evo Stick since I'm too freaking poor? /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  12. Banshee

    Banshee Well-Known Member

    Myke, you may be an experienced player with over 2000 posts (which I find pathetic, by the way), but that gives you NO right to dump on an idea that might help people with their problems. Point taken about the name, but all I tried to do was clear some things up for some of the other players and recieve some advice myself, you know? If it is possible to change the name and such, I will do so. Tell me how. Then it might end up in the Akira section of the home, and both of your pitiful gripes will be null and void. I know you're going to tell me to use the search, but can't you see the value of having it all in the same place at the same time so that anyone can read it all and post new advice at any time? If you can't, I pity you.
  13. Banshee

    Banshee Well-Known Member

    I have just realized the easiest way to do the knee on a pad. Not that it is mind-bogglingly easy, but it is better than any other way I have encountered. Hold the controller as you normally would, and make sure that [K]+[G] is assigned to R2. Flick the corner of R2 with your forefinger as you tap [K] with your thumb. Practice for a few minutes, and you will pull it off enough times to convince you that you can do it. Its not that bad, actually.
  14. Banshee

    Banshee Well-Known Member

    Shang, thanks for the support. I will join you on vfhome as soon as I can, probably in a day or so. Thanks for the invite.
  15. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    It's about time someone intelligent stood up to the Forum Nazi!! Hot damn!~ It doesn't even matter what you said, it's how you said it.~ Like dude, I dunno how to do any of Akira's move yet, but you inspire me to learn it. WooT! I'm hot!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Banshee said:

    Myke, you may be an experienced player with over 2000 posts (which I find pathetic, by the way

    [/ QUOTE ]


    [ QUOTE ]
    Banshee said:

    If you can't, I pity you

    [/ QUOTE ]

    PWNED Again!~
  16. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    You Banshee!

    You go girl! Maybe you can start another site where these things are ALLOWED so that people can find easly what they want and so on WITHOUT using search. Maybe a big document with all the things people want to know from VF? I'd be one of the first to read it!
    Keep up the spirit! P.S - Can you do Brad after? I'm having trouble using his modified palm move aswell ;(
  17. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    once and for all... I think new threads with keywords like AKIRA, DLC, SPOD, KNEE, K+G, YOHO, DBLPM, MODIFIED,PAD,HOW,DO,I,PULL,MOVE,OFF, should automatically be locked. ...... as a friendly advice, careful not to go over the edge like myke said. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

    /me braces for impact /versus/images/graemlins/ooo.gif
  18. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    "Myke, you may be an experienced player with over 2000 posts (which I find pathetic, by the way), but that gives you NO right to dump on an idea that might help people with their problems."

    Banshee, does the fact that this is MYKE'S website, and he's done a shitload of work making sure the kind of info you're looking for is readily available give him the right to complain? I should hope so. Here, I'm about to blow your mind, check this out:

    open a new window, and type "www.virtuafighter.com" into your web browser. Now, Banshee, I have a feeling you aren't actually doing this, so I want you, and everyone else to do it with me here, okay?

    Now, if you look on the left side of the screen (that's the side with the red dot, okay?), you'll see some words, they say "Game Information". Find it? Good. Now, under that, you can see names of some people, those are characters for the game, Virtua Fighter 4. Actually, there are 2 sets, one for Virtua Fighter 3, and one for Virtua Fighter 4. Some of the names are different, too. It's starting to get tricky here, but take comfort in the fact that we haven't even clicked anything yet /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif. So, as long as you keep a cool head, I think you're gonna make it.

    Okay, now you'll see the very first name under "Virtua Figher 4" says "Akira" /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif! Seems like some people are looking for info on how to do some hard moves for this guy. Here's where it gets AMAZING, Myke, who runs this website, has put a lot of "info" about "Akira" right here! You think if we click on "Akira", maybe we can find out how to do things like Akira's Knee, or the Dragon Lance Combo? Only one way to find out!

    move your "Mouse" so that the little arrow on your screen goes over the name "Akira". Whoa, it changed color! I think it's ready to click, so click your "Mouse".

    Wow, Akira's picture, and he looks serious... Now, if you're able to make this page scroll down a little (there should be some kind of slider bar on the right side of your screen, that's the side AWAY from the red dot), you'll start to see some yellow words, under the headings:

    "VF4 Evolution Akira Documents"

    "VF4 Akira Documents"


    "Akira Versus City Discussions"

    now, I'm gonna ask you to look at the middle one, which is "VF4 Akira Documents". Okay, here you'll see some letters that say "Akira FAQ". Now, FAQ stands for "Frequently Asked Questions", so that means inside these Yellow Letters, you can find Answers to Questions people Frequently Ask about Akira. Now, I know that this is a lot to take in, but remember, we've only done a little typing (virtuafighter.com) and one click, on "Akira", so don't get overwhelmed about all the new info here.

    Okay, let's click it.

    Wow! This is a lot if info! Check out the table of contents (it works just like the one in a book). Under "II", you'll see "Akira's Special Attacks". Scroll down the document (whoa nelly, that's a lot of info... maybe there's other things to read here, too?). Okay, once you've gotten to the "Special Attack" section, section "F", keep on scrolling past all that juicy info on attacks like Akira's Shoulder, Super Dash Elbow etc until you come to "Knee". Still with me? I know we've come a long way, but we're still just a little typing and 2 clicks away from where we started.

    Now, if you'll read "Knee", you'll find 2 whole paragraphs of pretty useful info about how to do this Command. Now, beyond what's written here, doing this move is merely a matter of practice. For how to "Practice", you'll have to get someone else to help you (but, I've found that in all these kinds of situations, it's best to try and HELP YOURSELF before bleating out cries "HELP ME" to to others).

    Some of the more observent of you may have noticed that when you finish reading "Knee", there's some more words under that that say "Stun Palm of Doom" (that sounds, exciting, eh? /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif). And if you read that, you'll see "Dragon Lance Combo", and "Akira Special #3". Wow, ReCharredSigh sure put a lot of work into this "FAQ" thing, huh? Maybe some of the anwsers people are looking for are here...?

    Okay, let's assume you'd still like more info on doing some of Akira's tricky stuff, click the "Back" button in your browser, and you'll go back to where you were before. Under "Akira Versus City Discussions", you'll see yellow letters that say things like "Akira's K+G (release G after 1 Frame)", "SPoD, slightly easier way", "Akira Combo", "Playing Akira with Joystick".

    Now, I know you're gonna say that this is the same info people can look at in the "Character Technique and Training" area of the forums. But, by going right to the "Akira" section of the main page, you can see all this info with just ONE CLICK! Neat, huh? Plus, the FAQ is here, and some other things as well. It takes 2 CLICKS just to get to the "Technique and Training" area, and then you've gotta find all the info yourself in the various pages...

    Whoever put all the info together on the Akira page sure was considerate... oh, wait, was that Myke? /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif

    in the future, all people new to this site should try to figure out how to use it before Spamming the "CT&T area" with threads like "Once and For All", that tell you nothing about thier contents, and then offer NO INFO OR HELP from their authors! In case you haven't noticed, Banshee, your thread has yet to become the End All "Hall of Answers" that you'd like it to be, and if you read all the crap I wrote above this, you've also come to the conclusion that most of the info you and others are looking for is already here (notice we didn't even have to use the "Search" function?).

  19. Banshee

    Banshee Well-Known Member

    Benefits of this Board

    I think we all might agree that two heads are better than one? Correct me if I'm wrong, but, with the same logic, that might mean that three are better than two, and so forth. Agreed? I KNOW Myke is the founder here. I KNOW he's written a lot of advice about Akira and his moves.

    Now, (this may seem off the topic) consider that you go to the doctor's office. What if he isn't sure about why you might be there? Then you go to someone ELSE. This is called a second opinion.

    Combine the two topics together.

    People might want a DIFFERENT opinion on the matter, not because they think that Myke is worthless, but because it can't hurt. Maybe the way Myke worded something in his guide confused them. They can get it explained here.

    <font color="red"> </font> For the last time, I am not trying to undermine Myke or his efforts. There are just some benefits of having this post here that a guide he wrote a while ago just doesn't have. I'm trying to be proactive here. <font color="red"> </font>

    The only reason that I wrote to Myke the way I did was to get him to realize that the Search feature can't answer all of your questions (neither can I), and that means that an objective opinion from this board might give some people just the help they needed.

    I hope this covers all of the bases. If we can stop arguing now, I WOULD LIKE TO GET BACK TO THE REASON WE ARE ALL HERE!
  20. Banshee

    Banshee Well-Known Member

    Modified palm?

    Can't seem to find "modified palm" in the instruction book. Give me a command for it and I'll do all I can to help.

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