One thing that is wearing away my enjoyment of FS

Discussion in 'Console' started by Gernburgs, Jul 19, 2012.

  1. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I really do like playing FS, but one thing is really starting to get under my skin: Jacky. EVERYONE uses Jacky online (and I'm quite sure it's not because he's hard to win with...) It really sucks to have to play Jacky every other match, sometimes 2 or 3 in a row. It's getting pretty bad and he's so mash friendly now that it's just bad. In any lag, Jacky has a huge advantage over any character that can't mash and abare out of everything.

    I'm just sick of playing Jacky soooo much. Please use someone else people.
  2. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I don't see him as much as I though I would once I got past dan ranks the same goes for Jean as well. I don't see them as very much at all but Jacky is still a pain in the ass since most people can't use him very well. They do kind of bog down my overall fun experience with this game just the same I was never a big fan of Jacky to begin with unless I play people like SDS or Auvii as 2 examples that make him look respectable. I would like to see more people used too and I hope it happens as the game evolves since it is still a fairly new game at this point
  3. BogusMeatFactory

    BogusMeatFactory Well-Known Member

    Yeah on PSN I see Jacky, but not nearly as much as I thought I would. I see a great mix of characters outside of Wolf. Surprisingly I see NO wolfs(wolves?). With Jacky if you see a lot of them, they tend to be a lot of new players, where they just mash. Know jacky's combos and just dodge and punish. I have only seen about 3 or 4 good jacky's that really use him intelligently and those are the most challenging and entertaining experiences I've come across.
  4. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    I personally aint seen Jacky too much myself. But you gotta admit, he's stylish as fu© in this game. And his fighting style is Jeet Kun Do. So it's no suprise a lot of people would want to pick him up with those two things going for him.

    Plus, he has some easy to use/do strings and moves that are pretty awesome looking. But that kinda goes back to the stylish part a little. Cause lei fei has cool looking stuff, but harder to do.

    Sure you won't see many really good Jackys, cause one, lot of new blood playing VF now. And two, it's not that easy to do his stuff during a fight even though the moves may be less difficult than some others. You can only beat knuckle and high low high string your way to victory only so far.

    I've also seen a good mix of characters in my experience so far. Can't really put a name on who I've seen more of. That's how mixed it's been for me.
  5. Emerald_Wolf

    Emerald_Wolf Well-Known Member

    No... I've been using Jacky since VF2.
  6. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Gernburgs you just sweet.... You alledgedly been playing vf long enough to know how to deal with this.. Stop fucking crying.
  7. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    I approve. [​IMG]
  8. MegaMaN85

    MegaMaN85 Well-Known Member

  9. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    I never see Jacky on PSN.
  10. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Beyond the Dan ranks, I see Jacky occasionally. If they aren't Hunter, they usually aren't mashing. That being said, he is the "Ken" of this game apparently.

    I'm personally sick of seeing all those damn El Blazes online. Running around the ring screaming "Hot dawg!!!" every five fucking seconds....ugh....
  11. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    It is funny you say that I see more blaze players than I do Jacky players. But in all honesty. Most Jackys I see now are decent and aren't as mashy as they are when I see them in Dan ranks and below. They aren't great but they aren't bad either. Even then even if I see a Jacky now I still think "Jacky again oh well" in the back of my head even if it is just a handful of times each evening I play.
  12. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    The Jacky players I've been seeing don't even use combos,they get half their damage off heavy pounces, and these guys are highly ranked. Someone said it's hard to do Jacky's stuff in a match, but most of them don't even use it, they just abare EVERYTHING and with even slight lag, it's extremely hard to visually confirm you've blocked and look for counter when he can just. mash PPP and seemingly beat everything out.

    Yes, part of me whining, but part of me just doesn't want to fight Jacky THIS often. On 360, he the most used character, he's the new Lei Fei in FS… I'm not really talking about career Jacky players, I'm talking about the army of mediocre Jackys that are playing him like his name was Mashy Bryant.

    And @SDS, I am having trouble dealing with it cause Jacky has some extremely effective stuff that's not hard to do. He has extremely good low attacks, his PPP seems really good, he has circular attacks off everything.

    Suffice to say, no, I havent figured out how to beat him and it's frustrating because ihave to play him 10 times out 20 games. At least with my Goh, he's quite hard to deal with.
  13. Jemun

    Jemun Well-Known Member

    I've fought against 3-4 Jackys on PSN ranked so far. They were apparently new to the game or didn't know how to mash (woot) but they basically relied on low punch and somersault, so not really a problem.

    Like already mentioned, I usually stumble upon minimum two Blazes per session in ranked mode. For me, that's also no biggie cause I'm generally the winning luchador (even though I absolutely hate mirror matches)
  14. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    I dunno where you're playing but I really don't see one character any more than the others at all. The only thing I have noticed is barely anyone is using Taka.

    Also, if you're fighting Jacky that often you should be getting used to his bullshit by now. Horrible players (and I mean the ones that just do moves and dont understand the system at all) have really bad patterns you can exploit easily. Just dont be scared of the flipkick and if the lag is really bad, just do safe, fast, simple things and beat them with basics they don't even know exist.

    Also, put a mid level move on them after every tech roll. Most of these guys just get up and attack.
  15. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    You should never lose to mashers unless you're mashing yourself. Though I must say, [3][K][P][2][K][K] is almost impossible to block online. But really, if they're so "mediocre," they shouldn't be a problem. If you're losing to abare, block, let them stay at disadvantage. Slow down your pace, observe their habits. Goh has really good sabaki attacks. Getting hit by circulars? Don't step so much, or learn the direction to that attack. Shit, if you know your basics, you be able to beat them with any character, just use your fundamentals and experience. And if the lag is so bad, just remember, online isn't even VF.

    In Japan, everyone plays Jacky, if not as a main, as a secondary or as a "I just got my ass handed to me, I'll switch to Jacky." And it does get tiresome, and I advocate violence against them for being unoriginal cunts (kinda like when someone is hovering over rare characters in the character select in SF and on the last second they just pick Ryu or Ken). Also for some reason, about 90% of the time I get errors when trying to find matches, and about 95% of the player I come across leave after losing the first game. The rate gets higher when I play as Shun/Lei-Fei. [​IMG]
  16. MDSPrime

    MDSPrime Grappler & Part time Ninja

    I got this game on the launch date and in all that time I've only seen three Jeffry's, three Taka's and about four Shun's, on XBL you only ever see the same few characters over and over again, its as bad as the shoto army on AE, VF has a pretty balanced cast compared to most other fighters its sad that roughly 80% of players never get past the ryu/ken syndrome.
  17. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I think Jacky is really easy to use effectively, that's why he is the character people choose after they get their ass kicked; if he wasn't hard to beat, people would choose a different character. I don't think he has to guess much at all compared to Goh. Jacky's decisions are block and attack, maybe throw if the player is actually any good.

    I find him hard to read, it's hard to evade effectively against him--but yes, I have to learn the the dodge directions much better.

    I'm not going to give up, I'm just struggling against him.

    Way off topic:

    There's another game coming out at the end of August that no one should miss. It's the new Transformers game, Fall of Cybertron; it's the sequel to War for Cybertron. WFC is seriously one of my favorite games of ALL TIME; I'm dead serious.

    WFC has the best multiplayer gameplay of any shooter in the world today. It had some matchmaking issues and other technical issues, but the gameplay itself is just awesome. It's a class based 3rd person shooter where you choose your set of skills and customize your class with available weapons and sick abilities. The movement is super advanced because you can seamlessly transform in and out of vehicle from (specific to the transformer you are using) which makes the game so F-ing deep and fun.

    The new game, Fall of Cybertron, is going to be bannanas! They're fixing ALL the technical issues and adding some major, major improvements. The customization is going to be insane and there are new characters, dinobots and everything else that's so fucking awesome about this game.
  18. King9999

    King9999 Well-Known Member

    What I hate about Jacky players is the random somersaults.
  19. Chinsilver

    Chinsilver Well-Known Member

    Yeah i know that use to get on my nerves too [​IMG] . If you notice it while playing just keep your defense solid and use a launcher/full circular when you block since jacky is at -15 or something afterwards.
  20. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    He's like -16 after a bunch of his strings but it doesn't always look like it.

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