Opinions of Happ joystick for VF5?

Discussion in 'Joysticks and Other Controllers' started by MAXIMUM, Sep 6, 2007.


    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    i'm researching building my own custom stick for 360 VF5. i don't want to buy the hori stick as i don't really like the feel of their sticks...far too loose and noisy for my liking.

    what i want to know is if anyone has successfully modded a Happ stick for the 360 and how good they felt that controller was for VF5?

    as a kid i was brought up using happ sticks in dingy UK arcades and prefer the more solid feel of these controllers.]

    ideally i'd probably like a custom stick with a happ controller and sanwa buttons.
  2. ElectricLeo

    ElectricLeo Well-Known Member

    I don't see this one going down well here...

    Personally, I need my stick for VF really loose. I can't see any benefit from stiffness when all high level techniques require frame by frame precision. So for me, the Happ sticks are not suitable for VF.

    Not that I can pull high level techniques off in any way, shape or form. But I aspire.
  3. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Wow I didn't know UK guys had Happ arcade sticks.

    Well imo, it doesn't matter, I recently was playing Happ on VF4EVO when my sanwa was being borrowed. It works just fine, in fact I can do all of Akira's combos, modified double palm, SPoD, DLC, AS3, and even all the diagonals people complain about with Happ sticks.

    One of the nice things about Happ sticks is their design is rather basic so installing it and modifying it (such as swaping out for weaker spring or heavier spring) is easy.

    Happ is usually cheaper than Sanwa. They have a very strong construction (since they are built for angry Americans lol I love my country /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif ) and if you have large hands Happ is perfect with it's baseball bat top.
  4. Marlo_Lurosci

    Marlo_Lurosci Active Member

    I've tried all the arcade sticks and I've found I don't like the Ball stick. There is a Street Fighter Anniversary Arcade stick that's made out of real cabinet parts. The base as a whole is pretty big too; 15" X 10" X 5". Best High Grade stick i've ever owned.
  5. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    ..... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/sick.gif

    The Street Fighter Anniversary stick is not made of arcade parts, it's parts are from China.

    However you can modifiy it to REAL arcade parts really easy. No soldering involved.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    this is exactly what i'm after...just need to solder a 360 pad underneath it. looks like a happ stick...although it claims to be a korean stick:


    its pre-wired for playstation 3

    anyone know anything more about this stick or better still, used one?
  7. bignose

    bignose Member


    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    to be fair it did get some good reviews from people. also noticed positive feedback on the play-asia site.

    i'd like to know how easy this would be to mod as i'm very close to ordering one with a view to converting it to 360.
  9. bignose

    bignose Member

    Do a search on SRK tech talk

    A couple of people have modded them, but it does look like a ball-ache.

    Apparently the stick is by Fanta and is pretty stiff so it might be what your looking for, the buttons are smaller than american or japanese parts so you'd need to drill them out a bit.
  10. ElectricLeo

    ElectricLeo Well-Known Member

    for Powerful Game.

    you can't go wrong, really.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    i have a new slightly more ambitious plan......i have a spare 360 wireless controller with a bust left analogue stick. i've taken it apart and the solder points are identical to the wired controller and can therefore be modded with a decent arcade stick, like the above.

    if i can find someway to mount the battery dock on the 360 controller to the base of the arcade stick i can build a wireless arcade stick.

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