Opponent attacking in wrong direction after Eileen's 236P+KP

Discussion in 'Eileen' started by akai, Sep 26, 2023.

  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    This past Sunday, I was in the down position, in which my opponent Tricky Eileen ran torward me.

    - I chose to do a rising low sweep [2][K] and Tricky Eileen chose to do [2][3][6][P][+][K][P]
    - Eileen avoided my low sweep and jumped over to the other side of me. This led to boths us facing away from each other.
    - I chose [K] input, aiming to launch Eileen with a Back Turn K command.That did not happen, instead I did the regular standing [K]....not the while standing [K] mid strike, but the already standing [K] high strike.

    The next day, I was messing around in training mode and found that it is quite easily replicable:
    https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1935398285?t=0h18m1s ( I will get a YT version added after make some edits here and there, I think)

    Going to spend some more time to do frame analysis to try to pinpoint the timing of inputs.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2023
  2. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    A1 & B1 - Eileen avoids Pai low sweep from rising with 236P+KP. Top frame counter is relative to Pai's sweep animation. Frame 35 is when the sweep executes (1st active frame).

    A2 & B2 - Pai input K at the same exact time (see in-game input display), relative to her low sweep. Low Sweep from rising completes the animation at frame 61. So in both panels, the K input is done after recovery animation is completed.

    A3 & B3 - In the A Panel, Pai executes Back Turned K. In the B Panel, Pai executes the regular K attack. Altogether, the panels combined suggests which attack is executed is not determined by the timing of input with Pai's low rising kick or being in a back turned state.

    Looking back at A1 & B1 images, 236P+KP avoided Pai's sweep at different times. In the A panel, Eileen was further along in completing the attack animation compared to Eileen in the B panel.

    Hypothesis - Since Eileen started the attack "in front" of Pai, the game might register Eileen as being in front of Pai, when K was inputted in B2 panel. In A2 panel, Eileen is possibly finished or near finished recovering from the animation so game recognizes Pai as being back-turned.
  3. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Very interesting find! Now that you found a sequence that can be replicated, you can do further testing. What heppens when you press guard? Sideblock? Normal block? What happens when you dash (forwards or backwards) and THEN attack? Back turned attack or still a normal (away from eileen ) attack? etc.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2023
  4. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    As of right now, I am just determing the total frames of Eileen's move to look back at more examples of the timing to when Pai does [K] or BT [K].

    While block and movement are interesting to see what happens (I might just do a quick test) I should and want to get back on track on working on some other stuffs first!

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