Options when at disadvantage

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Vic_Viper, Mar 9, 2005.

  1. Vic_Viper

    Vic_Viper Member

    I play Aoi and Wolf and am having trouble when I'm at disadvantage. I am talking about instances when an opponent has advantage after an attack. I'm mostly fighting Pai and Lei. This is probably the area where I am taking the most dmg when im at small to mid disadvantage so any advice would help.
  2. Robio_kun

    Robio_kun Well-Known Member

    well funnily enough I play Wolf and Aoi too. I guess I need a bit more info to help you though.... Let me get this straight; you are getting put at a disadvantage after getting hit and then what? they are hitting you again? throwing you? what tends to happen? what are you responding with at the moment?

    Anyway, if you can figure out what you are getting hit with, use Aoi's counters and sabakis etc. If you are getting thrown then try to fuzzy guard. Wolf is a bit trickier but also has options. His RAW stance is particularly underrated, you could try using that... depending on the disadvantage you could take a risk and try to reverse nitaku with [4][6][P]+[K] this isn't my strong point though. If you have a bit of space try [6][2][K]. Of course as with Aoi, if you are getting thrown then fuzzy guard.

    Generally speaking Aoi is the best character in the game when at a small disadvantage so you should have plenty of options with her. Wolf is not so good. Try to keep your distance a bit with Wolf wo that you are not put in that position.
  3. Vic_Viper

    Vic_Viper Member

    oops sorry should have been more specific. Anyway I'm talking about when I'm hit and at disadvantage and also moves which, as it seems to me, gives opp small advantage at block. Mostly I get hit when I try to counter attack so I'm pretty sure I'm picking the wrong attacks to use. I'm still trying to find out Aoi good attacks up close and if I have advantage I usually do okay. Also what is fuzzy guard?
  4. Robio_kun

    Robio_kun Well-Known Member

    Okay. Fuzzy guarding is where after you throw out a move and have a small disadvantage you duck and stand straight back up again while guarding. The ducking avoids throws but you stand up fast enough to block a fast mid or high attack. Most low attacks are slow enough that you can duck again if you need to. The fastest way to duck of course is with [3][3]. There should be an example of this in challenge mode.

    As I said before Aoi and Wolf are 2 very different kettles of fish. Off the top of my head I can't think of one Wolf move that leaves you at a small disadvantage. Most of his leave you at a large disadvantage where you need to ETEG etc. Aoi on the other hand thrives on using relatively safe moves that leave her at a small disadvantage and then following up with sabakis and reversals etc. Somewhere on this site there is a sabaki chart and I would look at that because it will list all of the properties of Aoi's sabakis. [4][3][P] is a generally safe move to get you out of trouble even though it doesn't do much damage or give you much of an advantage. Also try [2][3][6][P]+[K] if you know they are going to punch you.

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