Pad or Stick for VF

Discussion in 'General' started by DancingFighterG, Mar 1, 2007.

  1. DancingFighterG

    DancingFighterG Well-Known Member

    Yo, this is DancingFighterG. I been thinking of playing this game on stick rather than pad. The only game that I have ever played on stick is SC2. Are there really any advantage / disadvantage to playing pad vs stick or vice versa. Currently I play this game on pad and I have no problems but I feel that buffering in throw escapes COULD be a problem in the future. I really don't know. I was thinking of getting a stick and trying it out!!
  2. IceColdEdge

    IceColdEdge Member

    Being a budding Akira player... I dont see how the game can be played on pad... but I said the same thing about Mishimas being played on pad in Tekken...

    So in the end I think it's whatever you feel comfortable with.

    - I.C.E.
  3. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Pads are for girls..
  4. Ladon

    Ladon Well-Known Member

    so you're saying that grabbing, jerking and twirling a phallic object is inherently manly?

    DancingFighterG, I'm of the opinion that you can use either one to get good at VF, but it'll take a lot longer to get results with a pad than it will to get results with a stick.
  5. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    Crouch dashing, buffering moves, advanced movement and throw escapes are all much easier on a good responsive stick.
  6. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Just play vf!
  7. vf5jason

    vf5jason Well-Known Member

    A Joystick is best.
  8. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

  9. Morninstar

    Morninstar Member

    no such thing as pad on VF
  10. sumrandomguy

    sumrandomguy Member

  11. DancingFighterG

    DancingFighterG Well-Known Member

    Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Well, I brought a stick last week and tried it I personally don't see the difference other than my hands hurt more when I play on a stick. I've learned how to crouch dash really well on pad. As for buffering in throws I'm still working on that excution. I think I'm just going to stick to pad because I feel a lot more loose with pad. Thanks for the advice guys

    I.C.E, welcome to the boards man!!
  12. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    If you never played on a stick before the feel for it is not going to work in a day or so. I'd say you will need at least 2 weeks to a month of solid play before you would get comfortable in using it.
  13. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    And of course it has to be a good quality stick. A crappy stick can be even worse than a pad.
  14. Thin again. I've become quite good with it since I suck using stick (har har har).

    I realize everyone here adapted playing at the arcades but what do most of you find most difficult about pad? I'm just curious since it's so easy for me since it's what I've been playing fighters on for years.
  15. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    I also played on pads for years after the SF2 arcade scene died. I only switched to stick a few years ago.

    I started VF3 and VF4 on a pad but then started using a stick and find complex movements and throw escapes easier. Doing lots of movement canceling like in Minami step or ARE must be really tough on a pad. The d-pad is too small for my thumb so hitting points accurately in a rush is difficult. An arcade stick has also got big buttons which are easier to hit when attempting multiple throw escapes in a hurry.

    Multiple Crouch dashes on a stick are done by moving the stick from d to df or d to db really quickly back and forth. I only use df, df, for a crouch dash if it's a single CD but that probably isn't necessary either.
  16. Kanvis

    Kanvis New Member

    I have to agree, sticks are the way to go in VF. I find Tekken easier (at least to me) with pads, 2D fighter as well. I have been able to play Akira with a pad, but I had to adjust the block to be R1 shoulder button in order to play efficiantly. Directional stick movement is easier with a stick since wrist movement is more fluid than thumb taps. All in all, do what you like better, but sticks seem more practical for VF.
  17. comoesa2

    comoesa2 Well-Known Member

    Just get A Hori Fighting Stick 3 play with it fora month and youll proably like it.

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