Pai's best throw?

Discussion in 'Pai' started by aok1425, Aug 31, 2003.

  1. aok1425

    aok1425 Member

    In EVO, 270[P]+[G] does a lot of damage, but recently I've tried [6][2]+[P][G] -> [2]+[G][P][K], which does more. The question I have is is the d]+[G][P][K] guaranteed after [6][2]+[P][G]?
  2. Raptor1017

    Raptor1017 Well-Known Member

    yes, her down throws are guarunteed following the[6][2]+[P][G][K], the only problem is most human competition will know to expect it and escape, since this throw is much easier to pull off after her [6][2]+[G][P][K] than either of her 2 other low throws, so use it with discretion.
  3. SoundWave

    SoundWave Well-Known Member

    wait a second pai has a throw that sets up for a low throw afters? like the opponent recovers in crouch?
  4. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

  5. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    The throw I like the most is:

    Note that after the throw, you switch sides, the command is actually [K][7][K][K]
  6. DeLune

    DeLune Well-Known Member

    IMO, [6],[2][P]+[G] is one of her best throw,very useful. There many options after the execution. It depends on how you use it. If you think that the opponent is going to escape the low throw, you can do [9][K][K]which is quite basic (low damage). Another move, [P]+[K] will cause a MC, and it will force your opponent into another mind game. Also, you can do [2_],[6][P] which may cause a float, and you can follow up with [P] +(insert combo) etc. for high damages. One situation where you can use [2_],[6][P] is where your opponent is a short distance away from the edge of the ring (about 4 squares in training mode). If connected, a simple combo, [P][P][K][K], will cause the opponent to ring out. There is risk in doing this but the reward versus risk is pretty good.

    Against chars such as Sarah, Akira, if you do nothing after the throw, and they do [2][P]+[K]+[G], a low punch will come out. You can wait for the low punch and low throw them.

    Against chars such as Wolf, Pai, [2][P]+[K]+[G] = a miss low throw animation. You can wait for the animation to do 270 throw (more damages /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif) etc., [P] throw, or even do [6],[2][P]+[G] to play mind games again.

    There are many other possibilities in which you can use. Some options can give high damages. Try to mix up your options.
  7. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    While I agree that it's a fantastic throw, I don't think that the [P]+[K] follow-up will give an MC. The only time I can think that you get an MC, other than when it's a true MC, is on a wall stagger (and some stances). Guess the latter depends on your definition of MC.
  8. DeLune

    DeLune Well-Known Member

    Sorry, I don't quite understand what you mean. After Pai did a [6],[2][P]+[G] on me, if I try to low throw escape, and Pai does a [P]+[K], she always get a MC. The only time Pai did not get a MC is when I input the throw escape too early. Or maybe I did something wrong?
  9. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I see what you mean now.
    I thought you mean [P]+[K] would give an MC in the case that the person being thrown would do nothing.

    In the case of your re-explanation, I believe you're dead on, it's happened to me before.
  10. Cruz

    Cruz Well-Known Member

    The [8][6][2][4][P]+[G] has the same power as [6][2][P]+[G] - [2][P]+[K]+[G]. All I do is [6][2][P]+[K]+[G] - [4][6][P]+[K]+[G] - [4][4]-[3][K][G] to make a stronger throw combo. It's kinda hard, though!
  11. Cruz

    Cruz Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Nayrzurc77 said:

    The [8][6][2][4][P]+[G] has the same power as [6][2][P]+[G] - [2][P]+[K]+[G]. All I do is [6][2][P]+[K]+[G] - [4][6][P]+[K]+[G] - [G] -[3][K][G] to make a stronger throw combo. You have to press [G] fast. It's kinda hard, though!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Here's the correction!
  12. Cupcake_Desu

    Cupcake_Desu Well-Known Member

    also her [2][6]+[P]+[G] does the saem damage as the 270 unless they tech roll once they hit the ground
  13. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    lol gee ho i think your a tiny bit confused on this one, basically it does the same damage but if they dont TR you get a ground hit which makes it 70 damage. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  14. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    no offense - but most people should reverse the low throw after [6][2][P]+[G], and buffering in a dash following her [4][6][P]+[K]+[G] is not all that useful as it's pretty easy for your opponent to struggle. The CPU may fall for it sometimes but it's not a practical sequence against a human player.

    If you want to compare her throws and come up with a best one...then, it's her 270, hands down. Her from crouch throw, [2_][6][P]+[G] is also good but can be techrolled for decreased damage.

    The best part of Pai's throw game is that she has excellent options. She has serviceable throws in four directions.

    <font color="yellow">.cheers.</font>
  15. Cruz

    Cruz Well-Known Member

    Everybody makes mistakes! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    I guess you can change [3][K]+[G] to [4][4][K]+[G] > [K]+[G]. You're on the other side now, that's why it's [4][4].

    I have a combo:

    [1][K]+[G] > [P]+[K] > [K]+[G]

    If the opponent didn't fall on [1][K]+[G], you can add:
    [9][K][K] (I think)
    [6][K][K](I think)
    [6][6][P][K] or anything you can add

    If they fell on [1][K]+[G], you can add:
    [1][K]+[G] > [3][P]
    [8][P] or [8][K]+[G]
    [1][K]+[G] > [8][P] or [8][K]+[G] (I'm not sure if it's gonna work!)

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