pai's f,b+P & u+K+G

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by gribbly, Dec 18, 2001.

  1. gribbly

    gribbly Well-Known Member

    1) what is pai's f,b+P meant to do? I was playing with it tonight and it seemed to dodge around incoming punches. But I also got the sense that I was missing something, because it does very little damage.

    2) I noticed Pai has her "crane kick" (the one that used to have the weird "press K while ascending" timing) on u+K+G. It's not listed in the virtuaproject movelist. It's actually kind of useful against the CPU, which is a real sucker for it =] I haven't tried it against a human... it's probably not going to be pretty.

    Oh, and:

    3) Pai's mid- and high-kick inashis are really beautfully animated!

  2. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    It's a sabaki for high and middle punches, high kicks and elbows. What you may be missing is the followup P (i.e. f,b+P,P) which hits middle. It's a good move, use it!
  3. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member


    on a side note, I went to ucla tonight and it was rented out to a bunch of goddamned CHILDREN! some kind of private party, they wouldn't let me in!

    Children and video games don't mix!

  4. scolaire

    scolaire Well-Known Member

    Reminds me of what frequently happens in singapore arcades. Sometimes, there r kids who bash the arcade sticks and controllers with the intent of rendering these instruments ineffective for the purpose of gaming.
    Depending on luck, pple like us might actually land up playing with those damaged controllers.
  5. gribbly

    gribbly Well-Known Member

    f,b+P,P... of course. Now that you mention it I remember seeing this move mentioned in an old Pai strategy thread... maybe by creed. Hmm thanks I'll give this a try.

  6. gribbly

    gribbly Well-Known Member

    dude I *know*. I turned up there around 8:30pm and literally couldn't get in the door because all kiddies were pouring out (all the machines were off by then anyway... ouch... hmm "let's have a private party then close 11/2 hours early!" Why not?). Anyway, see my post "LA: machine #2" in Jamboree. You should have checked Westwood Arcade!

  7. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Arcades are willing risk that. The rate for renting out the entire arcade at UCLA is fantastic.. do they still have 6 dollar free play nights? I used to do a lot of those... three hours on 6 bucks is a great idea.
  8. Pinkgirl

    Pinkgirl Well-Known Member

    What's the u+K+G move? I know of only the b+K+G one...

    Btw is it just me or am I finding Pai's dodge attack useless?
  9. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    u+K+G is similar to aoi's u+K+G, which is her old high pounce. Aoi's will squish someone lying flat on their back, but I dunno if pai's will (since aoi's used to be a plain old pounce while pai's used to be a big jump attack... d/f+K while doing a high jump).

    I also can't comment on the speed of pai's. I think it's faster, but I dunno if it's as fast as aoi's. One possible use for it is to smash opponents who are in a stance where they can't block - I've seen an aoi trying to do this to a handstanding shun di, and this might work as a way for pai to flatten jacky or a stanced lei-fei.
  10. Pinkgirl

    Pinkgirl Well-Known Member

    Ohhh.... so that's the pounce... I was wondering why they changed the commands for some of them in VF4 and removed some characters' pounces btw.... and now the pounces can be done @ any time, not necessarily only when an opponent is down... what is the logic in this?! Also I'm still trying to figure out when the pounce is escapable... I have seen alucard side rolling to escape stomps/punches while down, and yet it isn't guaranteed!
  11. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I don't think everyone can do their old high pounces.. mostly just the characters who had really different high pounces... in vf2/3 wolf's high and low pounce are almost identical, so in VF4 he doesn't get an "u+K+G" type stomp. Jeff's pounces are completely different, so he gets to keep the old one. I haven't really worked out who kept what, that just seems to be about how it works.

    The logic is part of the game simplification thingy - one basic command for pouncing for everyone. u+P. But sega knew some games would miss the useful old high pounces like Lion's or Aoi's so they kept them in as special attacks. As for doing them anytime... well, that's a good thing. You can easily start a pounce while someone's just starting a rising attack and squish it. Or use the stance trick mentioned earlier. Or just try it for a surprise.

    Stomps are guaranteed when:

    -The opponent hits the floor with kuzure down animation (I think).
    -The opponent hits the floor with that violent slamming animation (think of the leg flop animation you see when kage's u/f+K+G hits).
    -The opponent is slammed to the floor in a float. They cannot tech roll from this, so a quick ground punch or ground kick might hit them... watch the jeffry combo where he does b,f+P+K (headbutt) followed by a stomp.
    -after certain throws. Some throws cause special knockdown animations like that leg flop animation, which means you get at least a free stomp. Others do so much damage that they have 'nearly' guaranteed pounces where the opponent must violently struggle to escape (like jeffry's XPD).

    Not guaranteed: Just about any time the opponent is knocked down without special animation, they can do a tech roll the instant they land to avoid the pounce.
    If they're surprised by the knockdown and don't use a tech roll, they can still press guard rapidly to force their character to wake up and start rolling sideways.
  12. Pinkgirl

    Pinkgirl Well-Known Member

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    The opponent hits the floor with that violent slamming animation (think of the leg flop animation you see when kage's u/f+K+G hits)

    <hr></blockquote> Talking about the different "knock-down animations", there's one that Lion does (the CPU always does it to u in the 1st stage) that causes ur character to sort of "faint" - it's neither the leg flop one (whereby u can still combo ur opponent - I got combo-ed once, just a little bit, when my character got knocked down the "leg flop" way) nor a kuzure down (i.e. crumple anim). I have always wondered what the heck that is, and whether there can be any follow-up to it..... and when u get that, for that matter. I always fail to see (not fast enough to observe!) which move the CPU's Lion does to make my character fall that way, like my character's "fainting" (sort of sways front & back for a short while, still standing, before dropping to the ground face-down, if I remember correctly)... any idea??? I don't do any pounces these days anymore (I think it's become a habit, oh dear) cos I daren't take the risk... sometimes even when it seems as if I might get away with a small stomp/punch, I get hit (opponent tech rolls/recovers super-fast)... =P

    And back to the pouncing business... heh... yes... I've seen people get hit in really silly scenarios (e.g. they execute a move, opponent pounces while their move's being executed, they get hit!), and over and over again at that... which made me wonder why Sega allowed the pouncing anytime... maybe just to elicit some laughs! /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
  13. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    And back to the pouncing business... heh... yes... I've seen people get hit in really silly scenarios (e.g. they execute a move, opponent pounces while their move's being executed, they get hit!), and over and over again at that... which made me wonder why Sega allowed the pouncing anytime... maybe just to elicit some laughs!

    I think all the pounces that can be executed while your opponent is not on the ground hit mid. They're just very slow mid-level attacks.

    Does Pai's u+K+G hit an opponent who is on the ground? I don't think it does. It's just her crane stomp high jumping attack that hits mid level as it comes down.
  14. Pinkgirl

    Pinkgirl Well-Known Member

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    I think all the pounces that can be executed while your opponent is not on the ground hit mid. They're just very slow mid-level attacks.

    <hr></blockquote> All I know is, just block high and you're safe... thing is, are the pounces counterable (i.e. can you throw/attack your opponent after he/she attempts a pounce but u block)???
  15. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    Attack/grab low or mid during recovery animation -> insert a combo...
  16. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Some pounces are counterable than others, I guess it depends on what we're gonna call pounces... if it's any move that hits a grounded opponents, something like Aoi's u+K+G is really reamable if you block it. You can probably kickflip or knee her. Jeff's butt bomb pounce leaves him grounded, so unless he's forced to lie down for a while, the worst you can do to him is a ground punch or kick. Then again, I think I saw a jeffry get pounced on after his butt bomb missed, maybe you ARE forced to lie there for a while. I know that if wolf's b,f+K+G fails to hit, he would end up grounded and could roll out of the way of the opponent's pounce.
  17. gribbly

    gribbly Well-Known Member

    >Does Pai's u+K+G hit an opponent who is on the ground?

    I'm 90% certain that it does. I'll check next time I play...

  18. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Pai and Aoi's u+K+G do work as pounces, they can hit grounded opponents. As well as being mid attacks as you stated.

  19. 22222

    22222 Active Member

    all pai players..

    hey ask u all a vf4 for pai how do u do the move when pai swings over an opponents back?? and in wat case can this happen?? and when u execute a move then u press G to cancel it...can u excecute another move immediately aft u press the G ???? thanks btw..her d/f kick ...y does it sometimes not stun opponents....but sometime does?? in wat case does it stun???
  20. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: all pai players..

    to swing over the opponent's back use d/f+P+G (regular throw) if the opponent is standing and not attacking.
    if the opponent is crouching and not attacking, using f+P+K+G (low throw) to get behind them.

    Try u/f+K,K after.

    When you cancel a move with guard, you can execute another move almost immediately after. Aoi has a little delay when she cancels a move, because she can cancel many attacks. Pai cannot cancel many attacks (I'm not sure if she can cancel any). Characters like jacky who can cancel their kicks seem to have no delay after cancelling.

    The d/f+K stuns if it hits the opponent during their attack. If it hits the opponent and they are not attacking, it doesn't stun. If it hits them while they are crouching, they stagger backwards for a second .. maybe this is what you were talking about?

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