Petition: We want Virtua Fighter 6!

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, May 19, 2016.

By Myke on May 19, 2016 at 5:24 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    There are two types of people in this world. Those who think online petitions are a waste of time, and those who think that however slim the chance, there's no harm lending their voice to the cause. VFDC user @cmase1989 has taken some initiative to start an online petition to let SEGA know that We want Virtua Fighter 6! It'll literally take you a few seconds to fill out if you feel so inclined. I mean, what's the worst that could happen?


    Link to petition:


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, May 19, 2016.

    1. def
      I already signed. Hey it worked for Final Showdown and it seems to be working for that dreamcast successor.
    2. YOMI
      It never worked for FS nor did it work for R. Good bye.
      IcKY99 likes this.
    3. VFhayato
      I already share this to a lot of groups! lets go guys! we want this today! NOW!
      Sonic The Fighters likes this.
    4. Libertine
      It worked for a game already in development. This isn't the same thing, since we don't even know if work on another VF game has started. As far as what harm can be done, well, it could be distracting us from something more practical, such as convincing Sega to release their older games on newer platforms. Also, a Steam release for Final Showdown would be nice.

      EDIT: Another point I'd like to make is that Sega doesn't owe us anything. My guess is that VF6 (or some other iteration of VF) has been in development for awhile, but if it hasn't, it's because Sega didn't think it would be lucrative. It's their company, their business. They will be better informed by studying the market than from some petition from the West (of all places). Remember that Japan is their biggest market. If they're not interested, then neither is Sega.
      Last edited: May 19, 2016
    5. Sonic The Fighters
      Sonic The Fighters

      Video games market in Japan is a joke now...

      Fighting Games are so back !

      SFV, KI, KOF14, Smash Bros, MKX, DoA5LR, Tekken 7, Guilty Gear, even Pokken LMAO..................


      Look at MKX i think it's one the best selling game of 2015 !!!
    6. Libertine
      Well, Japan is their main source of revenue for the game. That will be their primary reason for development and, if the game is released, then a release in other countries is inevitable anyway.
    7. Sonic The Fighters
    8. Kruza
      Signed. Props to @cmase1989 for starting this petition at
      Ellis and Sonic The Fighters like this.
    9. ShinyBrentford
      Lib quiet being such a fucking contrarian and just sign the damn thing.
      Zekiel, CFW, Kohlrak and 5 others like this.
    10. Tricky
      84 signatures left to hit 500
    11. SNAKE BOSS
      This petition is a good thing and the funny thing is that I was thinking of starting a vf6 petition myself a couple of days before it was made. Just did not have the time. Now we have this so sign it people and let your friends know about it so they can sign it too. This part is for those negative thinkers. Even if Sega does not make a vf6 anytime soon this petition will show them that there is still interest in vf and they might consider making it in the future. So stop bitching about it and sign the petition you fools.
      Last edited: May 19, 2016
      SeveredShogun and Ellis like this.
    12. Libertine
      if u dont sign this petition then ur only hating on ur own damn selfs
    13. Myke
      Let's not kid ourselves into thinking an online petition has the power to change the course of business development within SEGA. Can you really imagine this happening?

      A manager at SEGA/AM2's business development and strategy, let's call him Okizeme-san, is sitting in his office, sipping on a hot cup of green tea while casually browsing online forums, Facebook, twitter and other social networks.


      In absolute shock, Okizeme-san sprays out the mouthful of tea at his computer screen, and rushes immediately from his office to see the director of his department.

      "Excuse me, Nitaku-san, I'm very sorry to have interrupted you but I have some important news."

      Nitaku-san, visibly angered by the intrusion ponders his next move carefully. The way he sees it, he has two choices: scold Okizeme-san for the rude interruption and send him away, or, hear him out. Having worked with Okizeme-san for the past 15 years, he considers this behaviour to be quite out-of-character and so, decides to hear him out. His superior yomi ability suggests this might be important.

      "Yes, Oki-san, what is it?" he asks.

      "Nitaku-san, I have come across an online petition from our western market making a demand on SEGA for Virtua Fighter 6!" huffed Okizeme-san, still short of breath.

      "Nanniiiii????" Nitaku-san's eyes widen as he stands up, tosses the newspaper in the air as he storms out of his office, brushing past Okizeme-san like he wasn't even there.

      "ATTENTION! ATTENTION!" Nitaku-san barks into the PA system.

      "This is an important announcement! All AM2 employees are to immediately cease work on <Project Unknown>. I repeat, cease all work on <Project Unknown>. I know this project has been in development for the past 5 years, and has a lot of your talent, hard work, and innovation vested in it, and even though we are nearing completion, I must urge you all to stop at once. *pauses for a moment* We have just found out via an online petition that 300 people demand the development Virtua Fighter 6. Therefore, production begins today!"

      *Applause and cheers are heard in the distance*

      OK, I got a little carried away there in making my point, but the reality is that a petition from the VF community is never going to be big enough for them to change what they're doing right now, or even bat an eyelid. It's all just about raising awareness, in the rare case that they aren't already aware, that VFers still care about this franchise.

      You'll never win the lottery if you don't buy a ticket.
      SeveredShogun, Zekiel, Ellis and 6 others like this.
    14. Sonic The Fighters
      Sonic The Fighters

      Very nice story ! i liked it a lot and the ending was so beautiful ;(
    15. Shang
      Who are these "VFers" you speak of?
      Personally, I'm just real tired of putting in work and pushing for sega to the people, just to be burned by SEGA (of Japan) again and again and again. Now i'm starting to understand the lingering, simmering bitterness alot of the OGs here have.

      With the new eSports movement and the return of the fighting game era, and with more consoles and console games being sold worldwide than ever in history, and VF characters being hyped up on every video game and anime besides a new VF, it should be a no brainer to make a VF6 (that's properly supported with both content and tournaments worldwide, by sega). The fact that yet another petition has to be made is pretty stupid.

      I think its about time Sega finally makes good on their promise to us. If they do, I'll support them more than ever before and sing the praises of Sega to the masses once again. Otherwise, they can pretty much die the death they should have had 15 years ago, while I'll be fine playing FS and older VFs.
      Ellis and Dark Nova Void like this.
    17. Tricky
      quote from article

      ""I believe that if we can't maintain quality, it would be better to not release anything at all.""

      I think this might be a major factor
    18. Unicorn
      The word is, VF6 project was stopped at least once for exactly this reason... Not being innovative enough.

      This may sound nice on paper, but is still quite shitty excuse in reality. People want new VF. Badly. If they will fine-tune the Fine Tuned mechanics, ballance chars a bit more and slightly update their movelists, polish already great netocde, update graphics and animations, add 1-2 newcommers and THE FUCKING STORY MODE TO PLEASE WESTERN AUDENCE, everyone will be happy as teenage boy after his 1st successfull date.

      But you know, we are talking about Japanese company in here. And not about SOME Japanese company, but about Sega. THAT Sega. So get ready for new shitty Sonic game, as to "maintain the quality" of shitty games is much easier, ya know?
    19. Unicorn
      Anyway, shut up and sign everyone. And spread the word. I tweeted this to Kanzen Nitaku (who signed) - if you know other japanese players, make them aware. We may not succeed, but we must try :)
      SeveredShogun, Ellis, G0d3L and 2 others like this.

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