Philly Tourney Report

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Jerky, Mar 10, 2002.

  1. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Oh man back from Philly and I have to say it was fun. Here are the results:

    1st - Rodney (Omaha Jeff)
    2nd - Shang
    3rd - Rich G.
    4th - Hyun
    5th - Myself

    It wasn't the biggest tourney, there were only about 20 people playing and competition only really got tough around the semis (right when I got knocked down into the losers Shang @*$^*#&!)

    If you want full details on the tourney just PM me or talk on IRC. Unfortuantely I'm really tired from a long trip, but I just had to get the excitement (and frustration /versus/images/icons/smile.gif ) off my chest from my first tourney.
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Rodney's better than I thought if he did what I'm guessing -
    took out shang's bitch akira with jeff.
    Or did he resort to a piggy character?
  3. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    he stood with jeff the whole nine. very impressive
  4. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    It was a great event. Big congrats to Rodney. Those Winner Semi matches were something. What a great weekend! Thanks to Eric for hosting and to Nan (spelling), Andy, Rodney for hooking us up at NYC.
    Man.. Rich's Pai was an eyeopener to all of us.
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Thread moved to Jamboree board.
  6. Namflow

    Namflow Well-Known Member

    hey guys... I'm rich, thanks for the compliment! It was really nice meeting you all, and for the first time playing someone competitivley besides alex (my brother.)

    Being my first VF tourney, I'd have to say it was really awesome experience. Everyone was really nice and friendly, and even came all the way from boston and nyc just to play in the tournament.

    To those of you from Boston - I'm visiting a friend who goes to Brandeis from the 21st to the 24th and was wondering if there would be a good time to get together and play a few games.

    That's about it, I'll c-ya
  7. nxw0016

    nxw0016 Well-Known Member

    Hey it was such an awsome day Saturday for me! Glad to hook up you guys from Boston! Thanks for lettimg me play the VF4 on your PS2, that was a great experience. And for your information, I just went and bought a PS2 yesterday, ha ha ha! (playing Fatal Frame now, but couldn't get a memory card, all sold out!!!!!!)

    March 20th...............Come on!
  8. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    * clears throat* WOOOO OMAHA:) I apologize for that but it needed to be done IMO. Now when is that next NYC gathering cause team Omaha gonna crack some heads.

    PS: "Thats mariner power"
  9. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    First off I want to say thanks to shang for some awesome matches. I really didn't think I could do it, considering how easily he was raping me during casual matches. To everyone who attended and participate, THANKS! I have to agree with shang about Rich's pai, it was and eyeopener.

    Shang, Andrew, and the rest(sorry I can remember your names) I am glad you guys hooked up with some of the NYC peeps, I hope it was alot of fun. I would have love to come but I still had the third strike tourney to do. I should have went with you guys, because I bomber out. I came in 10th or something, but it was still lots of fun. Anyways, I hope to see all of you guys again in the future for some more fierce battles. Thanks again for everything!
  10. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Rich, I have a PS2 setup in my basement in Randolph MA if you (and your brother) are up to it I can setup on the 24th Sunday. This way so that Joopsara :p can possibly make his way down.
  11. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    I'm up for a Sunday gathering... but isn't that the same date of the next Philly tourney?

    Congrats to Omaha Jeff! I'm glad Jeff came out on top in a tourney. Pai making a good showing is a good thing too...

    Yeah, Sunday Mar 24 is the next <a target="_blank" href=>Philly tourny</a>

    What character did Hyun use? Was it Jeff too?
    Jerky, did you use Wolf or Jacky?
  12. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Man......I pissed my pants I was so nervous. I played a timid wolf for one match and thought I would get crushed playing like that. So I stuck with Jacky. One thing I definetly need to learn is not to put the weight of the world on my shoulders when i play in tourneys. Lol I think Rodney even has some footage of my first elimination round match. My wolf (I had no idea what happened to me....dont ask) got beaten by a Jacky when instead of winning i wanted to "look good" and lost pitifully. It was a good thing it was 2 out of 3, I pulled a 2 - 1 victory. The most comical moment would have to be when i faced Shang in the semis, everyone was expecting a great matchup and I just completely folded 2 - 0 against him.......I wanted to shoot myself.

    Edit: Hyun played Jeff. Sorry
  13. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Yeah the adrenaline rush you get for your first few tournaments is incredible. Unfortunately, I've lost that feeling for the most part... last time was probably at the Vancouver VF3 tournament I went to. Heh, my first tournament (VF2 Pittsburgh) I had to jam my knee up against the cabinet to stop my leg from shaking... knocking knees... yikes! /versus/images/icons/blush.gif

    Cool results then. That's 2 Jeff's, a Pai, and Akira in the top 4. With the news of Aoi winning Japanese tourneys and Johnson's Aoi finishing 2nd to Robertson's Akira at the last virtuaproject Toronto tournament, there's evidence that you can basically choose any character you want and do well at a high level. (Johnson also used Lei and Kage IIRC, but he chose Aoi do go up against Akira.)
  14. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    heh i dont know if shang noticed, but my left leg was shaking uncontrolably. I was so damn nervous man. Thanks for the rush!
  15. Cros

    Cros Member


    Congratulations Rodney.
  16. T^5

    T^5 Active Member

    nice meeting everyone everyone was friendly and open, i was the scrubby jacky in that tourney, i hope to see you again in the near future, i will surely work on my game so i won't be as scrubby next time......
  17. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    yea it was nice to meet you too man. but i should point something out to you. In vf if your dedicated(and I think you are) there is no such thing as a scrub man. Just a master in training :p So good luck and hopefully we will meet again!
  18. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    I had a great time meeting up and playing against everyone. Looking forward till next time. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Man those final matches were INTENSE!! /versus/images/icons/shocked.gif

    If only Rod had fully charged his cam. /versus/images/icons/frown.gif
  19. Hyun

    Hyun Well-Known Member

    Okay okay let me just say something. . . Needless to say, Rodney did a great job. (It's true that Shang seemed to have upper hand earler in the day, but Rodney managed to learn him and shut down his game plan at the end. Something the entire Boston crew still are not able to do after months.) Thanks goes to Eric for organizing the tourney. It was a nice format. Double elimination but he seemed to have ensured that no one will play someone twice except at the final.

    As a side note, Shang did continue his bitch Akira streak, including the rounds that had nothing but two HCB+P,bodycheck combos.

    Also, please understand that three of us were all pretty tired during the day. So excuse us for leaving early and not being too talkative during the event.
  20. Bronzefist

    Bronzefist Member

    Hi guys,

    I was at the Philly tournament as well, but I did not play. I was the black guy in the blue fleece standing next to the machine watching the matches.

    I'm a complete VF newbie, having played VF4 for the 1st time 3 days beforehand, so I know I would have made a horrible showing had I entered the tourney /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    I stuck around after the tourny and got schooled by some other people. I had alot of fun and the peeps I played were kind enough to give me and my struggling Vanessa some hints (BIG THANKS to you guys).

    I'm pretty much a Tekken refugee, so VF is a whole new ballgame for me. Just looking at this website and the various FAQs tells me that I have alot to learn /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Thanks again for all the people who gave me help and I hope to see you all in the future.


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