Picking a fight

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by pleportamee, Dec 12, 2007.

  1. pleportamee

    pleportamee Well-Known Member

    Sup guys. Im looking to play some high-level players for experience. Currently, I use Lau- and am a 5th dan online. It would be great to play a good Lau player- but also anyone that is good with other characters would be cool too. I'm new to VF, VF on the 360 is the first one I've really played.
    BE WARNED: I don't spam low punch or anything-- but I'm a very pattern oriented player. (that's another reason I'd like to play some people from here; as of now, not many of the people I've played online have given me a reason to deviate from my attack patterns)

    Gamer Tag: Pleportamee
    Location: TX

    I'm generally on in the mornings from 9:30-11am and 11:00-1:00am at night.
  2. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    Keep an eye out for Black Bauer and Happy Friend 76, they're the best Lau's I can think of off hand.
  3. cadorna

    cadorna Well-Known Member

    BETABOW also. I hate you guys. :p
  4. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Black Bauer... boooo booo booo booo booo boooo boooo /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  5. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    What... he plays Lau doesn't he? Or was it Jacky? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  6. Steam

    Steam Active Member

    He(black bauer) played a mirror match with shun against me earlier today. He won all three rounds though it was down to 1 or 2 hits health left in all of them.
  7. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    I think we played a couple games last night, Pleportamee. You know some great attacks, and did a better job of not reusing the same strings than almost anyone I've seen online, honestly. I'm sure I didn't give too much of a challenge, kept trying to apply yomi, and you'd throw out something completely new.

    Just keep ranking up, there's some really good players out there, after our matches I can't imagine you'll have too much problem getting into the high dans.
  8. pleportamee

    pleportamee Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the compliment, Sorias. I remember your gamer tag from last night as well. (I'm pretty sure you played as Akira) I don't have much else up my sleeve other than what you saw last night- but I'm working on it!!
    Also, I'll keep an eye out for those players you other guys suggested.
    Anyone can feel free to send me a FR if you have room. I'm always down for some good games!
  9. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    Not quite... I'm an Aoi player. Makes fighting Lau so hard;; If you walk into Tenchi stance, I win, if not, I can't get around the speed/range advantages he seems to have.
  10. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    As a Lau guy I have a kinda hard time against aoi. the auto- reverse stance stops all my shenanagins. Play Subbers. He is good.
  11. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    If you are having trouble with that stance just use attacks which are consider body attacks, full circular attack(HIGH & LOW), or use two handed attacks. She can't stop those things with that stance. I can only give an example with Akira since I am only familiar with him, but 66+P+K is considered a body attack and 246+P is considered a two handed move. Unfortunately Akira has no full circulars /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif Hope that helps everyone.
  12. pleportamee

    pleportamee Well-Known Member

    My bad Sorias. After posting, I remembered that you were most likely the Aoi player and not the Akira player. Good games though!!!

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