Players in Baltimore City

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by RunningNow, Mar 6, 2007.

  1. RunningNow

    RunningNow Member

    I'm looking for players in Baltimore City, Maryland! Food will be provided (mainly drinks, alcohol so no underage please). Bring sticks and PS3s (the more PS3s the better), bring money cash(for after snacks and foods and necessities), bring cars and or motorbikes, and wrist-watches to tell time with. Do not bring cell phones and weapons as they cause distractions during play.

    I will unveil the location of the tournament. Tell friends (more the better), bring as much electronics as possible to get the party going.

  2. gohthebest

    gohthebest Member

    sup. You have a baltimore city player right here and I have some friends that plays vf 5 and tekken. so holla back. one

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