poor US sales of vf5 360

Discussion in 'Console' started by MAXIMUM, Nov 14, 2007.


    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    i cannot confirm this but a friend working in california told me total sales of vf5 for 360 after 2 weeks at retail was only 54,000 in the US /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    that's pathetic numbers for a full price game, especially one which has recieved universal praise from the videogame press. as i understand it most titles require approx 100k unit sales per region to break even....so looks like this is a loss maker for sega.

    such a shame....hopefully the dedicated population we have playing online stick around to keep the game thriving albiet for the hardcore community.
  2. Onslaught

    Onslaught Well-Known Member

    Games don't stop selling after 2 weeks. Especially during the holidays.
  3. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    WTF? LOL! 54k in 2 weeks is bad? So after 2 weeks, SEGA closes up shop and goes home? LOL! And I bet the guy got this from VGChartz... LOL!
  4. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    This is VF we're talking about right? How could you be disappointed considering the history of the game? VF has never been known to sell well anywhere outside of japan and in all honesty, i'm surprised it sold that many thus far.
  5. Sikarios22

    Sikarios22 Member

    Those numbers are disappointing, but not surprising. Fighting games are notoriously low sellers in the US console market. People would rather be playing FPS's or RPG's it seems. I just hope fighting games don't go the way of puzzle/adventure games like Myst (i. e. basically becoming nonexistant).
  6. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    VF4 for PS2 sold 400,000ish copies in the US iirc.
  7. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Here's an old topic with some interesting numbers..
    Virtua Fighter 5 sales number

    In short, depending on the source,

    VF5 PS3 - U.S. February 2007 Sales (Released on Feb. 20, 2007) ~53K

    VF4 PS2 - overall ~620K
    VF4:Evo PS2 - overall ~261K
  8. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Is that including japan or US only?
  9. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    I believe the VF5 sales listed above is U.S. only (~week of sales I am guessing?). If I remember correctly, the opening day sales for PS3 VF5 in Japan (Kotaku), is ~30,000.

    VF4 and Evo - beats me. Just what I saw from an old post from powerincarnate.
  10. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    54,000 is a low number. Most games sell the majority of its eventual sales volume in its opening week. VF5 may be different because it is a fighting game (competitive games tend to have a longer sales life span) but 54,000 is a very poor start.

    The weak sales on the PS3 can be blamed for the low installed base, but no similar excuse exists for the 360.

    Shame if the 54,000 figure is true.
  11. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    On the up side, as long as integrating online wasn't too too expensive, or that Microsoft "lent a hand" so to speak, a port isn't that expensive to make. Relatively speaking of course.
  12. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    One possible reason VF didn't sell well. People bought PS3 version instead in some cases?

    Sega can also port VF 360 to Europe and Japan to add to sales...

    So even if US sales end up at around 80,000, they can end up with a profit.

    Only thing we can do is pester Sega to keep releasing stuff, and promote it in the competitive scene. There's no excuse not to be holding tournies at some of the places listed at SRK.com.

    I intend to do it for Greensboro area when I can get access to a 2nd stick.
  13. Onslaught

    Onslaught Well-Known Member

    VF5 has to compete with Halo 3, Assassins Creed, Guitar hero, SD vs RAW, Naruto, upcoming Mass Effect, etc. . . on PS3 there weren't any games to compete with. And really these 2 weeks sales are NOT poor factoring everything in.
  14. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    This might bode well for long-term purchases.

    Word of mouth will also help with longevity.
  15. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    That is the reason right there. Don't forget Call Of Duty 4 and Orange Box as well.

    There are so many games on demand right now. If VF5 came out a month before Halo 3 it would've sold better.
  16. DeathCom

    DeathCom Well-Known Member

    IMO 54K is a really low number for a high profile game with superb reviews. But there are a lot of reasons, many already listed. Id agree with:

    - Lots of competition on the 360 right now.
    - The hardcore already bought the PS3 version and are pissed / waiting on some sort of PS3 update announcement or the home release of VF5 Evo (I fit in there)

    But Ill add:
    - The 360 is not a known fighting platform. The FPS fans see VF and more or less just dont want to bother.
    - VF still is just not a 'cool' fighting game in the US. It still lacks the edge Tekken has. MK works on this premise too and sells better regarldess its not even comparable from a gameplay standpoint.

    I only hope this low performance doesn't axe any plans to bring home the Evo update planned down the road in some form.

  17. yoomazir

    yoomazir Well-Known Member

    Wonder how VF5 did sell in Europe.
  18. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Doesn't matter how you slice it. 54,000 is pretty poor. Trust me, Sega will be disappointed with those figures. However releasing a game that doesn't generally sell well in this period was a disaster waiting to happen. How is the advertising there for VF5? Non-Existent I take it?

    I'm really annoyed it hasn't even made 100k /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  19. RobynLiquorstorz

    RobynLiquorstorz Well-Known Member

    yaknow, i prefer the ps3 as well, but what does a post like that really add?
  20. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    Insulting other system users is totally unnecessary. PS3 doesn't have that many fighting games either. It would be a lot dumber to have paid 500+ bucks to have a selection of 4 decent games.

    ..and rednecks? Gimme a break.

    Fighting games haven't been selling all that well in the States period. Console has little to do with it. VF just doesn't seem to market itself well to the average gamer in the States. Doesn't help that most US casual fighting game players are too lazy to learn VF(or find the info in places like these) either.

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